The latest Stoke CD is done and I have it in my grubby palms. The cover is three of those graffiti things that appear on the black'n'blues flashpage when you go to the site.
It's a top notch CD, that probably needs money to find it's niche.. But then again doesn't everything. It's about time Willingdon Black named a CD after himself. The recording captures SMASH at his absolute best, playing the role he was born to play... groovemaster of a Black'n'blues machine, and the incredible Andy "yea yea" Poystila once declared "the best drummer in the city hands down.
Track 2 is called Hammerhead, I remember hearing it live @ Studebaker's for the first time, it think there was some email behind that but who's really keeping score... Besides all of us who understand anything.
Across Giza is probably one of the best dance songs I have ever had the pleasure of cutting the rug to... You get those long flailing Sarasota arm circles accented with a sharp stiff leg kick.
Ahh I'm listening to it now. Orange Cat could be one of the coolest songs ever written... It is a king -hell number, and music would be worth listening to if we all suscribed to this kind of stuff.
How's that for Smiley-Faced PR you fucking son of a bitch... Lucky I am to know and believe those above opinions. So I know I'm good when the great bell tolls and those who got behind selling garbage to the masses meet their spiritual void.
What the hell is that! It's a good thing I didn't read that bible my Mother & Law slipped me after I mentioned in her presence that I wanted to read Revelations, the king James version as recommended by HST as one of the greatest writings of all time added with the glowing review "whoever the Loon was that wrote revelations". Because if I had read the bible I would probably end up quoting it when I go of the deep end musing about music and spiritual balance.
I have this CD "Willingdon Black" in one of it's earlier finished phase... I think it is the 37th final draft, and much has changed from that time. All the reverbs have been re-calibrated. That version fell into the "burn discs pile keep away from Kaiya and if left out for 1/10th of a second and seen by Cristina to be put in a dark drawer" void that claims so many quality things around here.
I had the chance to offer opinions and I believe mine was "sounds good", Shockk had a more indepth sonic analysis. At that time version #42 was out and it was to be the FINAL DRAFT... Shockk mentioned a few things and Black registered the ideas, looked at the ceiling, half frowning half smiling and said "perhaps could always go back and tweak a few things... There was something else I notice around 4:47 PM today".
It looks like Canada Lynx Records may have lost out in the bidding war to sign Stoke to a lucrative "you pay your own way" deal.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
S Bolgerson

I wonder what this picture is going to look like on this here blog. More a less just trying to use the technology that sits in front of me. Is it a more proper blog now that we have a shot of our hero in action?
I recall the first time I used "Our hero" to describe myself in writing. It was in song... Can I remember the words?
twas the morning, the refridgerator screams through the silence
yes it was an early morning the clock snuck around defiant
Awake is our hero nose dripping eyes stinging
in shock is our hero up too early in the morning
No No don't lie back down there is no such a thing as a moments more sleep
What are the other words?
I remember I wrote it @ 3:am one day. You see I was working as a Mailman in Richmond and I got this illness called Viral labrinthology. It is a viral infection of the inner ear and your sense of balance is all screwed up and my job involve driving a truck, so the big ass of a superintendent though it would be best for me to come in at 4AM to sort some mail... I was a fool back then and actually agreed to that. So I woke up at 3AM and was trying to get my bearings in the kitchen and I wrote that song. It is amazing how loud a fridge can be when it is very quiet and you are stunned
Monday, July 17, 2006
fine comedy
So I go into work (Canada Post) and the lights are out above me and one looks loose (fluorescent lights) like somebody on a forklift hit it.
But in my mail sortation case is a small child's camping flashlight for me to work with so I can see the mountain of mail I have to sort.
Well I let fly with a patented S Robertson cackle, which got the rest of the station is stitches.
I worked with the flashlight for an hour and then one of the 5 supervisors on the case finally thought to turn the light switch on and lo and behold they all worked... Light again!
That sent me into a fine imitation of one of the head honcho's at a meeting I happened to remember verbatim. The problem with having a good memory is you may seem to know more than you should... Right WB. A question and answer period between Carl Fatman and WB years ago.
oh yea my imitation.
"let me tell you guys... This is a fantastic MILLION DOLLAR facility and I know you are going to love it"
Lets note that we moved from a fine building who's elevators worked and wasn't troubled by the constant work of contractors hammering and drilling away... They mis-judged when they would be ready so we can all just work together... You know the guy trying to peacefully sort his mail and the other guy who has to jackhammer a post out of the concrete, and the other guy painting with "NON FUME" paints.
But hey I'm not complaining because if 5 supervisors can't think to turn on the lights This Facility has plenty of small plastic flashlights to deal with the problem.
One per person please, these things cost money.
But in my mail sortation case is a small child's camping flashlight for me to work with so I can see the mountain of mail I have to sort.
Well I let fly with a patented S Robertson cackle, which got the rest of the station is stitches.
I worked with the flashlight for an hour and then one of the 5 supervisors on the case finally thought to turn the light switch on and lo and behold they all worked... Light again!
