also note the winner gets $5000 and a Panasonic treat.
A goalie making saves like that wouldn't get out of bed for that much now.
also i like how the goalie has to clear the pucks???
Now in a shootout they send the zambonie out to re-clear the ice on occasion.
Different game
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
201st post... good comedy Snow in Vancouver.
I was reading in the news today that some guy did some major damage to his house trying to clear the snow off his wooden deck with a flame thrower. Which was oddly an idea i had just the other day... well substitute wood house with intersection at Glen and 10th. As i thought through my plan i did think of the paint jobs on the cars nearby. The few people i told my plan to laughed at me... none the less it was Keith who came out and said "OK you have finally guilted me into it" and I who shoveled the street. Some people scoffed and said "our tax dollars should do that"... i said "spend my portion on more trees, or community programs". I mean i have the 3 young kids at home for days getting restless and needing an adventure... we were getting out for sure!
Later when i was shoveling out the drains on the street somebody did call me "the street hero". to me it was fun, "man versus nature" is always better than "man bitching to man about nature or the city services"... save that shit for the CBC news comments.
Later when i was shoveling out the drains on the street somebody did call me "the street hero". to me it was fun, "man versus nature" is always better than "man bitching to man about nature or the city services"... save that shit for the CBC news comments.
Friday, December 26, 2008
200 blogaroo's
i guess this would be the 200th post on the super robertson chronicles II. Wonder how many there were in the Super Robertson Chronicles... that old Dreamweaver site doesn't have a counter on it so it would be a dog of a job. I guess 200 is some sort of a milestone... you know how computers can correct grammar and all (not in this case)... well i was just thinking as i often do when i'm in mid blogaroo... well first i was thinking that it is a bit hot in this here kitchen , so i opened the window. Where was i... oh yea 3 dots and then a new random thought. OK so what if a computer could read a blogaroo and then judge it and then further classify it on some sort of scale and then give the Blogger some form of constructive breakdown in their statistics.
would computers judge art better than humans or is the mere question irrelevant on the basis of judging art and also insinuating the the Super Robertson Chronicles series is in fact art? For the record i don't think it is art... i think its a record of thoughts some of them misguided but yet present and dated.
I just went back to check my response to september 11, 2001... it hurts too much to think about that event that provoked a reaction that took our continent on the absolute wrong path. As they say hindsight is 20/20, but foresight shouldn't be blind... i remember thinking for a few days "this could have a silver lining" perhaps we will move away from oil dependence, and then Jim from work looked at me like i was an alien... "he's not going to do that, he is an oil man"... now i'm in a fowl fucking mood.
I actually feel like i should be able to sue the world leaders for causing me undue stress for the fool policies i have had to witness being implemented, which means of course the bad sales job on the public... and then the failure of the policy while all of the common sense sayers are villanized... and then the "who could have known" B.S. years later after all the money is gone. luckily for them there is a whole generation of trained consumers waiting to "buy Now"
man am i ever furious now... better listen to CBC radio 3 and try to calm down a bit.
oh yea i found out that it was September 17 2001 when i had that dream that became the song On frozen Pond
"September 17, 2001
Had a song dream today, the rare and illusive song dream, to remember and capture is next to impossible. But hey and old pro like super robertson doesn't wake for nothing...." Edmonton it's the same as its ever been and I hope the pond will freeze over" It was this reoccurring birthday song lead by some folky woman strumming a clock like an autoharp. We must have sang it 3 separate times... everybody sang in unison except on the third time she was early and i couldn't quite understand why .... then i woke up ..... it was a little boy's birthday and the song seemed to celebrate outdoor ice hockey rather than a birthday, but we all innately knew the lyrics. The only other noteworthy thing i can recall is that i became more of an observer, and my perspective moved gradually to the back of the room."
I have this other blog now called S Robertson's man parenting column, it would be about my experience as a dad of 3 little girls. When i write in that blog which i haven't lately i am more careful about what i write... to me the chronicles will all be about learning to articulate things. i do have this weird fear about writing about my kids as it is not their choice... if i make an ass of myself the it's just another day... but they still have a chance, a clean slate, a chance to make something of their own.
think ill go back to the party next door as the kids seem to be sleeping now
would computers judge art better than humans or is the mere question irrelevant on the basis of judging art and also insinuating the the Super Robertson Chronicles series is in fact art? For the record i don't think it is art... i think its a record of thoughts some of them misguided but yet present and dated.
I just went back to check my response to september 11, 2001... it hurts too much to think about that event that provoked a reaction that took our continent on the absolute wrong path. As they say hindsight is 20/20, but foresight shouldn't be blind... i remember thinking for a few days "this could have a silver lining" perhaps we will move away from oil dependence, and then Jim from work looked at me like i was an alien... "he's not going to do that, he is an oil man"... now i'm in a fowl fucking mood.
I actually feel like i should be able to sue the world leaders for causing me undue stress for the fool policies i have had to witness being implemented, which means of course the bad sales job on the public... and then the failure of the policy while all of the common sense sayers are villanized... and then the "who could have known" B.S. years later after all the money is gone. luckily for them there is a whole generation of trained consumers waiting to "buy Now"
man am i ever furious now... better listen to CBC radio 3 and try to calm down a bit.
oh yea i found out that it was September 17 2001 when i had that dream that became the song On frozen Pond
"September 17, 2001
Had a song dream today, the rare and illusive song dream, to remember and capture is next to impossible. But hey and old pro like super robertson doesn't wake for nothing...." Edmonton it's the same as its ever been and I hope the pond will freeze over" It was this reoccurring birthday song lead by some folky woman strumming a clock like an autoharp. We must have sang it 3 separate times... everybody sang in unison except on the third time she was early and i couldn't quite understand why .... then i woke up ..... it was a little boy's birthday and the song seemed to celebrate outdoor ice hockey rather than a birthday, but we all innately knew the lyrics. The only other noteworthy thing i can recall is that i became more of an observer, and my perspective moved gradually to the back of the room."
I have this other blog now called S Robertson's man parenting column, it would be about my experience as a dad of 3 little girls. When i write in that blog which i haven't lately i am more careful about what i write... to me the chronicles will all be about learning to articulate things. i do have this weird fear about writing about my kids as it is not their choice... if i make an ass of myself the it's just another day... but they still have a chance, a clean slate, a chance to make something of their own.
think ill go back to the party next door as the kids seem to be sleeping now
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
He's the famous Mailman on our street
On his porch he's creaming his feet
and the famous Blogger on the net
losing his temper wouldn't you bet
remains a mystery
to the people who see
and he plays for free
just like the famous actor on TV
things aren't what they seem to be
and the famous birdman on the wall
done by Gforce et al
remains a mystery
to the people who see
and he plays for free
Famous person
Famous Person
Famous Person
Pull the curtain
On his porch he's creaming his feet
and the famous Blogger on the net
losing his temper wouldn't you bet
remains a mystery
to the people who see
and he plays for free
just like the famous actor on TV
things aren't what they seem to be
and the famous birdman on the wall
done by Gforce et al
remains a mystery
to the people who see
and he plays for free
Famous person
Famous Person
Famous Person
Pull the curtain
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
bitch and you shall recieve
or i guess it could be that you should watch what you write because people will see even though you thought nobody was listening... that's OK this whole thing is a science experiment right. kind of makes me wonder though some guy in Vernon is being sued for defamation for saying shit to a private investigator who was leading him to say that stuff NEWS STORY HERE. So the question becomes how does "the leech and gold medal spam champion" sit with respect to that nonsense. Clearly i could never run for public office now that you start thinking about the bigger picture here... well it got me off the email list.. or so they say... i imagine it did as i received what should be my last email from the company Sonicbids. Who knows perhaps it is a good company for some people... it is quite possible that my music sucks turtle cocks and hence is rendered useless...
Perhaps when you think about the history of things it will probably be sometime in the future that the only way to get a gig will be through that company and there will be a little pile of text beside my name... just like that time the phone company screwed me when we moved houses and i talked to the lady and said i am closing the bank account where you withdraw my internet account so can you put it on my phone bill (as it is the same company)... Oh sure Mr Robertson... and you are going to high speed... then you get 3 months free... OK... Later phone bill... no internet charge.. me thinking (stupidly) perhaps this is my first free month... a few months later i get billed for 3 months and 3 bounced payments (at $40 per payment) because my account was closed... so the phone conversation happened and the women pulled out a letter that i had written the company after i had spent a week trying to configure my email account on their website that was FUCKING BROKEN!!! ( TELUS TELUS TELUS) <--- what i did there that was funny
anyhoo... now we know how to get off an email list.
Thanks Sonicbids you are alright
Perhaps when you think about the history of things it will probably be sometime in the future that the only way to get a gig will be through that company and there will be a little pile of text beside my name... just like that time the phone company screwed me when we moved houses and i talked to the lady and said i am closing the bank account where you withdraw my internet account so can you put it on my phone bill (as it is the same company)... Oh sure Mr Robertson... and you are going to high speed... then you get 3 months free... OK... Later phone bill... no internet charge.. me thinking (stupidly) perhaps this is my first free month... a few months later i get billed for 3 months and 3 bounced payments (at $40 per payment) because my account was closed... so the phone conversation happened and the women pulled out a letter that i had written the company after i had spent a week trying to configure my email account on their website that was FUCKING BROKEN!!! ( TELUS TELUS TELUS) <--- what i did there that was funny
anyhoo... now we know how to get off an email list.
Thanks Sonicbids you are alright
Monday, December 01, 2008
well i guess i have to write something
so much to say... who am i talking to? and why?
Just got an email and it wasn't from SONICBIDS, the leech and gold medal spam champion.
Don't know i you have ever tried to get your band gigs, but if you have you know discouragement that leads into desperation, which is where a company like sonicbids takes advantage. Hey it's a great idea and i wish it was my company. Essentially they make it easy for you to apply for "opportunities" that cost you from $5-$30 on average per application. Basically you have an electronic press kit that remains active so long as you pay the monthly fee... which is comparable to a website monthly fee.
The dead giveaway is the fact that you get 3-4 emails per day letting you know about the exciting opportunities in your area and across the globe. there is a simple note on the end of the email on how to unsubscribe, but unsubscribing is essentially impossible.
Anyhoo they did get a bunch of my money but that was a while ago.
The email was for a show by the great outdoors on December 6. I like that band so i can take an email on that.
Just got an email and it wasn't from SONICBIDS, the leech and gold medal spam champion.
Don't know i you have ever tried to get your band gigs, but if you have you know discouragement that leads into desperation, which is where a company like sonicbids takes advantage. Hey it's a great idea and i wish it was my company. Essentially they make it easy for you to apply for "opportunities" that cost you from $5-$30 on average per application. Basically you have an electronic press kit that remains active so long as you pay the monthly fee... which is comparable to a website monthly fee.
The dead giveaway is the fact that you get 3-4 emails per day letting you know about the exciting opportunities in your area and across the globe. there is a simple note on the end of the email on how to unsubscribe, but unsubscribing is essentially impossible.
Anyhoo they did get a bunch of my money but that was a while ago.
The email was for a show by the great outdoors on December 6. I like that band so i can take an email on that.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Nov 20 @ the Railway Club
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Goat has always been a favourite word of mine, used in so many phrases like... "could you pass me another curie goat roti", or "What the fuck is GOAT doing out there on the ice in the dying minutes of a tie game".
Later when Goat was very unhappy about his name, even though he weighed 110 lbs and couldn't skate and had a very suspect understanding of the game of hockey despite the fact that he fancied himself a huge fan of the game... you get the picture, he was the goat. Anyway it was late one night an he was lobbying to have his nickname changed, which is a very dangerous game when you are dealing with a smart team of 2 vicious assholes. his point was that he was a finicky eater so he should be called the CAT... because after all Cats are known to be finicky eaters.
i remember it like this:
Goat- "so i should be called CAT"
RDB- "cat... kit kat"
SR- "Rowntree"
RDB- "Lowney"
Everybody loved the Lowney Goat handle and it stuck like none other.
It was a CBC story that gave me the inspiration for the words to the song Disappear... can't find the story now but the idea was that when the alpha predator (the wolf) is gone from a region you see an explosion in the deer population and then all the deer eat all of the sapling trees so trees essentially stop growing and then there are no trees which then puts stress on the songbird population.
The latest story i am kind of loving is this here one about GOATS. you can tell by the comments that it is a bit too much for some of the more "cultured" individuals of our fine society. I really think that these are the kinds of solutions we need... the only real problem is the goat shit but seeing as my neighbour's dog makes a habit of shitting on my lawn it would be better to have something that would taste good putting on the pounds eating the weeds. Another problem might be the temptation to Cougars. the Cougars would be lured into town for some easy prey and any confrontation between a wild animal and a Man's property always ends up in the loss column for the wild animal.
But this idea of using nature... i believe it is called Symbiosis to help us live better and free of noxious chemicals or gas powered noise machines is a good one. Like that crazy idea of using trees to absorb the sun's energy and hence cooling the earth, or that old fashioned concept of letting insects live so they can pollinate the plants that give us masters food.
Disappear from the original SUPERSIMIAN release.
