Monday, December 26, 2005

Guestbook tomfoolery

I see that the 21 tandem repeats site has become the victim of some tomfoolery. What goes around comes around EH!

Spoken like a fine Canadian kid. My finger is a little sore as Shockk and I spent the day recording in my here place. I have an Artist live work studio, and today it saw the business end of some work. What a stellar drum sound one gets in here. A big part of me wants to leave the setup so that we can shock back some 21Tr tracks... but I can't see the wife liking that vibe when she gets back next week.
Women get all silly when drum kits get set up in the living room... they get that "you are being so impossible" look in their eye. They pretend the that kind of stuff is really cool when you first meet them, but then the reality sets in. They have the strange idea that the house should be in fine form in case somebody were to come over and walk in... What would they see? Would it be a reflection of the way one lived.
Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, and everything is just hunkey dory... what the heck does Hunkey dory mean or at least where did that come from?

A story.

One of the more insane maniac people I know by the name of Fire-Man was out for a walk with me and we happened upon a house with a large double lot filled with all kinds of rusty old metal things and other heaps of tires, wood and mechanical parts. I was looking at the heap thinking "Holey crap CT would just flip if she had to deal with that". Just as I had finished that thought Fire-Man let out a jealous moan and said "OOHHH the things a man could do with that stuff".


Monday, December 19, 2005

Super robertoean here

Wanted to have a new post to put that last post... I mean blogaroo, not post, further down.
I never feel to great about raging on, even though I am a man who covets his "rage hero's". Not to mention that I have learned to accept that being a jackass is not always the disaster it's billed to be.
Sure nobody wants to be called a Jackass and have it meant with all the hate that it comes with. People have to settle down. Lets face it we are a nation of jackasses eagerly hoofing away at the earth that supports us causing a noxious dust cloud and then wondering "Why Me? How did this happen? Somebody better do something?".
I got one for you... how bout a nice hay sandwich jack.
Sure we can drive down to the mall... I gotta go there anyway, hell it will only take a 1/2 hour to find parking and in that time we can just idle away.
Woops I was gong to not rage on...

The Toronto maple leafs stomped the new York Islanders 9-6 earlier tonight... sounds like they both got stomped but the leafs stomped harder. nothing like that high scoring "new" NHL to make you feel good about yourself and your choice of products.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Let me know if I'm pissing you off...

Let me know if I'm pissing you off...

I use to say that to people as i snapped my fingers in front of their faces at a rate of 64 snaps per minute. Might i add that i didn't need an answer.

the lesson is : Always respect yourself!

For if you don't, others won't.

If you didn't want somebody to do something that doesn't fit with your art then you actually have to tell them... how are they to know you don't want incessive horn blasting (in F) over you entire song?

Maybe you "need" to be harassed all night long about the possibility of getting somebody some stage time?

And then we get into the idea of: What is art?

Let's not define that bad boy on a late Monday Night.

The point is that i did snap in peoples faces for some time, and now i have learned.

This is surley a "see the wrong in them and change, and they will notice nothing and contunie to do the same pushing the bounderies further" moment.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

My voice if Hoarse

The Question is?
Why is my voice hoarse?
Well that looks odd... 2 lines with 2 question marks looks very odd indeed.
Not written with a pencil, not planted like a seed.

What the hell, am i god damm Dr. Seuse... how the fuck do you spell Seusse?

Well the answer was... I was Hoarse because of "computer log in errors" that i guarantee have some sort of fuckery as part of the overall package.

I hate the internet yet i sit here like a fool (well pacing a lot as well... which i might add is the cause of this series of fragmented thoughts).

No more horn fucking band shit

No more fucking eyes in my face looking like a promising dog egar for a fine food morsel to wolf back and aggress for more.

Black on bass, Shockk on guitar, me oh my on drums... long ambien simple grooves. possible reprocessing opportunities.

The good news is that i am no longer savagely irritated at the computer but it is time to leave this son of a bitch

Friday, December 02, 2005

Politics is a jackass sport

Politicians are just plain stupid. Stupid in the sense that they will say anything that they think will get them a vote, even if what they are saying is utter nonsense that won't happen.
Take Doctor wait times, every politician is going to tackle that problem by throwing money and legislation at it. Sure sure.

In my society I have a job as a civil servant... well the geniuses up top came up with this "mini -restructure plan", that "wasn't going to affect anybody", except of course me and everybody else I work for. The head honchos who make large salaries (in the company that can't afford to pay it's workers), decided to take my mail route and cut it in half and add a massive driving and heavy lifting portion. It took 4 weeks for my back to go out and after I left the route there have been 2 people on it (for 2 months).
My doctor wrote me a note saying that I was not to do that kind of work and to put me back as a letter carrier. Now when a doctor writes a note it costs $10, the visit itself must cost plenty. Being a person who has had back problems i decided to go on sick days for a week and do my exercises... which is the same thing as physiotherapy only unsupervised and free (note... i do know what i'm doing... i have learned through experience).
Now the company that can't afford our wages, but can afford all kinds of other nonsense, sends me back to my doctor to fill out a maze of a form, which takes a longer visit and an extra $70 for fee paid by the impoverished company.
Then the company health nurse gets invovled and sends new forms with new deadlines... while all the time I AM AT WORK DOING FULL TIME LETTER CARRYING but just not this monster of an over assesed route. Then the person doing my route has a nervous breakdown and needs to go to doctors... meanwhile i have healed myself but i am getting registared mail saying i MUST go to the doctor for another assessment.
I refuse on the grounds that this is insane and a total waste of resources... the union gets involved and says "take time off work... get them to pay you to go to the doctor... it won't cost you anything", which is true if i had no conscience.

so the burracracy feeds itself and starves it's people and the politician crows from a podium that more rules and regulations under "their" principles are the answer.
