Looking at "ye old blog" I noticed that the last blogaroo was last Sunday and this is this Sunday, so hence the title "The Next Sunday".
We were at the Library the other day getting some children's books and one had a cassette tape with it. It wasn't until my darling CT got to the checkout that she noticed that it was a tape and not a CD. She said "Oh shoot, That's not a CD... Hey MR do we have a cassette player?"
But the big news came with last night's 21 TR show. Everybody brought their A game and the crowd was ready to rock. Most likely the High water mark of the band so far and certainly an Ocean better than our last outing.
I actually sprung out of bed early this morning feeling less like a failure and more like a success, but I'm sure it will pass soon.
It was the song "Failure" that really stomped things down and changed the course of the night from 5th gear to hyperdrive
"Whenever rammone robertson does the Worm you know it's a good time"
Rev D Badcock, sometime around 1993
Indeed the two things that defined a good time back then. Did the worm happen! (it's a breakdancing move where you imitate an inchworm in motion) and did one of us get a shave compliments of the person who threw the house party.
Come to think of it, the shave is highly ridiculous... Using somebody's razor blade is clearly a hygiene no no. Possibly that is why it was so very funny... My father would not "dig" that kind of action.
The funniest part was actually giving yourself a bad shave and coming back down into the party and then begin chatting up some girls with a bloodied face with a few good globs of shaving cream on your ear due to a bad cleanup job... Extra points for having the razor cuts dabbed it a small piece of tissue paper (still present). For the record, we would usually try to find a new blade and discard it afterwards... Recall that this is not a perfect world. I'll never forget this one keg party we were at in Guelph, Ontario. It was a keg party and word was that the first keg was almost finished before the store was closed which meant that if we all made a big push and drank harder we could finish it, take it back and get the keg refund that would allow us to have enough for another Keg.
So you can imagine that I was mighty smashed when RDB came stumbling down the stairs with his face covered in a red stained shaving cream santa's beard. As he moved down the stairs he was imitating a Benny Hill skit (an old lady sways on the top step of a steep staircase... The sways are exaggerated using speed playback). He was saying party party party... I'm coming to join the party in a an old lady/man English accent. It was great comedy because of course Now the party was really cooking... My man got a free shave with really drunk hands and no feel for pain.
Where was I... Oh yea I did the worm around the Railway in the Wastelands breakdown part. My keys, capo, earplugs, change all fell out of my pocket. This time no condom fell out for all to see.
But the band kicked last night... You know I would say we sucked turtle cocks if that were the case. WB was on fire, AR was a dancing groove bass master, 2stx was at his best, not even my goat voice and buzz-o-matic guitar sound could slow us down (kidding).
High comedy when people came to buy CD's after the show.
Me "well these CD's are kind of weird"
People "good sell job man"
The problem of course is that the New 21tr CD is not yet released, which is most representative of what we did. The debut CD "the ocean is life" has a different feel that might give a different impression ( a fine CD yet). And then there is Supersimian and 4 Roadbed CD's, all with plenty of S Robertson writing but just different that 21TR. I sold 5 copies of Roadbed "last dance @ the Shockcenter", claiming it to be a fine CD with some elements of what went on tonight we did play 2 songs from that CD.
The whole thing was a bit of a clown show... Me and merchandise that is... I forgot to push the Canada Lynx records shirts.
oh well... Better than sucking
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