Later when Goat was very unhappy about his name, even though he weighed 110 lbs and couldn't skate and had a very suspect understanding of the game of hockey despite the fact that he fancied himself a huge fan of the game... you get the picture, he was the goat. Anyway it was late one night an he was lobbying to have his nickname changed, which is a very dangerous game when you are dealing with a smart team of 2 vicious assholes. his point was that he was a finicky eater so he should be called the CAT... because after all Cats are known to be finicky eaters.
i remember it like this:
Goat- "so i should be called CAT"
RDB- "cat... kit kat"
SR- "Rowntree"
RDB- "Lowney"
Everybody loved the Lowney Goat handle and it stuck like none other.
It was a CBC story that gave me the inspiration for the words to the song Disappear... can't find the story now but the idea was that when the alpha predator (the wolf) is gone from a region you see an explosion in the deer population and then all the deer eat all of the sapling trees so trees essentially stop growing and then there are no trees which then puts stress on the songbird population.
The latest story i am kind of loving is this here one about GOATS. you can tell by the comments that it is a bit too much for some of the more "cultured" individuals of our fine society. I really think that these are the kinds of solutions we need... the only real problem is the goat shit but seeing as my neighbour's dog makes a habit of shitting on my lawn it would be better to have something that would taste good putting on the pounds eating the weeds. Another problem might be the temptation to Cougars. the Cougars would be lured into town for some easy prey and any confrontation between a wild animal and a Man's property always ends up in the loss column for the wild animal.
But this idea of using nature... i believe it is called Symbiosis to help us live better and free of noxious chemicals or gas powered noise machines is a good one. Like that crazy idea of using trees to absorb the sun's energy and hence cooling the earth, or that old fashioned concept of letting insects live so they can pollinate the plants that give us masters food.
Disappear from the original SUPERSIMIAN release.
Monday, October 27, 2008
not to get all negative again
I guess it is natural to hate yourself for what you did or didn't do if you are a self respecting perfectionist. Now calling me a perfectionist would be a far cry from the truth but in this particular case i think i deserve a Hammerhead award. I ended up getting interviewed today by the CBC live on air. The theme of the show was patience... i had plenty of time to think about my angles... perhaps too much time because i had it all figured and even had a few points written down... but the truth is i was like a god damn clucking chicken. It has been a long time since i have felt "stage freight" (i feel "stage shame" all the time). They knew i had young twin girls and a 4 year old... talking about patience should have been a slam dunk... all i had to do was to relive the events of last Friday when i was home alone with 3 sick kids for the day... but no, Robertson chokes like a victim in a horror movie an then tries to make a point about the virtue of impatience failing to connect the dots on how impatience can be a driving force in getting things done... next thing you know I'm talking about gardening.
I think next time this happens i need them to call Willingdon Black or i need somebody standing beside me with a taser ready to give me a little shot when i start losing my fucking mind.
I wonder if the batteries in a standard taser would last a 10 minute SR interview.
In the end I'm sure it's all good.. cant be worse than that time I __________.
I think next time this happens i need them to call Willingdon Black or i need somebody standing beside me with a taser ready to give me a little shot when i start losing my fucking mind.
I wonder if the batteries in a standard taser would last a 10 minute SR interview.
In the end I'm sure it's all good.. cant be worse than that time I __________.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm afraid this might become a night of bad bitching

I'm sorry, truly unbelievable... that is like Bugs Bunny talking Yo Samity Sam into taking another beating in a trap that Yo Samity Sam set himself (remember the exploding piano).
This one works too...
Speaking of American Politics... who would have thought that "Batman" would foreshadow 2008 all those years ago.
Now lets shift over to Hockey, in particular, my favourite show CBC's Hockey Night in Canada.
As we all know there is an new "anthem" for Hockey night in Canada and with that comes some sore losers like this guy... who specifically asks to send this to everybody in the world.
"....I've just heard them. I've just heard all of the five semifinalist's hockey songs.
And they ALL...SUCK!! I've been jobbed by some useless dude named Bob Rock.
But am I bitter? Hell no. "F" you...Bob Rock. CBC has done it again. CBC sucks too.
My song was...and is...the Best. Thank you CBC...for ruining my life.
Yours truly, Lloyd H. Manuel
PS: Please FORWARD this to everyone in the World."
Poor Lloyd... at this point we can only hope that he is fictional. If you are real old buddy don't feel too bad because your in the Super Robertson Chronicles... a place where rage gets the better of one's judgement from time to time. I mean surly your life can't be ruined by the CBC... If they had just paid the 3 million for the old song then you never would have had the chance old Lloyd boy.
I think the real error that CBC has made (and i think the song chosen will be fine) is hiring Mike Milbury, who just wrote a piece called The Vancouver Canucks: Contenders or Pretenders
... in the first line of the article he actually has the gall to point out his article title is clever!
Good grief, as Charlie Brown would say... Mike Milbury could be the worst GM ever! He is a man with the ability to set an entire organization back for a decade. The man that traded Chara and the draft pick that became Jason Spezza for Yashin. He also traded Wade Redden, Eric Brewer, Bryan McCabe, Roberto Luongo, Olli Jokinen, Todd Bertuzzi, Raffi Torres, Taylor Pyatt and Tim Connolly among others. A well known mad man of a GM who is now paid by the CBC to write opinions on other GM's. As one Islander fan said "Mention his name to me and you get an eye twitch and my blood pressure rises to an uncomfortable level".
Not only that but they have inserted him into a segment with Kelly Hrudy and Ron Maclean. I'll admit that at first i didn't like Kelly Hrudy... he seemed too slick but after watching him for the last few years he has proven to be a man of keen insights and integrity. It almost seems like Milbury is there as the obnoxious "shoot from the hip", confrontational character that some yahoo decided might work for ratings... and i guess it might. Many of these sports shows have guys that don't see eye to eye and the viewer is treated to the spectacle of the annoyance. I mean, sure, it's hilarious when Don Cherry moves Ron Maclean's hand away from the imaginary line that says "this is your side and this is my side". Apparently 2 of the guy's on sportsnet hate each other (i don't have cable tv) but i know people who watch the show to see those guys fight.
A friend of mine who got into Hockey a few years back credits Hrudy for teaching him things about the game... and that was one of the advantages CBC use to have... that and the song.
I guess i should add that i think Marc Crawford is a good addition to the CBC hockey Night in Canada Staff.

I'm sorry, truly unbelievable... that is like Bugs Bunny talking Yo Samity Sam into taking another beating in a trap that Yo Samity Sam set himself (remember the exploding piano).
This one works too...
Speaking of American Politics... who would have thought that "Batman" would foreshadow 2008 all those years ago.
Now lets shift over to Hockey, in particular, my favourite show CBC's Hockey Night in Canada.
As we all know there is an new "anthem" for Hockey night in Canada and with that comes some sore losers like this guy... who specifically asks to send this to everybody in the world.
"....I've just heard them. I've just heard all of the five semifinalist's hockey songs.
And they ALL...SUCK!! I've been jobbed by some useless dude named Bob Rock.
But am I bitter? Hell no. "F" you...Bob Rock. CBC has done it again. CBC sucks too.
My song was...and is...the Best. Thank you CBC...for ruining my life.
Yours truly, Lloyd H. Manuel
PS: Please FORWARD this to everyone in the World."
Poor Lloyd... at this point we can only hope that he is fictional. If you are real old buddy don't feel too bad because your in the Super Robertson Chronicles... a place where rage gets the better of one's judgement from time to time. I mean surly your life can't be ruined by the CBC... If they had just paid the 3 million for the old song then you never would have had the chance old Lloyd boy.
I think the real error that CBC has made (and i think the song chosen will be fine) is hiring Mike Milbury, who just wrote a piece called The Vancouver Canucks: Contenders or Pretenders
... in the first line of the article he actually has the gall to point out his article title is clever!
Good grief, as Charlie Brown would say... Mike Milbury could be the worst GM ever! He is a man with the ability to set an entire organization back for a decade. The man that traded Chara and the draft pick that became Jason Spezza for Yashin. He also traded Wade Redden, Eric Brewer, Bryan McCabe, Roberto Luongo, Olli Jokinen, Todd Bertuzzi, Raffi Torres, Taylor Pyatt and Tim Connolly among others. A well known mad man of a GM who is now paid by the CBC to write opinions on other GM's. As one Islander fan said "Mention his name to me and you get an eye twitch and my blood pressure rises to an uncomfortable level".
Not only that but they have inserted him into a segment with Kelly Hrudy and Ron Maclean. I'll admit that at first i didn't like Kelly Hrudy... he seemed too slick but after watching him for the last few years he has proven to be a man of keen insights and integrity. It almost seems like Milbury is there as the obnoxious "shoot from the hip", confrontational character that some yahoo decided might work for ratings... and i guess it might. Many of these sports shows have guys that don't see eye to eye and the viewer is treated to the spectacle of the annoyance. I mean, sure, it's hilarious when Don Cherry moves Ron Maclean's hand away from the imaginary line that says "this is your side and this is my side". Apparently 2 of the guy's on sportsnet hate each other (i don't have cable tv) but i know people who watch the show to see those guys fight.
A friend of mine who got into Hockey a few years back credits Hrudy for teaching him things about the game... and that was one of the advantages CBC use to have... that and the song.
I guess i should add that i think Marc Crawford is a good addition to the CBC hockey Night in Canada Staff.
Friday, October 17, 2008
I finally got to see Def Leppard's idiot singer Joe Elliot put the Stanley cup upside down. it was on and the video was about how Chris Chellios was not too impressed with that kind of deliberate insult. He wanted to make sure that people knew that it was not a Detroit Red Wings event but rather an NHL event.
too bad it didn't go like this...
Joe Elliot goes and puts the Stanley Cup upside down on a hockey net and then Bob Probert with a Red Wings Classic Jearsy comes on stage and begins laying a series of haymakers on old Joe's head until it is a mess of red. Then a giant Gatorade bottle rolls on stage crushing the rest of the band and bursting open the members of the tragically hip would start in with "fifty mission cap".
too bad it didn't go like this...
Joe Elliot goes and puts the Stanley Cup upside down on a hockey net and then Bob Probert with a Red Wings Classic Jearsy comes on stage and begins laying a series of haymakers on old Joe's head until it is a mess of red. Then a giant Gatorade bottle rolls on stage crushing the rest of the band and bursting open the members of the tragically hip would start in with "fifty mission cap".
Thursday, October 02, 2008
be rightous in your wrongness
I had this idea an i think it has merit.
It's how the global warming deniers dominated for years and still remain to this day.
I just hate selling... the idea enrages me.
smart people should make their own decisions based on rational needs and contained desires. That's the way it has to be... perhaps it would be better to be a debt ridden mindless consumer, perhaps you probably wouldn't care, and so there wouldn't be the constant disappointment. Maybe there is another culture on earth... but still the earth has a limited biosphere so once you know we are fucked can you ever lose that. Perhaps i need to volunteer somewhere and make a difference and see that difference and then begin to believe in some change some where.
i went to the park with the twins the other day and it reeked like solvents. they happened to be working on an OLYMPIC ice rink at trout lake park... you know the one where they spent all of the citizens money on the Olympic rink and now there is no money left for the community center and the perfectly good rink that was there before has been closed for 2 years so there is no local hockey or skating for the community. Another interesting point now that i am frothing into another patented rage. The new UBC rink is open and i talked to a guy who was offered a chance to play some drop in FOR $28. 28 bucks to play hockey... usually it is 15 bucks per person. Do i smell a rat... if that is the case WHO THE FUCK CAN USE THE FACILITY? to be honest i'm not too sure what the whole deal is but neither of us had ever heard of 28 dollar drop in hockey before.
What about the Mount Pleasant Community center in Vancouver? They are building a NEW ONE on a triangular piece of property by one of the more insane intersections in Vancouver... the building is mostly apartments but there is a small area for a community center (also a library and a child care center with a 5 year wait list... better get on it now in case you meet that special someone and have a child in the future)... no pool of course... wouldn't want that for a community.
Apparently they are going to tear down the old building and just go with "green space"... unless the plan gets altered of course.
Why tear down the building? first answer i'm sure starts with "can't afford". It's a great big building with a few gymnasiums with old school hardwood floors and all... surly we the community could use that space.
why is Kaiya crying.. i need sleep
It's how the global warming deniers dominated for years and still remain to this day.
I just hate selling... the idea enrages me.
smart people should make their own decisions based on rational needs and contained desires. That's the way it has to be... perhaps it would be better to be a debt ridden mindless consumer, perhaps you probably wouldn't care, and so there wouldn't be the constant disappointment. Maybe there is another culture on earth... but still the earth has a limited biosphere so once you know we are fucked can you ever lose that. Perhaps i need to volunteer somewhere and make a difference and see that difference and then begin to believe in some change some where.
i went to the park with the twins the other day and it reeked like solvents. they happened to be working on an OLYMPIC ice rink at trout lake park... you know the one where they spent all of the citizens money on the Olympic rink and now there is no money left for the community center and the perfectly good rink that was there before has been closed for 2 years so there is no local hockey or skating for the community. Another interesting point now that i am frothing into another patented rage. The new UBC rink is open and i talked to a guy who was offered a chance to play some drop in FOR $28. 28 bucks to play hockey... usually it is 15 bucks per person. Do i smell a rat... if that is the case WHO THE FUCK CAN USE THE FACILITY? to be honest i'm not too sure what the whole deal is but neither of us had ever heard of 28 dollar drop in hockey before.
