Monday, October 27, 2008

not to get all negative again

I guess it is natural to hate yourself for what you did or didn't do if you are a self respecting perfectionist. Now calling me a perfectionist would be a far cry from the truth but in this particular case i think i deserve a Hammerhead award. I ended up getting interviewed today by the CBC live on air. The theme of the show was patience... i had plenty of time to think about my angles... perhaps too much time because i had it all figured and even had a few points written down... but the truth is i was like a god damn clucking chicken. It has been a long time since i have felt "stage freight" (i feel "stage shame" all the time). They knew i had young twin girls and a 4 year old... talking about patience should have been a slam dunk... all i had to do was to relive the events of last Friday when i was home alone with 3 sick kids for the day... but no, Robertson chokes like a victim in a horror movie an then tries to make a point about the virtue of impatience failing to connect the dots on how impatience can be a driving force in getting things done... next thing you know I'm talking about gardening.

I think next time this happens i need them to call Willingdon Black or i need somebody standing beside me with a taser ready to give me a little shot when i start losing my fucking mind.

I wonder if the batteries in a standard taser would last a 10 minute SR interview.

In the end I'm sure it's all good.. cant be worse than that time I __________.


The Mule said...

"stage freight"--I'm stealing that one.

You were fine on the radio. The gardening bit was great.

The Super Robertson Supper show said...

yea i kind of felt like a freight was hitting me.

or something like that... now i don't want to start a "detentous feud" over this.