Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Defeat

The moment he was defeated was the greatest... a wonderful defeat- a hubris induced nemesis  outcome... irreversible legacy damage.  To a megalomaniac it would be the worst possible outcome... all the people jumping ship before the election... but you could only see you.  I actually wouldn't put it past you that the "all the blame for this lies with me and me alone" line you uttered was a support line should you ever throw your hat back in the ring.  You can hear the newsman say... "well by taking responsibility he has proved that he has changed"... right. I honestly don't doubt that this is a possibility... you will have to repair that legacy right?

Oddly enough you might have done the best possible thing for for the Country... put your party out of power against a majority government. 

Could have stepped away and the words "you have been an unbelievable Leader" as uttered by one of the great sellouts of all time.  Heck your Party might have even won again without you, the albatross, around it's neck.  Certainly a delicious irony for somebody who has suffered as a result of the cruel  and thoughtless policies that you imposed.

It's true the defeat was absolutely  because of you... everybody can now get out their dissection knives and carve up the Goat to show how it was you and only you that was wrong with this incompetent government.  Heck, the great foreign owned Newspapers might even run this stuff in an effort to purge the brand.  Isn't there some court case going on where you might face charges?  Who will lie for you now? If you were charged it could take the heat off others? It's just politics... nothing personal... every once in a while somebody has to get eaten by a shark, just to show how the game is not rigged

You can see why this gets better and better... Never poison the food chain for people that have things on you... most smart people know that, and I'm sure you did once too...  it's good to relearn life lessons... it's like enlightenment: it goes when you know you have it.

Aloha sucker

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Robertson's voting in elections ideas

I always vote, i always loose, i have a long memory and a short fuse for bitter ironies... but this isn't about my disappointment in humanity, well i guess everything kind of is in a way.

- "it was a marvelous line, and it was written to blind, and now the end of the line... is ahead of it's time"
    Roadbed (Last dance at the Shockcenter 2004)

I was referring at the time to a line some loathsome cretin said about how Global Warming was some crazy left wing conspiracy meant to steal money from the economy.  Utter bullshit of course, but yet very effective in undermining scientific data for the good of partisan politics.  So yea we lost that one a long time ago and the bill is coming due, and nobody could have ever expected it... right.

So yes, i am disappointed in humanity and I'm sure I'll die with that grudge on my shoulder... but i still vote... it's like there is bad and worse, but as we know (or we don't) worse can be really fucking bad.

I can accept corrupt politicians... power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely (Lord Acton).  I would just hope that perhaps the corrupt person, just maybe every once in a while, if they had the chance might do something good for society.  That is basically my high bar of hope for humans in power.  I mean there have been corrupt Governments in power that at least left the Government in somewhat decent shape while serving themselves shamelessly.  You could argue that American President Bill Clinton and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien both had problems with corruption, but yet both left office with their respective countries in relatively decent shape on the thing consumers seem to care about... that being the economy of course.  Now don't get we wrong here... there is a lot of things that could have been done better in a lot of ways, but consumers.. i mean voters like a strong economy... 

Now following discontent for these 2 North American leaders contested elections landed Geroge W. Bush and Stephen Harper in Power respectively (now the timeline was different of course and in Canada a dithering PM held power for a short while) but what did we see... corruption went up exponentially, surpluses turned to deficits and regulations were stomped on... wars based on facts that were untrue, wars on reason, focus on religious freedoms for some while religious freedoms for others were scaled back... lets just say the Countries went into the gutter where opportunities declined, the economy failed and divisions escalated.  Now in the U.S.A. George W Bush's failure was so great that the country elected and eloquent speaking black man named Barack Hussein Obama on the hope for change ticket.  Now once again for sure, change didn't come fast enough or far enough for many who had great hopes, but the facts don't lie... the American economy is doing pretty good right now... remember the consumers, i mean the voters... that is their top issue.  Now considering he accomplished this while being opposed in every issue always as a matter of partisan politics every step of the way is kind of impressive.  Sure i would like to see no war, clean energy, zero waste more reforestation... and all of the other crazy left wing pinko commie tree hugging ideas that try to enable the planet to remain sustainable, and i would argue that those positions are more attainable under and Obama Presidency than they were under a Bush Presidency... probably a Bush supporter wouldn't even argue that because the idea of a sustainable planet may seem like a stupid idea to a Bush Supporter from all i can gather from what has been said.

On Monday we will find out what direction Canada will go... now it's a bit of a different story because there are three parties with a shot at the title, and a newly introduced election law called "the fair elections act" which would pit a wry grin on the face of the late great George Orwell... almost as good as the "responsible resource development initiative" which basically said just let international corporations gut the country and to hell with what happens because we stomped out all of the environmental protection laws and anybody who protests well fuck you you are now a terrorist and we have an new law for you... am i going off again?

So yes i voted... will i win, probably not although the particular member of Parliament i voted for probably will win.

I did vote against Vancouver B.C holding the Olympics, mainly because i didn't trust a blank check given to development and i also was offended at the idea that offering better transit to a city was on the condition of holding a 2 week party.  But in the end i had a good time during the Olympics and to the city's credit a fair bit of good did come out of it... clearly the affordable housing bait and switch was irritating, but i expected as much.

The thing i don't understand about elections is the run up to the elections... the political campaigning... it's asinine.  You see i pay attention to things, and i know where i stand... i know what political values are closest to mine (they never go far enough for me by the way).  Nothing anybody could have said  over the period of the campaign while they were on their best behaviour could sway me to the direction that i want my country to go in... I have worked as a civil servant, and artist and a stay home parent, and i have never lived paycheck to paycheck.  My time, the quality of the earths environment and the general human respect we have for one another are the things i care about the most.  No load of crap somebody can read from a prepared paper in a campaign could ever make me forget the issues somebody stood up for when the cards were on the table.

And what the fuck is a swing voter?  Some idiot that has no no fucking idea what is going on but at the 11th hour somebody says something that resonates with them so they go out and cast a vote for some idiot that really have no idea what they stand for and call it good?  Are you fucking kidding me... elections are decided by these morons?  I mean i would love to hear a really good rational argument on why i should vote for the person I'm not going to vote for... if it is a real argument and it makes real sense i will consider it... but "protect our economy" by an imbecile who has destroyed our economy is not one.

I'm all for putting your platform out on paper, people read the fucking thing and vote and if you don't carry out what you said you would you get publicly stoned to death.  Seems fair to me... anybody caught lobbying gets a free lobotomy as well under my plan.  At heart i don't think many people would disagree with that... but it might be considered a barbaric cultural practice.