What about the Mount Pleasant Community center in Vancouver? They are building a NEW ONE on a triangular piece of property by one of the more insane intersections in Vancouver... the building is mostly apartments but there is a small area for a community center (also a library and a child care center with a 5 year wait list... better get on it now in case you meet that special someone and have a child in the future)... no pool of course... wouldn't want that for a community.
Apparently they are going to tear down the old building and just go with "green space"... unless the plan gets altered of course.
Why tear down the building? first answer i'm sure starts with "can't afford". It's a great big building with a few gymnasiums with old school hardwood floors and all... surly we the community could use that space.
why is Kaiya crying.. i need sleep
Sunday, September 21, 2008
one more thing
I thought i should go on record on my thoughts on the Toronto Maple leafs this year as the pre season opens tomorrow.
I really like the way the new coach (Ron Wilson) is talking. I hope to see a departure in the poor defensive play that has been part of the Leafs culture for as long as i have been alive.
Talking about goalie workloads he mentioned that in San Jose last year the team gave up 23 shots on net per game and then noted that the Toronto goalie faced significantly more.
this is the kind of logic i like to hear rather than the old "we are going to be tough to play against with our aggressive work ethic"... and of course to motivate that work ethic we have signed many players to lucrative long term deals with no trade clauses.
said one leafs fan to the other "you never know"
and the reply was "yea you know... it the Leafs"
might this be the end of the classic "leaf collapse" (where they play good for a period and a half and then give up 4 goals in 3 minutes and never recover)
I really like the way the new coach (Ron Wilson) is talking. I hope to see a departure in the poor defensive play that has been part of the Leafs culture for as long as i have been alive.
Talking about goalie workloads he mentioned that in San Jose last year the team gave up 23 shots on net per game and then noted that the Toronto goalie faced significantly more.
this is the kind of logic i like to hear rather than the old "we are going to be tough to play against with our aggressive work ethic"... and of course to motivate that work ethic we have signed many players to lucrative long term deals with no trade clauses.
said one leafs fan to the other "you never know"
and the reply was "yea you know... it the Leafs"
might this be the end of the classic "leaf collapse" (where they play good for a period and a half and then give up 4 goals in 3 minutes and never recover)
speaking of shameless promotion
were we speaking of that?
oh right we don't speak.. i write and you shake your head at the stunning lack of grammar understanding i display.

This recording kicks some serious ass. i always view it as a disaster as the making of it punctured the first hole in the Roadbed armor. During the mixing of that album very strange things happened one being the saga that became "deep fried" and "deep fried reprise" which essentially ruined that song for me forever and left me with a bad lump somewhere.
Anyhoo, one of my favourtie local parents and i started talking music at the park while the kids played today until an upper body injury took out one of the kids. in the end i ended up sliding him a few Roadbed CD's... and then i got all paraniod so i took a listen.
Knockout hits is a fantastic CD, humorous, original, real and rocking.
My wife just came down and asked me what i was laughing at and it happened to be "territorial lynx" and the words to "Willingdon Junction".
I skipped Deep fried... hearing OK sung the wrong way still kills me.
Knockout Hits
actually fuck it... just listened to "Chimp on the ropes" and all the rage came back.
all copies of this CD should be destroyed... wow. no lyrics on the first chorus... i remember that one now... i think i am remembering the reasons i can't listen to this record. i end up in a series of why questions.
oh right we don't speak.. i write and you shake your head at the stunning lack of grammar understanding i display.

This recording kicks some serious ass. i always view it as a disaster as the making of it punctured the first hole in the Roadbed armor. During the mixing of that album very strange things happened one being the saga that became "deep fried" and "deep fried reprise" which essentially ruined that song for me forever and left me with a bad lump somewhere.
Anyhoo, one of my favourtie local parents and i started talking music at the park while the kids played today until an upper body injury took out one of the kids. in the end i ended up sliding him a few Roadbed CD's... and then i got all paraniod so i took a listen.
Knockout hits is a fantastic CD, humorous, original, real and rocking.
My wife just came down and asked me what i was laughing at and it happened to be "territorial lynx" and the words to "Willingdon Junction".
I skipped Deep fried... hearing OK sung the wrong way still kills me.
Knockout Hits
actually fuck it... just listened to "Chimp on the ropes" and all the rage came back.
all copies of this CD should be destroyed... wow. no lyrics on the first chorus... i remember that one now... i think i am remembering the reasons i can't listen to this record. i end up in a series of why questions.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
the economy
My main point in the song Mr Greenie is the whole idea about this nonsense we keep hearing about how the economy is so important.
If there was no more economy, would food not still grow on the earth? Would there be no air or water (of course poisoned by the byproducts of "the economy"). it's so weird people vote for people on the words "strong economy" and "low taxes"... how one could fall for that bull shit i don't quite know. Apparently if the economy is good we can work 80 hours a week and be just able to afford all of the new consumer products we need to keep our selves "in style" and "happy". One of my main goals in life is to go and live off the land and the grid.
Explain to me now how a government who is apparently all about a free market system, allows hype machines to make people believe bad loans are good loans all the while fleecing the average citizen, home deed owner and consumer. Then when the shit hits the fan as many smart people have been saying for years then the government covers the money that has now apparently disappeared with taxpayer money. So the government is not going to regulate it they are just going to cover the loss.
wouldn't the free market dictate that if that company made a bunch of dumb moves then they should pay the price. What is the price? Can the economy fail? Can you prop up a flawed giant... wont it fall sooner or later if it is really fucked.
Me, i don't really know much about economics. i know i don't like debt so i avoid it at all costs... i work hard and i do without, and as i do without i miss nothing of any significance. i know people who lost a lot on money on Nortel and some who lost on Bri-ex... i have long been predicting the end of this insane real estate climb. and i have feared for people who have no fear... the ones who don't care what it costs because it's the life they want. Does anybody really know what they want?
you think i would be a commune kind of guy with all of this talk, but a commune would never work for me because there would always be a few lazy jackasses who have no shortage of words to explain and re-explain their own predicaments that it would drive me to have an immediate and massive stroke.
I just shake my head that this economy, which is the root of the problem destroying the live ability of the planet (pollution, loss of bio-diversity, global warming...), is so important that after it fleeces the fools who drive it those people pay again to keep it going... and that's all cool.
we define insanity
Super Robertson for Prime Minister
I'll take this country back to the stone ages... back when a rock was a rock.
If there was no more economy, would food not still grow on the earth? Would there be no air or water (of course poisoned by the byproducts of "the economy"). it's so weird people vote for people on the words "strong economy" and "low taxes"... how one could fall for that bull shit i don't quite know. Apparently if the economy is good we can work 80 hours a week and be just able to afford all of the new consumer products we need to keep our selves "in style" and "happy". One of my main goals in life is to go and live off the land and the grid.
Explain to me now how a government who is apparently all about a free market system, allows hype machines to make people believe bad loans are good loans all the while fleecing the average citizen, home deed owner and consumer. Then when the shit hits the fan as many smart people have been saying for years then the government covers the money that has now apparently disappeared with taxpayer money. So the government is not going to regulate it they are just going to cover the loss.
wouldn't the free market dictate that if that company made a bunch of dumb moves then they should pay the price. What is the price? Can the economy fail? Can you prop up a flawed giant... wont it fall sooner or later if it is really fucked.
Me, i don't really know much about economics. i know i don't like debt so i avoid it at all costs... i work hard and i do without, and as i do without i miss nothing of any significance. i know people who lost a lot on money on Nortel and some who lost on Bri-ex... i have long been predicting the end of this insane real estate climb. and i have feared for people who have no fear... the ones who don't care what it costs because it's the life they want. Does anybody really know what they want?
you think i would be a commune kind of guy with all of this talk, but a commune would never work for me because there would always be a few lazy jackasses who have no shortage of words to explain and re-explain their own predicaments that it would drive me to have an immediate and massive stroke.
I just shake my head that this economy, which is the root of the problem destroying the live ability of the planet (pollution, loss of bio-diversity, global warming...), is so important that after it fleeces the fools who drive it those people pay again to keep it going... and that's all cool.
we define insanity
Super Robertson for Prime Minister
I'll take this country back to the stone ages... back when a rock was a rock.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Just going over a few of the more obvious things
I realise you are all in your homes thinking the same thing...
as they say in the years to come there will be wars over water, because water will be the most precious commodity on earth. they also talk about how northern locations will have a more temperate climate with this "Global warming" thing.
A place like northern Alberta could be very well suited for this "NEW GLOBAL ECONOMY" what with it's vast networks of freshwater lakes... unless of course all of those lakes became toxic holding tanks that need air cannons going off all the time just so that ducks don't land in them as they will face sure death if they were to land in that unsolvable environmental fiasco. If that happened one might hear some fool say "if only we had known" and "who would have ever predicted", and perhaps, "did we save any of that tar sands money or is it all gone".
It would cause a lot of financial hardship if they were to shut down the operations, but what is the future price? I guess the answer is who cares, we need new stuff now and people will be out of office drawing golden government pensions when that shit hits the fan.
Apparently the price of oil is down yet the price of gas is up... i just paid $1.47 a liter... I'm not complaining i think it is still way to cheap when you think about the actual cost.
as they say in the years to come there will be wars over water, because water will be the most precious commodity on earth. they also talk about how northern locations will have a more temperate climate with this "Global warming" thing.
A place like northern Alberta could be very well suited for this "NEW GLOBAL ECONOMY" what with it's vast networks of freshwater lakes... unless of course all of those lakes became toxic holding tanks that need air cannons going off all the time just so that ducks don't land in them as they will face sure death if they were to land in that unsolvable environmental fiasco. If that happened one might hear some fool say "if only we had known" and "who would have ever predicted", and perhaps, "did we save any of that tar sands money or is it all gone".
It would cause a lot of financial hardship if they were to shut down the operations, but what is the future price? I guess the answer is who cares, we need new stuff now and people will be out of office drawing golden government pensions when that shit hits the fan.
Apparently the price of oil is down yet the price of gas is up... i just paid $1.47 a liter... I'm not complaining i think it is still way to cheap when you think about the actual cost.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
wasn't i on some "how to" kick
It's always hard with these blogs reading backwards... if you know what i mean.
last time i believe i had my little head up my big ass and i was whining about having trouble booking shows in other Canadian cities. Just do it you chump.
I guess i got all of my stuff into the publicist so i all i have to do is pay him and people will know about this CD. And that is the real goal here... nothing, for me, is more frustrating than trying in vain to get your music heard. it's true that i am a horrible salesman, and i take that as a matter of pride. if you ask me a question i will do my best to give you the answer that is best for you. I just think that that is how people should be.
Let face it humans are insane. The only thing that matters is "money" and "the economy" and north americans are about to suffer through the spending of hundreds of millions of dollars to convince people to make last minute knee jerk reactions and vote for some fool. Imagine if all of that money could be put into some renewable energy project and all the candidates just had a web page with there philosophy and people could read and understand and make a consciences decision. i also believe that anybody who believes in the theory of "intelligent design" should be striped of their right to vote as they have proven that they are unable to think for themselves.
as humans we have to think like the beehive
Do bee's shit in their hive? Does one bee come in and give a dance to tell the hive the location of a prime field of sunflowers are and then another bee does a better dance and tells the bee's to fly in the other direction to en empty field with a few wilted lilies... but the field happens to be owned by a buddy of the fine dancing bee.
the bee's would sting the shit out of the liar bee don't you think.
Bee's don't have garbage day.
If we are to survive on this planet... and i doubt it, i think we will need to take lessons from organisms that live within their environments. the word freedom comes up but i think the freedom we need is free time... which apparently we have less and less of... so perhaps the economy is not the main dog that it is cracked up to be. i guess there are a few generations of humans out there who have been heavily programmed to spend and want.
you ever had a kid who started to walk and then had people tell you "now you have got problems". you should be allowed to sock people in the jaw for that kind of fool talk. One jackass parent told me the other day that now that their kid is mobile they can't control her. Have we all lost out fucking minds? Is the goal to raise capable competent thinking active and adventurous humans that have a sense of belief in themselves. god help them for the shithole disaster industrial wasteland of a planet that they will inherit. might not even bee any bees left by then
last time i believe i had my little head up my big ass and i was whining about having trouble booking shows in other Canadian cities. Just do it you chump.
I guess i got all of my stuff into the publicist so i all i have to do is pay him and people will know about this CD. And that is the real goal here... nothing, for me, is more frustrating than trying in vain to get your music heard. it's true that i am a horrible salesman, and i take that as a matter of pride. if you ask me a question i will do my best to give you the answer that is best for you. I just think that that is how people should be.
Let face it humans are insane. The only thing that matters is "money" and "the economy" and north americans are about to suffer through the spending of hundreds of millions of dollars to convince people to make last minute knee jerk reactions and vote for some fool. Imagine if all of that money could be put into some renewable energy project and all the candidates just had a web page with there philosophy and people could read and understand and make a consciences decision. i also believe that anybody who believes in the theory of "intelligent design" should be striped of their right to vote as they have proven that they are unable to think for themselves.
as humans we have to think like the beehive
Do bee's shit in their hive? Does one bee come in and give a dance to tell the hive the location of a prime field of sunflowers are and then another bee does a better dance and tells the bee's to fly in the other direction to en empty field with a few wilted lilies... but the field happens to be owned by a buddy of the fine dancing bee.
the bee's would sting the shit out of the liar bee don't you think.
