Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Telus fucks me, other people and the environment again

so i had 2 cribs i was trying to give away on craigslist and i got no replies for some time and it became this obsession i was trying to give them to anybody... if i saw a pregnant woman i would go ask her if she needed a crib... finally i lost it and tried to drop them off at the salvation army... but the Salvation Army won't take them because people are too insane over "Crib safety" and in today's society nobody is smart enough to make a judgement call. the cribs were fine... so yesterday i took them too the dump... it was a long line up and i was very depressed to be dumping 2 perfectly good items that apparently nobody in this world will use due to what i thought was an overzealous safety paranoia... it was sad it cost me a few hours of a holiday Monday, gas and it left me depressed.

having some email problems so i went to the telus site and realized that Telus only sends me some of the emails that are suppose to come my way... and there was a good dozen that were responses to my crib giveaway by people who could have really used the cribs and would have been very grateful to have them.

but fucking Telus fucked us all

I'm sure there is a jackass right now saying "well have you checked your settings... blaa bla bla"... i have received emails from craiglist before under similar circumstances. it's just a damn shame... a totally preventable waste that could have gone completely in the other direction.

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