Sunday, May 02, 2010

i was just going to go to sleep

but then it happened... i read the news, and the obvious happened... i am now enraged. It's kind of odd, isn't the news there to strike fear and then the fear can be manipulated to exercise political will? And then the logical thinkers just all start swearing and talking to themselves and are written off as crazies.

It was all about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico:

"I don't think anybody foresaw the circumstance that we're faced with now," said another BP spokesman, Steve Rinehart.

It just drives me insane when you hear the "nobody could have ever foresaw" card... a card that gets played every time some man made operation that makes a lot of money for a few people goes ape shit and destroys all kinds of lives... it's always "nobody could have foresaw". So you are speaking for everybody now, because you are so high and mighty and all of those people who have suggested we not do these things but nobody listened, and now that disaster has struck their voices just never happened...

Nobody could have predicted?

Nobody could have seen the financial meltdown, except all of the people who predicted it and warned against the insanity going on leading up to the disaster... but those people don't count... so nobody could have seen it.

Robertson's rule- if there is a Human involved then there can be Human error, and sooner or later there will be.
The human error can come in many forms... error in construction, error in design, error in monitoring, error in not listening to logic because money pays you otherwise... the only thing for sure is that it will happen sooner or later.

If a big earthquake hits Vancouver and the city of Richmond sinks into the ocean, somebody may say "nobody could have seen this coming", but it has been predicted by many... the human error would have occurred long ago when some fools decided to put a city on unstable Grade A Farmland... the kind of thing that a city might need to produce food one day. Just saying but nobody could possibly see that coming.

When fresh water is the most precious thing on earth the people in Alberta might be wearing the goat horns having turned many of their fresh lakes and watershed into a collection of toxic oil ponds, and somebody will say "nobody could have ever foresaw", which of course is utter horse shit, and grossly insulting to all of the left wing commie pinkos that have spent their lives energy trying to tell people exactly that.

Being right about things is something that humans react strongly to... although sometimes it is a nice feeling to be right, i don't think people really feel joy about disasters. For most people, i think, the reason they are against exploration of that nature (oil), is because they truly care about the state of the planet, and are trying to make a difference so that the planet will be live able and enjoyable for human and all forms of life. It gives people joy to see nature... these people get a sense of calm to be out in the "natural world" and so that is why they worry about these kind of developments... because nature is unpredictable... didn't we learn that from the Titanic?

So when you are some hot shot massive company that's made billions on a product that is causing all kind of grief, perhaps stepping up to a microphone and uttering a ridiculous statement that basically tries to skirt blame and nullify any opponents points that they have been making clearly for years and years, is a bit of an asshole thing to do, don't you think?

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