Bee's don't have garbage day.
If we are to survive on this planet... and i doubt it, i think we will need to take lessons from organisms that live within their environments. the word freedom comes up but i think the freedom we need is free time... which apparently we have less and less of... so perhaps the economy is not the main dog that it is cracked up to be. i guess there are a few generations of humans out there who have been heavily programmed to spend and want.
you ever had a kid who started to walk and then had people tell you "now you have got problems". you should be allowed to sock people in the jaw for that kind of fool talk. One jackass parent told me the other day that now that their kid is mobile they can't control her. Have we all lost out fucking minds? Is the goal to raise capable competent thinking active and adventurous humans that have a sense of belief in themselves. god help them for the shithole disaster industrial wasteland of a planet that they will inherit. might not even bee any bees left by then
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
It's has been a bit of a rough period and i hold myself completely responsible for losing focus lately. I need a new list. Most of the stuff is done that was on the master list, but what i need is my own list to do things i can do to help make things appear, as sim might say "Bigger that they really are".
I have been trying to book a tour, with some success but now it has become a series of emails that may go somewhere but most likely will go nowhere. I think the real trick here is to hire somebody to book a tour for the band 21 Tandem Repeats because the work falls into the kind of fuckery that leaves me uninspired and to prone to being on the computer following silly political coverage which then remindes me how WAY OFF BASE the human way of life is with respect to maintaining a supply of clean life essentials.
I guess what i could do is to write some news stories on the 21 tandem Repeats, and canada Lynx Records websites. I should probably just stick to the raw facts or should i, just fore once, make up some elaborate story that has little relavance to to truth as it is defined in the Oxford dictionary?
Way's not to create a "stir"
1) get naked at the supper show
2) jump under peoples tables and force a puppet show on them
3) mentioning human sewage
Things to do for Robertson.
Feed and take care of twins and family
should write and not be on internet.
work on vocals
I have been trying to book a tour, with some success but now it has become a series of emails that may go somewhere but most likely will go nowhere. I think the real trick here is to hire somebody to book a tour for the band 21 Tandem Repeats because the work falls into the kind of fuckery that leaves me uninspired and to prone to being on the computer following silly political coverage which then remindes me how WAY OFF BASE the human way of life is with respect to maintaining a supply of clean life essentials.
I guess what i could do is to write some news stories on the 21 tandem Repeats, and canada Lynx Records websites. I should probably just stick to the raw facts or should i, just fore once, make up some elaborate story that has little relavance to to truth as it is defined in the Oxford dictionary?
Way's not to create a "stir"
1) get naked at the supper show
2) jump under peoples tables and force a puppet show on them
3) mentioning human sewage
Things to do for Robertson.
Feed and take care of twins and family
should write and not be on internet.
work on vocals
Friday, August 29, 2008
Was at the Gym tonight and CNN happened to be on the television and it was all the talk of John McCain's VP choice, Sarah Palin.
As far as women politicians go she is far more beautiful than you could ever hope for. Even i forgot for a moment that a senile rage prone war mongerer was standing beside her. I would call this pick an incredibly wise call... there are a few smart people running the world and they got that one right. She is for drilling for oil in the Alaska wildlife refuge, a completely insane and foolish position to have for the good of the earth... see global warming, if you believe in that... maybe GOD will come down one day and snap his fingers and clean up our mess... but i doubt it. It is a good political point to argue because either side could win given the gross ignorance of human voting populations. And She is inexperienced... the thing that they are trying to label the competition (Barack Obama)thus setting a "back-fire" trap. And you start thinking about that and you remember that you have spent a few minutes thinking about American Politics and you weren't wondering why certain members of the current administration are not in Jail serving multiple life sentences.
My point being you could argue her points and save John McCain from being exposed... after all he is an honourble guy who served his country.... yada yada.
Wasn't i to give a lecture about turning in your Band Bio on schedule?
I guess the bare bones are "just do it"... can i use that or does Nike one that phrase?
Excuses are a cancer to the cure. Probably the best advice would be to go and read the bio's of the success full bands in your genre and plagiarize. I Know that sounds negative but i remember reading a book about "how to write a hit song" and it basically said the same thing. I think the Music industry has it's waves and the idea is to be on your board paddling hard just before it breaks and then ride that fucker!
I didn't do that of course because for some reason it doesn't excite me. I turned in a bio and a one sheet... the bio is for the band and the one sheet is for the CD. I think the key thing is brevity.
What are these sheets of paper with words on them doing for you?
If you can get the CD into the hands of a person who has the power to expose your music to a larger audience (the ultimate goal of an artist... i would say) then the sheet of paper is there to intrigue that person into taking a listen.
That is why turning in a bag winded dog of a bio is pure suicide. If they want to know then they will ask and that is probably only if they listen to, and like your music... in which case the bio did it's job. A few strong points, or a quote to have within easy access so that if your song were to be played on the radio the dj could say "21 Tandem Repeats has been called one of the most important and successful bands in Vancouver and here is their latest hit "Robertson's Dream Orchard".
I owe the Mule a big thanks for being the Mule he is. Mule helps me look like less of an idiot than i am by reading over and "tweaking" things. I guess the real lesson there is "Be a good person and be forthright and honest and work hard and try to treat people right... that way when you need a bit of help it's not a big deal". By the way Mule i heard that A ghost to Kill again is playing next Thurdsay at the plaza... good chance A Ghost to Kill Again (a stellar 5 star band) won't get around to telling anybody.
so... Pick your day and get your bio's photographs, album cover JPegs in order. And what ever you do make sure your CD's will be pressed on time... you never know what will happen.
As far as women politicians go she is far more beautiful than you could ever hope for. Even i forgot for a moment that a senile rage prone war mongerer was standing beside her. I would call this pick an incredibly wise call... there are a few smart people running the world and they got that one right. She is for drilling for oil in the Alaska wildlife refuge, a completely insane and foolish position to have for the good of the earth... see global warming, if you believe in that... maybe GOD will come down one day and snap his fingers and clean up our mess... but i doubt it. It is a good political point to argue because either side could win given the gross ignorance of human voting populations. And She is inexperienced... the thing that they are trying to label the competition (Barack Obama)thus setting a "back-fire" trap. And you start thinking about that and you remember that you have spent a few minutes thinking about American Politics and you weren't wondering why certain members of the current administration are not in Jail serving multiple life sentences.
My point being you could argue her points and save John McCain from being exposed... after all he is an honourble guy who served his country.... yada yada.
Wasn't i to give a lecture about turning in your Band Bio on schedule?
I guess the bare bones are "just do it"... can i use that or does Nike one that phrase?
Excuses are a cancer to the cure. Probably the best advice would be to go and read the bio's of the success full bands in your genre and plagiarize. I Know that sounds negative but i remember reading a book about "how to write a hit song" and it basically said the same thing. I think the Music industry has it's waves and the idea is to be on your board paddling hard just before it breaks and then ride that fucker!
I didn't do that of course because for some reason it doesn't excite me. I turned in a bio and a one sheet... the bio is for the band and the one sheet is for the CD. I think the key thing is brevity.
What are these sheets of paper with words on them doing for you?
If you can get the CD into the hands of a person who has the power to expose your music to a larger audience (the ultimate goal of an artist... i would say) then the sheet of paper is there to intrigue that person into taking a listen.
That is why turning in a bag winded dog of a bio is pure suicide. If they want to know then they will ask and that is probably only if they listen to, and like your music... in which case the bio did it's job. A few strong points, or a quote to have within easy access so that if your song were to be played on the radio the dj could say "21 Tandem Repeats has been called one of the most important and successful bands in Vancouver and here is their latest hit "Robertson's Dream Orchard".
I owe the Mule a big thanks for being the Mule he is. Mule helps me look like less of an idiot than i am by reading over and "tweaking" things. I guess the real lesson there is "Be a good person and be forthright and honest and work hard and try to treat people right... that way when you need a bit of help it's not a big deal". By the way Mule i heard that A ghost to Kill again is playing next Thurdsay at the plaza... good chance A Ghost to Kill Again (a stellar 5 star band) won't get around to telling anybody.
so... Pick your day and get your bio's photographs, album cover JPegs in order. And what ever you do make sure your CD's will be pressed on time... you never know what will happen.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Super Robertson Chronicles started out as Robertson writing things so that there would be new things on the Roadbed website to lure people to come back to the site and expose those people with the band.
This is of course back in the day... and still to this day the Roadbed web site has no streaming audio... and there was no youtube... and i wasn't on the CD baby train either.
In fact the logic went that the site was so irrelevant for it's lack of audio... it being a band site that i sat in an office, in a "business meeting" knowing full well thet the people who were trying to sell me a "webservice" were borderline retarded and incompetent yet i still gave them several hundred dollars because i couldn't stand the problem being on me any longer.
All the cat's had sites and you could hear music. The CBC'c Newmusiccanada site and the CBC's ZED site were my main links but apparently some people had problems getting the stuff to play... I didn't.
What the hell... this anit going to be some corn fed walk down band website lane... leave that to a real writer.
What i was hoping to say before i felt the rich pull of that history is that i feel i should get back on track with the chronicling of the great "man in band vs world" conflict and perhaps i could give some advice on raising young girls from time to time.
I guess the problem is that a website chronicle reads backwards... and no you can't change it now... the line has been cast.
21 Tandem Repeats answers the bell and steps into the ring for round # 3. NO JUNK MAIL PLEASE is the CD's title “We chose this title so that we could include a sticker that, once applied to your mailbox, would cease the delivery of admail,” says front man Super Robertson.
come to think of it.. this is completely retarded. Wasn't the whole reason i was going to stop playing music a few years ago because of this inane bull shit.
Imagine being some fucking ass hole in a band talking about what kind of tea he is drinking while servicing his shit eating "web blog" trying to promote his band that highlight S. Robertson's poignant melodies with rustic orchestral accompaniments to assemble simply beautiful results.
Never underestimate the power of negativity. I think the real problem with negativity is the negative part... it turns people off and makes then feel "not good", and so they see nothing and they want to get away back to their own blanket of blindness.
A constant positive outlook is for suckers... unless you can afford to live away from humans without fighting mammals for berries and grubs.
all right I'll write the dog up.
81 days until we officially release the latest offering from Canada Lynx Records.
I am working with a professional publicist and that is a good amount of time to do it right. And since i have done i wrong for so many years, this may en up being a good resource for young fools like i was (and still am. it never would have worked for me though because i never would have read it... i would be too busy trying to put 1000 posters up all by myself to promote a show as if that herculean effort was in some way making a difference.
I think in the end it is about letting people know.. and that can be a very hard thing because when you are trying to "chum" somebody up you usually en up chumming too hard and showing your jack ass.
Next post: what you will need
due by saturday.
(always have deadlines and hold yourself to them... better to be somewhat there than nowhere)
This is of course back in the day... and still to this day the Roadbed web site has no streaming audio... and there was no youtube... and i wasn't on the CD baby train either.
In fact the logic went that the site was so irrelevant for it's lack of audio... it being a band site that i sat in an office, in a "business meeting" knowing full well thet the people who were trying to sell me a "webservice" were borderline retarded and incompetent yet i still gave them several hundred dollars because i couldn't stand the problem being on me any longer.
All the cat's had sites and you could hear music. The CBC'c Newmusiccanada site and the CBC's ZED site were my main links but apparently some people had problems getting the stuff to play... I didn't.
What the hell... this anit going to be some corn fed walk down band website lane... leave that to a real writer.
What i was hoping to say before i felt the rich pull of that history is that i feel i should get back on track with the chronicling of the great "man in band vs world" conflict and perhaps i could give some advice on raising young girls from time to time.
I guess the problem is that a website chronicle reads backwards... and no you can't change it now... the line has been cast.
21 Tandem Repeats answers the bell and steps into the ring for round # 3. NO JUNK MAIL PLEASE is the CD's title “We chose this title so that we could include a sticker that, once applied to your mailbox, would cease the delivery of admail,” says front man Super Robertson.
come to think of it.. this is completely retarded. Wasn't the whole reason i was going to stop playing music a few years ago because of this inane bull shit.
Imagine being some fucking ass hole in a band talking about what kind of tea he is drinking while servicing his shit eating "web blog" trying to promote his band that highlight S. Robertson's poignant melodies with rustic orchestral accompaniments to assemble simply beautiful results.
Never underestimate the power of negativity. I think the real problem with negativity is the negative part... it turns people off and makes then feel "not good", and so they see nothing and they want to get away back to their own blanket of blindness.
A constant positive outlook is for suckers... unless you can afford to live away from humans without fighting mammals for berries and grubs.
all right I'll write the dog up.
81 days until we officially release the latest offering from Canada Lynx Records.
I am working with a professional publicist and that is a good amount of time to do it right. And since i have done i wrong for so many years, this may en up being a good resource for young fools like i was (and still am. it never would have worked for me though because i never would have read it... i would be too busy trying to put 1000 posters up all by myself to promote a show as if that herculean effort was in some way making a difference.
