Thursday, May 01, 2008

Who would have suspected

I like the comment that starts "I am sure that we will all sleep better knowing inspector harper is on the case. We should all be thankful that we have such a staunch supporter of the environment serving us."

They say you can see the Tar sands from space.... a massive patch of anti-life. lots of money however. Hopefully that money won't be wasted he sighs to himself drawing another ale. Imagine being a person who was raised in Alberta, and loved it and bought some property in northern Alberta to enjoy the tranquil nature. and then the Oil companies come in and irreversibly destroy everything. That would kill me... i am definitely a prime candidate for that form of hermit behavior. I think i remember reading a story about some guy charged with blowing up some oil company equipment.

So my dreams are answered and i get my "dream orchard" and one day all the trees die due to some clear reason that can't be proven in court... and you just have to eat that shit sandwich because the other answer would inconvenience the nameless shareholders like my own convoluted RRSP plan that was forced upon me after an half hour session titled "investor profile".

oh did i tell you about the neighbour... 3 strikes he is out.

1) he topped the trees
2) his car blew up in the backyard filling the 'hood with noxious smoke
3) he just got a lunatic attack dog that he can't control

another dumb person who makes bad decisions that degrade the quality of life for those around him.

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