Sunday, May 30, 2010

what are we doing

I am the leader here right... this is the super Robertson chronicles part 2

What do i have to say... i don't even know... it's hard to say where was seemed like i had a number of good points a while ago but that is now just time lost. That is the essence of life, it is what you make of it and as you get older you loose the ability to remember the pure comedy of all the great moments of the day that could be described in a blog as fine comedy if portrayed properly but then there is reality and all the things that need to be done in the day and in the end it is all just memories... memory is cheap what do you think?

Digital memory is cheap on 2010, but the memories of a life are priceless... memory is now a word that should be re-defined because a memory that a human had was something that stuck in the mind for some reason... and now memory is just everything that happened has now been recorded on memory.

I think I'm losing my focus... i must go way back to the foundations of the reasons that i took the path that i am on to answer these very basic questions that i now have trouble answering much less asking.

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