I think in the end it is about letting people know.. and that can be a very hard thing because when you are trying to "chum" somebody up you usually en up chumming too hard and showing your jack ass.
Next post: what you will need
due by saturday.
(always have deadlines and hold yourself to them... better to be somewhat there than nowhere)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
we come from different places
and we are going in different directions
and i can be a bugger too
like, if you were a balloon, i could take a pin and pop you
sad sad swan song
long gone
i still feel the ilk of your presence
might i add... you fucking son of a bitch!
or would that be rude and give you a reason to get you back up
and start one of your completely insane dialogues that just goes on like a nightmare
let me sleep and don't wake me up anymore
and we are going in different directions
and i can be a bugger too
like, if you were a balloon, i could take a pin and pop you
sad sad swan song
long gone
i still feel the ilk of your presence
might i add... you fucking son of a bitch!
or would that be rude and give you a reason to get you back up
and start one of your completely insane dialogues that just goes on like a nightmare
let me sleep and don't wake me up anymore
Sunday, August 10, 2008
and the 4 year old girl high on juice is in her room at the cottage and decides that she will have anther glass of juice.. how will she sell it to her juice hating parents?
"Just a titch of juice, and then i will go to bed".. all the while holding up her fingers in a pinching manner as if to measure the amount she will have. "Yes, i will have a titch of juice, just a titch of juice and then i will go to bed" Her mother is in the kitchen and the small girl who is now absolutely confident in her plan to get another small serving of juice walks up to her holding up her fingers to show the volume and then again... "i will have a titch of juice, yes, just a titch of juice and then i will go to bed" The Mother looks down in disbelief... the child noticing she has the full attention of the mother reiterates ""just a titch of juice, i will have..." and then perhaps recognizes the incredulous look on her mothers face. Count about four steamboats and then you hear "OH, MILK, YES I would like a nice cold glass of Milk
Sooner or later we all turn into our fathers
I locked my wife out to the house the other day. She failed to see that it was actually a problem on her end... leaving the house without keys. Apparently standing on the front steps does not in some cultures mean that you have left the house. I was on my way to the gym when i got the call. I thought it was Rilcof a friend who i was to meet at the gym so i started in on one of my patented abuse to motivated talks... about three minutes into it i hear this familiar woman's voice "M.R you locked me out of the house". Later on that night AFTER THE BBQ and the beers and when the people had gone home i was outside putting a few things away and she slyly tried to lock me out saying do you have your key... Of course i do i said proudly and i appreciate you testing me like that... now do you want to go out and double check that the garage is locked or should i... it was me.
"Just a titch of juice, and then i will go to bed".. all the while holding up her fingers in a pinching manner as if to measure the amount she will have. "Yes, i will have a titch of juice, just a titch of juice and then i will go to bed" Her mother is in the kitchen and the small girl who is now absolutely confident in her plan to get another small serving of juice walks up to her holding up her fingers to show the volume and then again... "i will have a titch of juice, yes, just a titch of juice and then i will go to bed" The Mother looks down in disbelief... the child noticing she has the full attention of the mother reiterates ""just a titch of juice, i will have..." and then perhaps recognizes the incredulous look on her mothers face. Count about four steamboats and then you hear "OH, MILK, YES I would like a nice cold glass of Milk
Sooner or later we all turn into our fathers
I locked my wife out to the house the other day. She failed to see that it was actually a problem on her end... leaving the house without keys. Apparently standing on the front steps does not in some cultures mean that you have left the house. I was on my way to the gym when i got the call. I thought it was Rilcof a friend who i was to meet at the gym so i started in on one of my patented abuse to motivated talks... about three minutes into it i hear this familiar woman's voice "M.R you locked me out of the house". Later on that night AFTER THE BBQ and the beers and when the people had gone home i was outside putting a few things away and she slyly tried to lock me out saying do you have your key... Of course i do i said proudly and i appreciate you testing me like that... now do you want to go out and double check that the garage is locked or should i... it was me.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
culling poems for the supper show
came across this one from the original Chronicles
January 28, 2003
A notice from the strata counsel.. " a shady looking man in a very large suit and reeking badly was terrorizing guests at an Art opening at the Artworks Gallery.. The man spoke in a low broken voice.. And called himself a distinguished journalist... after several loud outbursts from visitors the man disappeared over the back balcony.. This man was using a video camera and filming Nudes by Robert Title.. Anybody with any information on who this man is please contact..."
January 28, 2003
A notice from the strata counsel.. " a shady looking man in a very large suit and reeking badly was terrorizing guests at an Art opening at the Artworks Gallery.. The man spoke in a low broken voice.. And called himself a distinguished journalist... after several loud outbursts from visitors the man disappeared over the back balcony.. This man was using a video camera and filming Nudes by Robert Title.. Anybody with any information on who this man is please contact..."
Saturday, July 12, 2008
i wonder why?
It was recently reported that the Department of Homeland Security has expressed interest in a "safety bracelet" for air travelers that would include personal information and would not only track the wearer but also be capable of remotely delivering a taser-like shock.
Friday, July 11, 2008
I play Music at 10:00 PM at the Greedy Pig (307 west Cordova) in Vancouver on Friday July 11... which i guess is today... i should go to bed.
I mention this mostly in an effort to do something that i don't quite understand.
and example:
There is a bartender at the club where i play a weekly gig who keeps asking me to bring in some of my CD's because he loves the music... and i keep forgetting to bring them in. WHY? Simple friend, because i am a bad business man. Apparently you have to let people know about things and then corner them and ram your product down their throat.
so to lessen my guilt that i place upon myself for being a bad business man and self-promoter i'll nip a last minute plug in this here blogaroo for this show... although there is no real reason to come to the show as i play for free every week and this dog will cost you 5 bones.
Another bad business move for thee old Robertson.
I mention this mostly in an effort to do something that i don't quite understand.
and example:
There is a bartender at the club where i play a weekly gig who keeps asking me to bring in some of my CD's because he loves the music... and i keep forgetting to bring them in. WHY? Simple friend, because i am a bad business man. Apparently you have to let people know about things and then corner them and ram your product down their throat.
so to lessen my guilt that i place upon myself for being a bad business man and self-promoter i'll nip a last minute plug in this here blogaroo for this show... although there is no real reason to come to the show as i play for free every week and this dog will cost you 5 bones.
Another bad business move for thee old Robertson.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
words not video
so i have been getting involved with a few "Blog Debates" using the "comments" as a posting board of some blogs. The good part about hockey blogs is that there is always lots of lunatic posters full of wild speculation that is completely outrageous in it's entirety.
The one thing you don't want to do, let me tell you, is to go posting on a feminist blog with that kind of rapport. If you were to say, using one example, try to say conclusively that you are right and anybody who See's it another way is a fool who deserves their incompetence... well then there may be a backlash.
my whole concept of "Blog being raw thought" is not a good one on many levels. it's like the blog always finds it's way back into negative, no use, bitching.
Must work to correct that
but a baby is up and this session is over
The one thing you don't want to do, let me tell you, is to go posting on a feminist blog with that kind of rapport. If you were to say, using one example, try to say conclusively that you are right and anybody who See's it another way is a fool who deserves their incompetence... well then there may be a backlash.
my whole concept of "Blog being raw thought" is not a good one on many levels. it's like the blog always finds it's way back into negative, no use, bitching.
Must work to correct that
but a baby is up and this session is over
Friday, July 04, 2008
i remember this one from the old childhood... who really needs TV anymore
And for some reason, the day after that one aired i ended up in front of my class re-enacting that one. i remember the "I have a list!" part, but i didn't full understand the comedy of that at the time. To me at the time it was just a way to get into the joke of somebody reading themselves as an endangered species, and not a clear barb at the distracting policies of political profiling.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
me.. i like meat
therefore i am a BBQ man, and a such i need propane. luckily i live close to a propane station... so close in fact that it is much easier for me to put my empty tank in a wheelbarrow and walk over to the station. I was so proud of myself having to avoid the rush hour traffic today to get my tank full. I laughed at all of those fools stuck in the congested intersection with their cars and me zipping by with my wheelbarrow. I even began to love my wheelbarrow, although i loved it before... you see i bought what i thought was a fine wheelbarrow. Sturdy steel construction, in a smaller size that fits the nooks and crannies of my yard. i got on that old buy good stuff and you will be happy sequence and even began a list of things that i have that i love. the wheelbarrow was on the list, and then i thought of my family, but then i thought i can't own people as items so i scratched them and then went on to work on the list. just then the wheel of my piece of shit wheelbarrow fell off and i found myself in south china creek park swearing my head off with a heavy quantity of non mobile shit. It was a quick fix, but a fine reminder to never tempt fate.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
So i took all my little girls down to the Jazz festival today... (as well tomorrow to see The Unsupervised free at Gastown @ 2:15PM). Little plug for the old king Younger, but The Unsupervised is a favourite group of mine. in Fact the band i saw today had the bass player Dave Chokroun playing. there were actually 2 bass players. Hailie was really digging it bouncing her arms up and down to the beat... Kaiya and Emily ate Toasted Oat O's and musk melon.
walking around with twins is a strange game... you get people coming up to you and asking if they are twins. you almost want to say something like "Jesus Christ you are like a genious... somebody better hire you fast, as you are obviously so quick... like i mean you deduced from the raw facts that these two children... the same size and look very much the same might be twins and then you used communication to re affirm your thesis". But that would be rude, and furthermore, they never wait for an answer they just reach in and try to touch them (with mixed results) and then proceed to tell you that you must be very busy and how incredibly hard it must be. And i thought we were doing pretty good, grooving to some free Jazz and munching some Toasted Oat O's.
which reminds me about how negative some people are about kids, often their kids, insinuating how their stlye is being cramped by the demands of their kids. i guess that is what a consumer should do however... your purpose is to consume and anything that gets in your way is the enemy. Mind you infant products is a merchandizer's paradise... you need the best for your kid of course... people may think you are a bad parent.
where the hell was i going with this here blogaroo?
i should go play music and get away from this time suck.
walking around with twins is a strange game... you get people coming up to you and asking if they are twins. you almost want to say something like "Jesus Christ you are like a genious... somebody better hire you fast, as you are obviously so quick... like i mean you deduced from the raw facts that these two children... the same size and look very much the same might be twins and then you used communication to re affirm your thesis". But that would be rude, and furthermore, they never wait for an answer they just reach in and try to touch them (with mixed results) and then proceed to tell you that you must be very busy and how incredibly hard it must be. And i thought we were doing pretty good, grooving to some free Jazz and munching some Toasted Oat O's.
which reminds me about how negative some people are about kids, often their kids, insinuating how their stlye is being cramped by the demands of their kids. i guess that is what a consumer should do however... your purpose is to consume and anything that gets in your way is the enemy. Mind you infant products is a merchandizer's paradise... you need the best for your kid of course... people may think you are a bad parent.
where the hell was i going with this here blogaroo?
i should go play music and get away from this time suck.
Friday, June 13, 2008
I remember

Earlier today, i thought that when i signed into or onto this old blog that i would just go mental in a tirade on what a shithole Translink is. You see i was out with the twins and i tried to take a bus... but the fucking ass hole bus driver wouldn't let me on because my stroller ( the smallest one made for twin babies) was WAY TOO LARGE. The next bus was too crowded and the one after had 2 large strollers on it. Yea yea... it reminded me of over bureaucratic unionized work. In some book there is a standard that gives some cruel and incompetent fool a chance to stand up for something and wave a rule in the face of 3 fine humans and scream off like some great villain victor. And here is me trying to sell transit on everybody i meet.
I have delivered Mail for 15 years and there are many rules i could follow that would allow me to not deliver about 30% of the mail... I could waive a rule in somebodies face and hold their mail. me... i find a way to get the mail out by making rational decisions.
Our societies ability to have citizens make rational decisions seems to be at an all time low.
and then i remembered the pie
I baked an apple pie today, and forgot about it.
Can you comprehend that?
Could you bake a pie and completely forget that.
i remember it now... I was in the kitchen the babies where in their room screaming their heads off, kaiya was in the front yard digging, and i was making dinner when i came across a surplus of apples that were aged nicely. thinking about a fruit run tomorrow i figured i better clear the stock so i made an apple pie.
The babies didn't want to sleep.. they wanted to hang with me and i think the pie got in the oven... but it was a bit over stuffed and some of the sweet juice dripped over and the oven smoked a bit (from the juice on the oven floor *** remember the drip pan)
and by then CT was home again and she unplugged the fire alarm (***better fix that now) that is hyper sensitive. Then i think i turned the pie off and left it in the oven.
I just had apple pie with a slice of fine aged cheddar cheese. Pro.