That sent me into a fine imitation of one of the head honcho's at a meeting I happened to remember verbatim. The problem with having a good memory is you may seem to know more than you should... Right WB. A question and answer period between Carl Fatman and WB years ago.
oh yea my imitation.
"let me tell you guys... This is a fantastic MILLION DOLLAR facility and I know you are going to love it"
Lets note that we moved from a fine building who's elevators worked and wasn't troubled by the constant work of contractors hammering and drilling away... They mis-judged when they would be ready so we can all just work together... You know the guy trying to peacefully sort his mail and the other guy who has to jackhammer a post out of the concrete, and the other guy painting with "NON FUME" paints.
But hey I'm not complaining because if 5 supervisors can't think to turn on the lights This Facility has plenty of small plastic flashlights to deal with the problem.
One per person please, these things cost money.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Get this one

Odd that good people can't sent other good people attachments like the above image and have to resort to putting things like the above image on a blog. It is basically these kind of irritating things that drive people to buy new computers when in actual fact the computer they have should be able to function fully without constant upgrading.
I was over on the Coast recording music in a Cabin and they were using a G4 Tower with the old operating system and it stomped balls. Speaking of that, I have found out that Roger Dean Young google searches his name all the time and finds blogs where people write about him... Not only that../ he has a personal Myspace account.
ROGER DEAN YOUNG AND THE TIN CUP, Roger young, tin cup music, Copperspine music, can't hit a log with an axe young,
see if he finds this blog
I need to sleep
but not before I make a few more points
1) The ocean is fun to swim in but beware of Sharks. Those beasts are killers, they are actually not beasts but cartilaginous fish recognized in their development the fabulous Gill Arches.
2) the worlds Reefs are endanger
3) the Sharks will need a new source of food
4) Sharks are TERRORISTS
5) I lobby to Nuke the Oceans to make them safe for my white Christian body.
6) that last statement was sarcasm and I do not consider myself Christian.
7) The Church of the Lynx Paw
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Well I just threw a few links up on the Canada Lynx records Website... I'll get more up later remind me to put your link up.
Not that I care, but there is this weird thing about linking people like if you are to rate things. More so if you had a site that was left off the initial link session that ended with a computer crash and a violent flurry of cursing. Not that the people that I hang with are still in that juvenile state of mind but it is a human condition that bubbles to the surface every now and then.
You can imagine a band getting together and working on their website and it comes to the links and they get in a huge debate about who should be linked and the order of the linking. Some members believe that giving "top billing" to a site in which they believe may "help them further their careers" is a must and they have those certain sites in mind. I guess I should write a sit-com.
The Supper show would make a fine reality show, if I don't say so myself. A fine comedy would be the change in the vibe of the show now that network camera crews are buzzing everywhere. If that were to ever happen remind me to Key on those issues in the first few episodes. Most likely one fine element of the show would be my efforts to glide the producer into seeing things my way, and the producer would have their own ideas. Think about that one before you sign on Robertson.
What the hell am I talking about? I can't even get a fucking gig in this town let alone get my own television show.
That could be the angle... the first few Super Robertson Supper Shows in the series would have a modest turnout and then when people hear that there was a camera Crew there people would naturally take the show more seriously... looking for their big break or just enjoying the action. I said that already.
Then the show "Midweek hammer time" becomes the biggest show on television... What is the first spin-off "the Flaming Horn Show", ""Security and Black'n'Blues", "A Rojas say's nothing but grooves like a giant", "pockets goes out"...
I got to get out more...
Not that I care, but there is this weird thing about linking people like if you are to rate things. More so if you had a site that was left off the initial link session that ended with a computer crash and a violent flurry of cursing. Not that the people that I hang with are still in that juvenile state of mind but it is a human condition that bubbles to the surface every now and then.
You can imagine a band getting together and working on their website and it comes to the links and they get in a huge debate about who should be linked and the order of the linking. Some members believe that giving "top billing" to a site in which they believe may "help them further their careers" is a must and they have those certain sites in mind. I guess I should write a sit-com.
The Supper show would make a fine reality show, if I don't say so myself. A fine comedy would be the change in the vibe of the show now that network camera crews are buzzing everywhere. If that were to ever happen remind me to Key on those issues in the first few episodes. Most likely one fine element of the show would be my efforts to glide the producer into seeing things my way, and the producer would have their own ideas. Think about that one before you sign on Robertson.
What the hell am I talking about? I can't even get a fucking gig in this town let alone get my own television show.
That could be the angle... the first few Super Robertson Supper Shows in the series would have a modest turnout and then when people hear that there was a camera Crew there people would naturally take the show more seriously... looking for their big break or just enjoying the action. I said that already.
Then the show "Midweek hammer time" becomes the biggest show on television... What is the first spin-off "the Flaming Horn Show", ""Security and Black'n'Blues", "A Rojas say's nothing but grooves like a giant", "pockets goes out"...
I got to get out more...
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