There has to be a berrte way... Make that a better way.
That statement will all become gibberish if I black out ant let the spell checker take the reins... Which is usually a pretty good option around here. Set lists and a waning belief in oneself dominated the first few beers.. And then there was this sense of coming victory and the score was all there.
And then a man plays an empty cave that cost him plenty.
Of course the Christmas spirit... What is the Christmas Spirit? Some innate consumer response.
we have a little girl who will turn 3 in march... How to celebrate Christmas without training a young mind to be a fool consumer?
Is there ever any real permanent happiness to being a consumer?
Don't get me wrong, there may be.... Like perhaps a certain guitar player who loves the hunt for a new guitar amp, and it is the hunt that they love... So making the kill (the purchase) could kill the hunt and hence ruin everything.
probably a bad example because a guitar amp is a purchase of possibilities and I begat this exercise to flog plastic wrapped plastic toys as a bad idea for a developing smart mind.
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