S Robertson
3 blogs
3 websites
a flicker account
a youtube account
4 CBCradio 3 band accounts
10 CD Baby pages
countless Music group sites
and at the bottom of the list we have
5 myspace accounts
1 facebook account
the final two you get because you think you have too to "network"...
i should go back to the pie
Monday, June 09, 2008
CTV buys the Hockey Night in Canada Theme Song
as the Man of house i was cleaning the floor when i hear that on the CBC show B.C. Almanac. Mark Forsythe was actually talking to a caller when that came in... hilarious.
being on the case i coud have been the first to comment on the story online but i had to fill out a profile and make a username... so i missed the boat having a high profile comment that could lobby for "on Frozen Pond" becoming the new anthem. It is all for naught.. there is a professional organizing a contest. A professional that apparently was on the FACTOR board for years when a record company he was involved with happened to receive generous FACTOR grants.
being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan i had to enjoy the article though and my comment was as follows
"Earlier in the day, CBC Sports said it planned to bring in noted sports and entertainment lawyer Gord Kirke as a last-ditch effort to bring about a mediated resolution."
just beautiful... comedy highlight of the day.
the same CTV that is doing the winter Olympics 2010. That should position them nicely to catch the attention of the consumers without them ever knowing it. They could bring back the old "Molson Golden" commercials... the tag line was "Smooth as Golden", except it could be "Smooth as Coors".
should do a reality show to find the new theme... nobody has ever done that before.
I think some self promoting huckster wrote a song called "On Frozen Pond". It might even be on CBCradio3.
being on the case i coud have been the first to comment on the story online but i had to fill out a profile and make a username... so i missed the boat having a high profile comment that could lobby for "on Frozen Pond" becoming the new anthem. It is all for naught.. there is a professional organizing a contest. A professional that apparently was on the FACTOR board for years when a record company he was involved with happened to receive generous FACTOR grants.
being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan i had to enjoy the article though and my comment was as follows
"Earlier in the day, CBC Sports said it planned to bring in noted sports and entertainment lawyer Gord Kirke as a last-ditch effort to bring about a mediated resolution."
just beautiful... comedy highlight of the day.
the same CTV that is doing the winter Olympics 2010. That should position them nicely to catch the attention of the consumers without them ever knowing it. They could bring back the old "Molson Golden" commercials... the tag line was "Smooth as Golden", except it could be "Smooth as Coors".
should do a reality show to find the new theme... nobody has ever done that before.
I think some self promoting huckster wrote a song called "On Frozen Pond". It might even be on CBCradio3.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Roadbed is a band i was a big part of that released 4 CD's earlier in this decade.
I got a email about the song "Bingo" which set me off on a Roadbed listening tangent.
There ain't no flies on ROADBED, a few things are wrong like the line in Gibbering Fool "you got to give your John Thomas" which should be "you got to give your John Henry". I remember trying to correct that one in the studio but there was a camp that believed john Thomas sounded good. feeling this urge to punch. Then there was Deep Fried where that idgit sang OK wrong.
Funny how the scars of a production session are always ready to rip back open.
All and all pretty mean stuff. Represented is a masterpiece, and i still love the promo line for it... "The physical CD itself was released without a cover... an ill fated move that can be best summed up with the idea that the point it barely made wasn't worth making in the first place". What can i say, I'm a sucker for the truth. A man in suit once told me not to judge a book by it's cover. I offered to adjust his tie.
Hearing the music of Roadbed again tonight is defiantly good for the soul. I use to dream of putting out a great CD. ROADBED spanked down 4 and managed to define an original sound with consistently smart lyrics.
i guess in all fairness i now love the song Kings Quest... which i thought sucked in the studio. A rock song about chess... inspired by a number of games of chess i had with a "super" computer... i lost them all. There was one game where i did really well for a while and even thought i might win. Funny how just after you think you might win the word CHECKMATE comes up.
Gibbering fool
9th house
King Quest
New Jazz Vibe
top standout songs from tonights epic journey
I got a email about the song "Bingo" which set me off on a Roadbed listening tangent.
There ain't no flies on ROADBED, a few things are wrong like the line in Gibbering Fool "you got to give your John Thomas" which should be "you got to give your John Henry". I remember trying to correct that one in the studio but there was a camp that believed john Thomas sounded good. feeling this urge to punch. Then there was Deep Fried where that idgit sang OK wrong.
Funny how the scars of a production session are always ready to rip back open.
All and all pretty mean stuff. Represented is a masterpiece, and i still love the promo line for it... "The physical CD itself was released without a cover... an ill fated move that can be best summed up with the idea that the point it barely made wasn't worth making in the first place". What can i say, I'm a sucker for the truth. A man in suit once told me not to judge a book by it's cover. I offered to adjust his tie.
Hearing the music of Roadbed again tonight is defiantly good for the soul. I use to dream of putting out a great CD. ROADBED spanked down 4 and managed to define an original sound with consistently smart lyrics.
i guess in all fairness i now love the song Kings Quest... which i thought sucked in the studio. A rock song about chess... inspired by a number of games of chess i had with a "super" computer... i lost them all. There was one game where i did really well for a while and even thought i might win. Funny how just after you think you might win the word CHECKMATE comes up.
Gibbering fool
9th house
King Quest
New Jazz Vibe
top standout songs from tonights epic journey
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
comedy and food
Who cares what this overexposed golf shirt and wristwatch huckster has to say about anything? Go peddle some endorsed products, you tedious golf bore.
a web comment on a story about Tiger Woods who said "who cares about Hockey anymore" when asked who he wanted to win the Stanley Cup.
Tomorrow... or i guess later today will be the last time for a while that the hockey loving contingent of the Super Robertson Supper Show crew get to watch a game in the confines of the Railway Club. I'll go for another Pittsburgh win in double overtime... by that time the show should be over.
I made a Lasagna today
SR's man Lasagna
Pre Cooked or fast baked lasagna noodles
Cottage Cheese
Red pasta sauce
Italian seasoning
Chop up the onions and Garlic and Thinly sliced mushrooms and get those bastards frying in a splash of olive oil. make sure the onions ad garlic are soft and caramelized. throw in some red sauce and mix with a generous amount of Italian seasoning.
Lay down a bed of noodles and top with grated carrots, thinly slices Zucchini, spinach (wash it) and some of the red sauce mix. Layer some cottage cheese a bit of grated cheddar and mozzarella and then another layer of noodles. I dogged some finely chopped chicken in there as well... but if you want Veggie ignore. Create another similar layer cover with noodles and then top with cheese. Cover with foil and bake at 350 for some time. (Like an hour or more depending on how big you lasagna is)
take the foil off at the end to brown
a web comment on a story about Tiger Woods who said "who cares about Hockey anymore" when asked who he wanted to win the Stanley Cup.
Tomorrow... or i guess later today will be the last time for a while that the hockey loving contingent of the Super Robertson Supper Show crew get to watch a game in the confines of the Railway Club. I'll go for another Pittsburgh win in double overtime... by that time the show should be over.
I made a Lasagna today
SR's man Lasagna
Pre Cooked or fast baked lasagna noodles
Cottage Cheese
Red pasta sauce
Italian seasoning
Chop up the onions and Garlic and Thinly sliced mushrooms and get those bastards frying in a splash of olive oil. make sure the onions ad garlic are soft and caramelized. throw in some red sauce and mix with a generous amount of Italian seasoning.
Lay down a bed of noodles and top with grated carrots, thinly slices Zucchini, spinach (wash it) and some of the red sauce mix. Layer some cottage cheese a bit of grated cheddar and mozzarella and then another layer of noodles. I dogged some finely chopped chicken in there as well... but if you want Veggie ignore. Create another similar layer cover with noodles and then top with cheese. Cover with foil and bake at 350 for some time. (Like an hour or more depending on how big you lasagna is)
take the foil off at the end to brown
Sunday, June 01, 2008
shit hole tap design sinks Robertson"s early momentum
So i start my new job tomorrow.
That's me at home running things. 2 sideburns 3 children.
Picked up another garden the other day as well. However first things first. Our kitchen sink is a pain in the ass with the basic idea that it is a cheap piece of crap. it is actually the second kitchen tap we have had. The first one which i saw Canadian Tire blowing out for $24.99 last year seized up when hot water went through it because there was some material in the mechanism that didn't react well to heat. Figure that one out... a tap gets designed without the concept that it will have hot water to direct. So i call up the guy that built the house, and he replaces it with a different bottom of the line blow-out because it doesn't function piece of crap. There are many flaws but none are as troubling as trying to get a wrench to fit this bizarre sized bolt.
so there i was ready to get ready to tackle the day tomorrow and now all of the tools are out and I find myself trying to fix a problem that should have been solved in the blueprint stage.
I hate cheap stuff.
Cheap useless stuff is fools gold that shines so quickly that it is just a mere flicker and then it spends eternity buried in the earth slowly poisoning the planet.
New sink later this week.
live and breathe middle aged man
That's me at home running things. 2 sideburns 3 children.
Picked up another garden the other day as well. However first things first. Our kitchen sink is a pain in the ass with the basic idea that it is a cheap piece of crap. it is actually the second kitchen tap we have had. The first one which i saw Canadian Tire blowing out for $24.99 last year seized up when hot water went through it because there was some material in the mechanism that didn't react well to heat. Figure that one out... a tap gets designed without the concept that it will have hot water to direct. So i call up the guy that built the house, and he replaces it with a different bottom of the line blow-out because it doesn't function piece of crap. There are many flaws but none are as troubling as trying to get a wrench to fit this bizarre sized bolt.
so there i was ready to get ready to tackle the day tomorrow and now all of the tools are out and I find myself trying to fix a problem that should have been solved in the blueprint stage.
I hate cheap stuff.
Cheap useless stuff is fools gold that shines so quickly that it is just a mere flicker and then it spends eternity buried in the earth slowly poisoning the planet.
New sink later this week.
live and breathe middle aged man
Thursday, May 22, 2008
some of the dumber things that i came acroos today
1) An Olympic Logo on our 1$ coin
2) it will cost 10 million to mail out $100 checks to people for their "Environmental rebate"
3) the conversation i had with Human resources... all of it.
perhaps we should get serious about this whole environment thing. If we were to yank the maple leaf out of the Canadian Flag then we could use that spot as valuable advertising. Pool that money and form a task force to study issues related to the environment and then write long reports and mail them to every citizen of this fine country as a sure way to start a dialogue on this most important issue. We could appoint a trustworthy former prime minister, and myself, as the heads of this ever so smart operation.
Hell what does Canada mean anyway? I bet you could get a good buck changing the name of our nation... could be great business for the atlas and globe industry. Hell if we can sell our rivers and resources to the highest bidder why not go the whole hog?
what would be the most irritating name for our new and modern nation?
2) it will cost 10 million to mail out $100 checks to people for their "Environmental rebate"
3) the conversation i had with Human resources... all of it.
perhaps we should get serious about this whole environment thing. If we were to yank the maple leaf out of the Canadian Flag then we could use that spot as valuable advertising. Pool that money and form a task force to study issues related to the environment and then write long reports and mail them to every citizen of this fine country as a sure way to start a dialogue on this most important issue. We could appoint a trustworthy former prime minister, and myself, as the heads of this ever so smart operation.
Hell what does Canada mean anyway? I bet you could get a good buck changing the name of our nation... could be great business for the atlas and globe industry. Hell if we can sell our rivers and resources to the highest bidder why not go the whole hog?
what would be the most irritating name for our new and modern nation?
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Who would have suspected
I like the comment that starts "I am sure that we will all sleep better knowing inspector harper is on the case. We should all be thankful that we have such a staunch supporter of the environment serving us."
They say you can see the Tar sands from space.... a massive patch of anti-life. lots of money however. Hopefully that money won't be wasted he sighs to himself drawing another ale. Imagine being a person who was raised in Alberta, and loved it and bought some property in northern Alberta to enjoy the tranquil nature. and then the Oil companies come in and irreversibly destroy everything. That would kill me... i am definitely a prime candidate for that form of hermit behavior. I think i remember reading a story about some guy charged with blowing up some oil company equipment.
So my dreams are answered and i get my "dream orchard" and one day all the trees die due to some clear reason that can't be proven in court... and you just have to eat that shit sandwich because the other answer would inconvenience the nameless shareholders like my own convoluted RRSP plan that was forced upon me after an half hour session titled "investor profile".
oh did i tell you about the neighbour... 3 strikes he is out.
1) he topped the trees
2) his car blew up in the backyard filling the 'hood with noxious smoke
3) he just got a lunatic attack dog that he can't control
another dumb person who makes bad decisions that degrade the quality of life for those around him.
I like the comment that starts "I am sure that we will all sleep better knowing inspector harper is on the case. We should all be thankful that we have such a staunch supporter of the environment serving us."
They say you can see the Tar sands from space.... a massive patch of anti-life. lots of money however. Hopefully that money won't be wasted he sighs to himself drawing another ale. Imagine being a person who was raised in Alberta, and loved it and bought some property in northern Alberta to enjoy the tranquil nature. and then the Oil companies come in and irreversibly destroy everything. That would kill me... i am definitely a prime candidate for that form of hermit behavior. I think i remember reading a story about some guy charged with blowing up some oil company equipment.
So my dreams are answered and i get my "dream orchard" and one day all the trees die due to some clear reason that can't be proven in court... and you just have to eat that shit sandwich because the other answer would inconvenience the nameless shareholders like my own convoluted RRSP plan that was forced upon me after an half hour session titled "investor profile".
oh did i tell you about the neighbour... 3 strikes he is out.
1) he topped the trees
2) his car blew up in the backyard filling the 'hood with noxious smoke
3) he just got a lunatic attack dog that he can't control
another dumb person who makes bad decisions that degrade the quality of life for those around him.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I think is some ways a "Failure" can be a "success". One could successfully avoid all of the pitfalls of stupidity only to be regarded as a failure on most measurable fronts.
want a laugh.
