oh right we don't speak.. i write and you shake your head at the stunning lack of grammar understanding i display.

This recording kicks some serious ass. i always view it as a disaster as the making of it punctured the first hole in the Roadbed armor. During the mixing of that album very strange things happened one being the saga that became "deep fried" and "deep fried reprise" which essentially ruined that song for me forever and left me with a bad lump somewhere.
Anyhoo, one of my favourtie local parents and i started talking music at the park while the kids played today until an upper body injury took out one of the kids. in the end i ended up sliding him a few Roadbed CD's... and then i got all paraniod so i took a listen.
Knockout hits is a fantastic CD, humorous, original, real and rocking.
My wife just came down and asked me what i was laughing at and it happened to be "territorial lynx" and the words to "Willingdon Junction".
I skipped Deep fried... hearing OK sung the wrong way still kills me.
Knockout Hits
actually fuck it... just listened to "Chimp on the ropes" and all the rage came back.
all copies of this CD should be destroyed... wow. no lyrics on the first chorus... i remember that one now... i think i am remembering the reasons i can't listen to this record. i end up in a series of why questions.
i'll treasure KH for "time to shock" and "scarb jacket," the best quasi-max webster song ever--fine renditions of both. come on, it's a kick-ass album. "ninth house"? wicked. you managed to maintain a bit of the yellow tape vibe on certain tracks while going super hi-fi on others...there's something for every roadbed fan. "chimp on the ropes" is gloriously nuts...does it even have a chorus (if that's what you're talking about re: no lyrics on the first chorus)?
i agree... another moment where SR goes off the rails making some weird inside joke that only he could possibly understand.
I believe in the original SR chronicles i went off on the missing lyric "peace is a rose in a garden... but that is a subliminal thought" and i recall being somewhat censured at the time... another joke (remember those times... could i be censured?).
Destroy all copies? remember the movie swimming with sharks where the guy tells the aid to get all the papers in new york and destroy them... impossible. not only that but i willingly paid 35 American dollars (we will see if that becomes a joke) to have that cd distributed digitally to the world on behalf of Canada Lynx Records.
but true i shouldn't diss what we did and elude to inner band dynamics, as the truth is those guys in ROADBED were the best, and will remain that way. we did what we did and i stand behind it proud of all of our efforts.
Funny i was at the daycare the other day and another father asked me if our new record was out yet... and i went on a tangent about what could happen and then on to what probably will happen to which he replied "wow so negative"... i think i said most likely i will just end up with another stack of CD's in my basement to go with the rest of the collection.
i think generally my art has been pretty good... the blog's have been known to suck a donkey's dick however... was that negative?
i think the root problem is that i'm always making jokes that nobody get's and i guess as a communicator that is a great failing.
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