Odd that good people can't sent other good people attachments like the above image and have to resort to putting things like the above image on a blog. It is basically these kind of irritating things that drive people to buy new computers when in actual fact the computer they have should be able to function fully without constant upgrading.
I was over on the Coast recording music in a Cabin and they were using a G4 Tower with the old operating system and it stomped balls. Speaking of that, I have found out that Roger Dean Young google searches his name all the time and finds blogs where people write about him... Not only that../ he has a personal Myspace account.
ROGER DEAN YOUNG AND THE TIN CUP, Roger young, tin cup music, Copperspine music, can't hit a log with an axe young,
see if he finds this blog
I need to sleep
but not before I make a few more points
1) The ocean is fun to swim in but beware of Sharks. Those beasts are killers, they are actually not beasts but cartilaginous fish recognized in their development the fabulous Gill Arches.
2) the worlds Reefs are endanger
3) the Sharks will need a new source of food
4) Sharks are TERRORISTS
5) I lobby to Nuke the Oceans to make them safe for my white Christian body.
6) that last statement was sarcasm and I do not consider myself Christian.
7) The Church of the Lynx Paw
1 comment:
Ever seen a shark get attacked by a zombie? Our toothy adversaries can be surprisingly vulnerable.
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