We were wondering where to put a hammock on out yard... which happens to be in the middle of some insane renovations. Insane in that the people doing those renovations have 3 kids... and two of them are twin infants. Now one of us is a groundbreaking scientist who has been consistently publishing papers in the finest journals with respect to Cancer research, and the other is a loser mailman with a floundering musical career yet has produced an album per annum for the past decade and a free live show for the past 3 years.
who the fuck is going to lie in the hammock?
Perhaps Carl Fatman can take over the Lynx paw Courier and hand them out at the sky train from 5-7AM and then again from 3-5 PM. I have always ben a sucker for regimented insanity.
When i lived in a wharehouse in Kitsallano a long time ago... by myself.... after Darren left town to go back to the place he belonged. I tried to schedule my week into half hour segments. many of the 1/2 hour blocks were left open for "pie in the sky" think tank sessions. Others were for physical strangth and flexibility, some was rhythm practice, some was wordsmithing. then there was the female socialization.
Let me tell you one thing... if you are going to have something like that on your fridge then beware of the fact that a woman who you may be socializing with in the alloted time in you abode may end up reading the schedule which perhaps may cause some shall we call them "communication problems". Everybody is quick to ridicule things that are different and then when that ridicule is met with pro logic one of the few escape avenues is the idea that the person in the debate is running in to the end of "Female socialization"... even after pointing out that the block after "female socialization" is a free block followed by a joker... which can take the form of another block... they reply... that could be your masturbation block.
want a laugh.
We were wondering where to put a hammock on out yard... which happens to be in the middle of some insane renovations. Insane in that the people doing those renovations have 3 kids... and two of them are twin infants. Now one of us is a groundbreaking scientist who has been consistently publishing papers in the finest journals with respect to Cancer research, and the other is a loser mailman with a floundering musical career yet has produced an album per annum for the past decade and a free live show for the past 3 years.
who the fuck is going to lie in the hammock?
Perhaps Carl Fatman can take over the Lynx paw Courier and hand them out at the sky train from 5-7AM and then again from 3-5 PM. I have always ben a sucker for regimented insanity.
When i lived in a wharehouse in Kitsallano a long time ago... by myself.... after Darren left town to go back to the place he belonged. I tried to schedule my week into half hour segments. many of the 1/2 hour blocks were left open for "pie in the sky" think tank sessions. Others were for physical strangth and flexibility, some was rhythm practice, some was wordsmithing. then there was the female socialization.
Let me tell you one thing... if you are going to have something like that on your fridge then beware of the fact that a woman who you may be socializing with in the alloted time in you abode may end up reading the schedule which perhaps may cause some shall we call them "communication problems". Everybody is quick to ridicule things that are different and then when that ridicule is met with pro logic one of the few escape avenues is the idea that the person in the debate is running in to the end of "Female socialization"... even after pointing out that the block after "female socialization" is a free block followed by a joker... which can take the form of another block... they reply... that could be your masturbation block.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
"Had to shoot my dog in the back of the head when he got mad" starts one of the better songs released in the world this year and it's called "country livin" and it's on the Family Stump CD "Keep it in the Family" released a while back. And i tell you one thing... it's not a set of music to listen to working at a Post office on headphones while your co-workers are are working beside you. What they will hear is sharp outbursts of cackeling laughter for 8 or so minutes, then some tears of sorrow and then the words "oh you fucking gross bastard younger, why you got to paint such a pussey picture on me". I started getting the old stink eye from a few of the more militant supervisors and militant union shop stewards so i had to abandon. Neat hearing the representation of the doctor on the dubious number "have you seen my taint" having played the doctor a few times but in the end thinking about that anatomical mutation is not my thing. to me that is like a cat litterbox in the sense of the idea that i will not clean a litterbox. The last time i did i vomited and hurt myself and then when i cam home i was repeatedly mocked by family members of somebody of weak character... which, by the way is utter nonsense given that anybody who performes a task with such a natural handycap taking such a beating along the way deserves the status of true warrier.
The last cat i ever had, dumped on me by some idjit woman... or left in my care was when i lived above Hey Rock. Hey Rock don't do litter boxes either. when i had to go away for a week or two... actually befor we get to that have you ever heard somebody say "oh my cat never uses his litterbox, he always goes outside" and then later "except when it rains" gets added to the statement. Anyhoo Hey Rock agreed to water the plants and keep food and water in the bowl with the opportunity for the cat to spend the day outside, but under no circumstance would he go into the room that the litter box was in. I understood completely and went away for a few weeks and i remember coming back home and seeing Hey Rock before i went inside... I eyed him with empathy and said "how bad is the litterbox" , he looked back with very serious eyes and said "pretty bad" i double bagged the litter box and got it out to the front yard and then vomited heavily for some time. Hey Rock came out to console me and i tried to talk him into getting his head inside the plastic bags and taking 3 big breaths. Then i believe i tried to talk him into a swirley and he almost went for it as it seemed rather refreshing in contrast.
The last cat i ever had, dumped on me by some idjit woman... or left in my care was when i lived above Hey Rock. Hey Rock don't do litter boxes either. when i had to go away for a week or two... actually befor we get to that have you ever heard somebody say "oh my cat never uses his litterbox, he always goes outside" and then later "except when it rains" gets added to the statement. Anyhoo Hey Rock agreed to water the plants and keep food and water in the bowl with the opportunity for the cat to spend the day outside, but under no circumstance would he go into the room that the litter box was in. I understood completely and went away for a few weeks and i remember coming back home and seeing Hey Rock before i went inside... I eyed him with empathy and said "how bad is the litterbox" , he looked back with very serious eyes and said "pretty bad" i double bagged the litter box and got it out to the front yard and then vomited heavily for some time. Hey Rock came out to console me and i tried to talk him into getting his head inside the plastic bags and taking 3 big breaths. Then i believe i tried to talk him into a swirley and he almost went for it as it seemed rather refreshing in contrast.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I really have to remember my login
I guess there is no way around it. i was thinking of lobbying for some kind of internet eyescan ID system, but by the time you type those words a large monster red flag reminds you to do one of 2 things. Remember your login or continue to use your long and unnessicary convoluted pathway to a blogaroo. The only question left is why.
you should have seen CT eyeballing the asshole neighbours with their lights on during Earth hour. Speaking of that Don Cherry took himself down a notch by challenging the concept of global warming on national television armed with the scientific data that "it was cold this winter". What to say about that?
Diversity is the key to life.
thin that diversity and the key becomes weak, sick and broken.
Humans Undiversify life
don't worry about the fact that undiversify is not a word... you understand the meaning. or you don't want to.
A politician or a schill would say that's not a word and the author is a lunatic... go ahead clear that forest, burn that fuel, shit in that water, create that litter, buy that product, feel this way, think this is important, need this, don't worry about the risk, you are richer than you think
I love Don Cherry... when it comes to hockey he is always right. my only worry is that when he says things like he did tonight people will see him as a loon with a small closed mind and not listen to the important things he said like "keep politicians out of hockey and fighting in".
you should have seen CT eyeballing the asshole neighbours with their lights on during Earth hour. Speaking of that Don Cherry took himself down a notch by challenging the concept of global warming on national television armed with the scientific data that "it was cold this winter". What to say about that?
Diversity is the key to life.
thin that diversity and the key becomes weak, sick and broken.
Humans Undiversify life
don't worry about the fact that undiversify is not a word... you understand the meaning. or you don't want to.
A politician or a schill would say that's not a word and the author is a lunatic... go ahead clear that forest, burn that fuel, shit in that water, create that litter, buy that product, feel this way, think this is important, need this, don't worry about the risk, you are richer than you think
I love Don Cherry... when it comes to hockey he is always right. my only worry is that when he says things like he did tonight people will see him as a loon with a small closed mind and not listen to the important things he said like "keep politicians out of hockey and fighting in".
Friday, March 21, 2008
my thumb is bothering me, and the reason my thumb is bothering me defies all logic.
If you ride public transit in Vancouver you must know about two "Papers" called "24 hours" and "the metro". As a matter of principle i always pass up having one handed to me by the resident "handers" that are forever in front of all skytrain stops... or at least the ones i ever go to. I might have touched on the blatant environmental insult that the presence of these papers represents... then there is the content!
Anhyoo, there i was in the train and beside me was a metro paper. I often take them and give them back to the folks giving fresh papers to people... they never like that one... perhaps they are being monitored and given "performance reviews". So i went to fold it back up and in the process ripped a hole in my thumb on the staple holding the paper together. You can imagine my rage... then i tried to rip the staple out part as a measure of revenge and part so this doesn't happen to the next person who gets the paper after i deliver it back to it's source and it takes another round. but the staple was a stubborn one and refused to come out jabbing me again and again forcing my hand to destroy that paper which proved to be some great amusement for a couple of brothers across the isle.
The question now would be... What is my purpose?
The bible, so i was told, has a line about not letting your hidden talents go to waste.
should probably go and read revelations now.
If you ride public transit in Vancouver you must know about two "Papers" called "24 hours" and "the metro". As a matter of principle i always pass up having one handed to me by the resident "handers" that are forever in front of all skytrain stops... or at least the ones i ever go to. I might have touched on the blatant environmental insult that the presence of these papers represents... then there is the content!
Anhyoo, there i was in the train and beside me was a metro paper. I often take them and give them back to the folks giving fresh papers to people... they never like that one... perhaps they are being monitored and given "performance reviews". So i went to fold it back up and in the process ripped a hole in my thumb on the staple holding the paper together. You can imagine my rage... then i tried to rip the staple out part as a measure of revenge and part so this doesn't happen to the next person who gets the paper after i deliver it back to it's source and it takes another round. but the staple was a stubborn one and refused to come out jabbing me again and again forcing my hand to destroy that paper which proved to be some great amusement for a couple of brothers across the isle.
The question now would be... What is my purpose?
The bible, so i was told, has a line about not letting your hidden talents go to waste.
should probably go and read revelations now.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
got to move this self serving horse shit down the line a bit... not only that but i ate sushi for dinner tonight and i am mighty hungry. did i mention that my horoscope has me either fired or promoted soon. Did i mention the tirade i went on at work the other day? As i sit here mowing down tasty potato chips and contemplate how to even begin to describe the conundrum. I probably won't get fired although in some ways my justified bad attitude to the absolutely ridiculous structured insanity i face could set off some bells, but the fact is i am a good employee when it comes down to the bare bones (good attendance, can do job, rarely ever gets complaints... and when he does it is because the other fucker is wrong!
Kind of like how the whole tone of this fucking shithole blog is coming into a self-righteous period... which is new for me. i often shoot myself first for comedy and then let the jackals parade over my carcass.
what i am really doing now is uploading video of the supper show... for good or ill. a free show is a free show. Just uploaded Tiger Prawn's first song. As a note this new "Blogger" spell check ani't half bad... it won't correct ain't but what can?
Speaking of the Supper Show... I was absolutely enraged with myself for singing the 3rd verse of frustrated man where the 2nd verse should be. It pretty much ruined the show and the next day for me... then the question becomes Why play music? it is all for naught because the moment i stepped into work on thursday morning and heard that we were having a meeting on "How to deliver pizza flyers" the day was fucked. How somebody who knows nothing yet needs to justify their job tells somebody to tell somebody to tell the person who's job it is to deliver the pizza flyer how to do it after announcing 5 times over a PA that a "Meeting" is coming up at 8 am... how could i possibly get promoted?
Kind of like how the whole tone of this fucking shithole blog is coming into a self-righteous period... which is new for me. i often shoot myself first for comedy and then let the jackals parade over my carcass.
what i am really doing now is uploading video of the supper show... for good or ill. a free show is a free show. Just uploaded Tiger Prawn's first song. As a note this new "Blogger" spell check ani't half bad... it won't correct ain't but what can?
Speaking of the Supper Show... I was absolutely enraged with myself for singing the 3rd verse of frustrated man where the 2nd verse should be. It pretty much ruined the show and the next day for me... then the question becomes Why play music? it is all for naught because the moment i stepped into work on thursday morning and heard that we were having a meeting on "How to deliver pizza flyers" the day was fucked. How somebody who knows nothing yet needs to justify their job tells somebody to tell somebody to tell the person who's job it is to deliver the pizza flyer how to do it after announcing 5 times over a PA that a "Meeting" is coming up at 8 am... how could i possibly get promoted?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
well well
Just spent some time reading the super robertson chronicles from 2005 and before. Originally i wanted to see what kind of thoughts i had when there was only one child in our family. i have to say, there were some pretty good laughs in there... this whole exercise has had it's moments. i remember when i was going to stop playing music, or at least stop pretending that i am in the music business and fold all operations and find something else to carry my dreams. I was going to try to be a writer, but then the reality that i would have to spend hours every day, which i don't have under current circumstances, kicked in and the music was there to be played. I remember Smash telling me that me not playing music was utterly ridiculous, which is a point that has merit, and in reality i am barely in the "music business". Then again if anything is doomed it is the "music business" as well as the "environment", of course. but those are other bones to pick
Thursday, March 06, 2008
What to write about and why? Are the questions to ponder at this moment. Sleep would be more apropos,,, but you know an insane maniac has their ways. Wow did i just use "their" correctly? score one up for the mule hughes school of grammar.
