Thursday, January 03, 2008


If there is one thing i learned.. or should i say re-learned recently it would be that i must work harder at music this year. i'll give myself some slack for last year with the move and the birth of the twins and all but i need to cut that slack off and keep it in 2007. Of course that is why i am posting a blogaroo and NOT FUCKING WORKING!!

2 side points.. in the news today it was reported "Drug makers spend more on marketing than research" and "Kids' stomach remedies contaminated with microbes"
The kid's stomach one was actually gripe water (a questionable cure for colic)... well if the kid wasn't colicky then wait till you see them after Cryptosporidium attack. Cryptosporidium is a parasite that can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and even death.

It don't matter as long as there is flashy plastic packaging.

Here is a video i made for the ROADBED song Everything


The Mule said...

Nice video—I like the crane shot. We need to get that SuperMule/Robertson vs. Robertson thing rolling again.

S Robertson said...

is that the music thing or the battle for position in front of the net during a fine road hockey game

son of a gun i have to sign it to post this... i smell a blagaroo coming