Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Super Robertson Chronicles started out as Robertson writing things so that there would be new things on the Roadbed website to lure people to come back to the site and expose those people with the band.

This is of course back in the day... and still to this day the Roadbed web site has no streaming audio... and there was no youtube... and i wasn't on the CD baby train either.

In fact the logic went that the site was so irrelevant for it's lack of audio... it being a band site that i sat in an office, in a "business meeting" knowing full well thet the people who were trying to sell me a "webservice" were borderline retarded and incompetent yet i still gave them several hundred dollars because i couldn't stand the problem being on me any longer.


All the cat's had sites and you could hear music. The CBC'c Newmusiccanada site and the CBC's ZED site were my main links but apparently some people had problems getting the stuff to play... I didn't.

What the hell... this anit going to be some corn fed walk down band website lane... leave that to a real writer.

What i was hoping to say before i felt the rich pull of that history is that i feel i should get back on track with the chronicling of the great "man in band vs world" conflict and perhaps i could give some advice on raising young girls from time to time.

I guess the problem is that a website chronicle reads backwards... and no you can't change it now... the line has been cast.

21 Tandem Repeats answers the bell and steps into the ring for round # 3. NO JUNK MAIL PLEASE is the CD's title “We chose this title so that we could include a sticker that, once applied to your mailbox, would cease the delivery of admail,” says front man Super Robertson.

come to think of it.. this is completely retarded. Wasn't the whole reason i was going to stop playing music a few years ago because of this inane bull shit.

Imagine being some fucking ass hole in a band talking about what kind of tea he is drinking while servicing his shit eating "web blog" trying to promote his band that highlight S. Robertson's poignant melodies with rustic orchestral accompaniments to assemble simply beautiful results.

Never underestimate the power of negativity. I think the real problem with negativity is the negative part... it turns people off and makes then feel "not good", and so they see nothing and they want to get away back to their own blanket of blindness.

A constant positive outlook is for suckers... unless you can afford to live away from humans without fighting mammals for berries and grubs.

all right I'll write the dog up.

81 days until we officially release the latest offering from Canada Lynx Records.

I am working with a professional publicist and that is a good amount of time to do it right. And since i have done i wrong for so many years, this may en up being a good resource for young fools like i was (and still am. it never would have worked for me though because i never would have read it... i would be too busy trying to put 1000 posters up all by myself to promote a show as if that herculean effort was in some way making a difference.

I think in the end it is about letting people know.. and that can be a very hard thing because when you are trying to "chum" somebody up you usually en up chumming too hard and showing your jack ass.

Next post: what you will need
due by saturday.

(always have deadlines and hold yourself to them... better to be somewhat there than nowhere)

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