Did i mention i am going to go on tour in the summer to support the release of the forthcoming 21 tandem Repeats release that suddenly has a few months for possible revisions. Dane fortune turn thy wheel! Now being one who has never gone around saying "I'm going on tour man", quite the opposite rather, i see this now as a done deal... all i have to do is do it... which should be no problem when the mind is aligned properly.
In terms of all of that i see things working out. I see it clearly as one king hell time. All systems are in place and there is nothing to lose. If anything i can give myself a mighty clap on the back... life has been good to me, i have worked hard and moved wisely, played a conservative game, and now it is time to rock, as the old adage goes. Speaking of old adages did anybody catch last Saturday's Leaf's game... at one point Harry Neil said " like the old adage... you don't ask a juggler what ball he likes best as long as he doesn't drop any of them" whatever the hell that means
Did i mention i am going to go on tour in the summer to support the release of the forthcoming 21 tandem Repeats release that suddenly has a few months for possible revisions. Dane fortune turn thy wheel! Now being one who has never gone around saying "I'm going on tour man", quite the opposite rather, i see this now as a done deal... all i have to do is do it... which should be no problem when the mind is aligned properly.
In terms of all of that i see things working out. I see it clearly as one king hell time. All systems are in place and there is nothing to lose. If anything i can give myself a mighty clap on the back... life has been good to me, i have worked hard and moved wisely, played a conservative game, and now it is time to rock, as the old adage goes. Speaking of old adages did anybody catch last Saturday's Leaf's game... at one point Harry Neil said " like the old adage... you don't ask a juggler what ball he likes best as long as he doesn't drop any of them" whatever the hell that means
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
And i actually have a hockey blog
the only problem of course is that is sits empty in cyberspace...
Just wanted to give my respect to Mats Sundin for uttering the line "i cannot leave my teammates at this time" and refusing to be traded from the cellar dwelling maple leafs to a team in the hunt.
In a way i was kind of hoping he might come out to Vancouver and play for my adopted home team the Canucks, mostly because he is exactly the kind of player that particular team needs and if he could win a cup out here it would be a double victory. My only real problem would be the price Vancouver would have to pay, because i thought the obvious... what you want to do is trade Mats Sundin for some great assets and then re-sign him next year. But no we are all so busy thinking about money and glory and listening to the news that has nothing better to do than speculate for months with no bearing on reality, that we forgot that there is a thing in life called honor.
team leader- does it suggest one should bail for greener pastures when you own options for glory are dwindling. And in fact the "team" thing to do would be to sell your services to collect assets. I remember when Perter Forsberg got traded from Philadelphia hours before a leaf's flyers game. The flyers came out in a state of shock and it was 3-0 leafs early on... they talk about what it is like to be in a dressing room once some of your best guys are gone.... and it is demoralizing.
I will expect the Leafs to play some inspired hockey from here on out, probably too far back to make it... but just imagine if they sneak in and get on a roll... i bet that footage of Mats telling the media "i cannot leave my teammates" will put some hair up on the necks of some sports fans. I think that is what a captain should do.
Just wanted to give my respect to Mats Sundin for uttering the line "i cannot leave my teammates at this time" and refusing to be traded from the cellar dwelling maple leafs to a team in the hunt.
In a way i was kind of hoping he might come out to Vancouver and play for my adopted home team the Canucks, mostly because he is exactly the kind of player that particular team needs and if he could win a cup out here it would be a double victory. My only real problem would be the price Vancouver would have to pay, because i thought the obvious... what you want to do is trade Mats Sundin for some great assets and then re-sign him next year. But no we are all so busy thinking about money and glory and listening to the news that has nothing better to do than speculate for months with no bearing on reality, that we forgot that there is a thing in life called honor.
team leader- does it suggest one should bail for greener pastures when you own options for glory are dwindling. And in fact the "team" thing to do would be to sell your services to collect assets. I remember when Perter Forsberg got traded from Philadelphia hours before a leaf's flyers game. The flyers came out in a state of shock and it was 3-0 leafs early on... they talk about what it is like to be in a dressing room once some of your best guys are gone.... and it is demoralizing.
I will expect the Leafs to play some inspired hockey from here on out, probably too far back to make it... but just imagine if they sneak in and get on a roll... i bet that footage of Mats telling the media "i cannot leave my teammates" will put some hair up on the necks of some sports fans. I think that is what a captain should do.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
There we were. Me and young Emily just 8 months old and a Lawyer in the kitchen waiting for CT to come home and just shooting the shit. I take it she was my age and was even from my home town... a perfect working example of how different peoples lives are. I should have offered her a joint after my 5th request to forge CT's signature failed... She was in disbelief and Emily wanted to eat the documents.
Like any Bank fiasco this whole thing started a long time ago when the bank "manager" called and offered to set up and "easy" Home equity line of credit. we opposed the idea but they kept calling... OK we will take your stupid line of credit, perhaps it would be easier than having you fucking Jackals circling our existence.
We should know by now that the insanity of a Bank knows no bounds. you would think that since that bank has our business (mortgage, 2 credit cards, 4 bank accounts) they could just set it up... and yes it would be no problem, because remember this... going into a bank to meet with a hammerhead with 2 infant twins is never worth it. I should mention they said it would be free.
So they get the go ahead (from us) to put it together... "well OK then set it up" then muttering "for fuck's sakes".
I think the first disaster was having to have a property appraiser come over to the house to appraise it... which is odd seeing that we just bought the house last year and they were willing to give us far more mortgage than we needed and even more that this line of credit will apparently be. This is solid proof that there is nobody thinking... just an idiot following a policy that essentially say's SELL MORE LOANS and other financial products. So the appraiser show up and rings the doorbell just after the twins go to sleep... you can do the math on that one. Did i mention i have an large rational fear of credit... i was going to say "insane fear of credit", but it is actually rational if you think right.
so then weeks later we get urgent calls from the bank that we need to rush over to sing the documents which turned out to be another grand irritation that ended with us on a bus and a lot of crying but the kicker is after the documents were signed we learned of 2 fee's that totaled over 700 dollars... one of them the band would wave and the other one we could get waived if we borough 30, 00 for at least 3 months, but those bank people are so wise and so quick they thought up a plan and they thought it up quick... you see we could put 30, 000 in a term deposit and then put it back after the 3 month period. i really felt like they were doing me such a favor... because you know there won't be any chance of a screw up!
And then back to the lawyer who came over with some final documents... you can understand why CT had forgotten about the whole thing. She was probably changing a couple of diapers when the phone rang and it was some lawyer who needed her to come and sign even more fucking documents for something for all intensive purposes we don't need and don't want.
In my chat with the lawyer i tried to explain all of this, and why it seems so foolish and irritating if you see it from our perspective, which i don't thing she could do. But the killer was after i explained all of this and i signed my portion of the forms she reached into her bag and said that the Bank wanted me to looks at this... IT WAS AN INSURANCE POLICY!
what the fuck?
Like any Bank fiasco this whole thing started a long time ago when the bank "manager" called and offered to set up and "easy" Home equity line of credit. we opposed the idea but they kept calling... OK we will take your stupid line of credit, perhaps it would be easier than having you fucking Jackals circling our existence.
We should know by now that the insanity of a Bank knows no bounds. you would think that since that bank has our business (mortgage, 2 credit cards, 4 bank accounts) they could just set it up... and yes it would be no problem, because remember this... going into a bank to meet with a hammerhead with 2 infant twins is never worth it. I should mention they said it would be free.
So they get the go ahead (from us) to put it together... "well OK then set it up" then muttering "for fuck's sakes".
I think the first disaster was having to have a property appraiser come over to the house to appraise it... which is odd seeing that we just bought the house last year and they were willing to give us far more mortgage than we needed and even more that this line of credit will apparently be. This is solid proof that there is nobody thinking... just an idiot following a policy that essentially say's SELL MORE LOANS and other financial products. So the appraiser show up and rings the doorbell just after the twins go to sleep... you can do the math on that one. Did i mention i have an large rational fear of credit... i was going to say "insane fear of credit", but it is actually rational if you think right.
so then weeks later we get urgent calls from the bank that we need to rush over to sing the documents which turned out to be another grand irritation that ended with us on a bus and a lot of crying but the kicker is after the documents were signed we learned of 2 fee's that totaled over 700 dollars... one of them the band would wave and the other one we could get waived if we borough 30, 00 for at least 3 months, but those bank people are so wise and so quick they thought up a plan and they thought it up quick... you see we could put 30, 000 in a term deposit and then put it back after the 3 month period. i really felt like they were doing me such a favor... because you know there won't be any chance of a screw up!
And then back to the lawyer who came over with some final documents... you can understand why CT had forgotten about the whole thing. She was probably changing a couple of diapers when the phone rang and it was some lawyer who needed her to come and sign even more fucking documents for something for all intensive purposes we don't need and don't want.
In my chat with the lawyer i tried to explain all of this, and why it seems so foolish and irritating if you see it from our perspective, which i don't thing she could do. But the killer was after i explained all of this and i signed my portion of the forms she reached into her bag and said that the Bank wanted me to looks at this... IT WAS AN INSURANCE POLICY!
what the fuck?
Monday, January 14, 2008
for the record
in the last blogaroo, i may have insinuated the the Toronto Maple Leafs current GM is a "Brain damaged drama student", and that i did not mean. Any judgement on JFJ is irrelevant because he is not able to do what he wants because his decisions must pass a board of governors... who would be the "brain damaged drama students".
Can you imagine that day years ago when Brian Burke pulled a bunch of moves in an afternoon and ended up drafting both Sedin twins as a result. You could never do that if every decision you made had to be approved by a pack of money smart hockey dumb buffoons.
Can you imagine that day years ago when Brian Burke pulled a bunch of moves in an afternoon and ended up drafting both Sedin twins as a result. You could never do that if every decision you made had to be approved by a pack of money smart hockey dumb buffoons.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Sure, I was born in Toronto and i was a small boy watching the Leafs in my pajama's brought to tears every year with the annual collapse... apparently it was all Harold Ballard's fault, which was probably true.
Now tonight i watched an interview where Scotty Bowman said he was essentially rejected by the Maple Leafs shareholder brass as a senior advisor.
So an insane organization has the best hockey mind in the world interested in taking over hockey operations... which can only be good for business, which apparently is why the shareholder chiefs are there (to monitor the investment)... And they refuse him keeping with the status quo.
Fortunately there are enough consumers in Toronto that no matter how insane things get the seats will be full.
So if the Toronto Maple Leafs business was nuclear physics would they pass up Albert Einstein and hire a brain damaged drama student?
Sure we are all GM's when time are rough, but a no brainer is a no brainer EH!
Time to Shock...
Now tonight i watched an interview where Scotty Bowman said he was essentially rejected by the Maple Leafs shareholder brass as a senior advisor.
So an insane organization has the best hockey mind in the world interested in taking over hockey operations... which can only be good for business, which apparently is why the shareholder chiefs are there (to monitor the investment)... And they refuse him keeping with the status quo.
Fortunately there are enough consumers in Toronto that no matter how insane things get the seats will be full.
So if the Toronto Maple Leafs business was nuclear physics would they pass up Albert Einstein and hire a brain damaged drama student?
Sure we are all GM's when time are rough, but a no brainer is a no brainer EH!
Time to Shock...
Monday, January 07, 2008
i was sick today
it's very rare that i call in sick for work, or, anything for that matter... (i remember playing a ROADBED show with a herniated disk in my back). But today i thought i must try to end this month long sickness... which is odd because we sent Kaiya back to daycare today to get a new pool of germs (Daycare is open again from the Christmas break... BREAK!!!) I understand fully now why people go away for Christmas. if you have kids then Christmas break means they are there 24/7 needing you to keep things going... television would work but we loath television and can't in good conscience allow a fine young mind to be attacked by those remorseless marketing weasels and the idiot programs they support.
So it makes sense, don't get sucked into the fools way of a christmas buying frenzy rather drop some cash that will land you and your family in the tropics for a few weeks.
baby crying
lynx video
So it makes sense, don't get sucked into the fools way of a christmas buying frenzy rather drop some cash that will land you and your family in the tropics for a few weeks.
baby crying
lynx video
Thursday, January 03, 2008
If there is one thing i learned.. or should i say re-learned recently it would be that i must work harder at music this year. i'll give myself some slack for last year with the move and the birth of the twins and all but i need to cut that slack off and keep it in 2007. Of course that is why i am posting a blogaroo and NOT FUCKING WORKING!!
2 side points.. in the news today it was reported "Drug makers spend more on marketing than research" and "Kids' stomach remedies contaminated with microbes"
The kid's stomach one was actually gripe water (a questionable cure for colic)... well if the kid wasn't colicky then wait till you see them after Cryptosporidium attack. Cryptosporidium is a parasite that can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and even death.
It don't matter as long as there is flashy plastic packaging.
Here is a video i made for the ROADBED song Everything
2 side points.. in the news today it was reported "Drug makers spend more on marketing than research" and "Kids' stomach remedies contaminated with microbes"
The kid's stomach one was actually gripe water (a questionable cure for colic)... well if the kid wasn't colicky then wait till you see them after Cryptosporidium attack. Cryptosporidium is a parasite that can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and even death.
It don't matter as long as there is flashy plastic packaging.
Here is a video i made for the ROADBED song Everything
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