Thursday, November 01, 2012

I guess i should clarify a few things...

I don't hate my neighbour, she is a nice person, i have helped her and will do so again, and she has helped me.  It's just the form of this blog... It started here... it reads backwards so you need to scroll down to the bottom to check out the mission statement.  I'm interested in what i think and when i think it... maybe I'm one of those megalafuckingmaniacs, but perhaps not seeing that a megalomaniac would probably be more keen to manage a sharp online presence that glorifies themselves rather than an longstanding admission of failure, perhaps it falls in the reverse psychology field... clearly i shouldn't think about perception cause it tailspins me in the wrong direction...

So if a leaf blower arrives in your conscience and you find yourself consumed by unwelcome thoughts and you lay those thoughts down, you are in fact just releasing them and it stands as a record of what you felt in that moment for whatever reason.  I believe in looking back honestly at everything to try to understand situations and myself in them, to be better in the future.  Now the part about the brick through the window... i was just trying to be funny... i just envisioned a brick and a window and i giggled a bit.  But under no circumstances  should one ever throw a brick through a window... it's dangerous.  If you didn't have your slippers on you could get a sliver of glass in your foot.

She just happens to love things that i hate... at least she is loving things... sorry that's all i can do... i went to envision the squirrel nest in the front porch and my brain fell off a cliff again ( i was going to try to say something nice about it).

Sometimes a blog just shits on things and yes... it soils itself in the process, and you can spend all your energy on clean up and fall into a funnel cloud of self analyzing, or you can move on to the next episode.

For the record, it's usually comedy i am going for.  I remember one intimate moment with Dad i was lying on the couch and he was sitting on the floor.  He was talking and i was busting a gut, and he stopped , tilted his head slightly and and looked at me through those blue eyes curiously smiling "you just think everything is funny, don't you"... pretty much.

Rage and negativity have their place... take it from me, a happy person in a great life.  A lot of people can't handle rage and negativity, and yes if you spend all your time in that dark place your life will be worse more often than better, but the light of a new day is a beautiful thing after a dark night.. if you keep artificial lights on all of the time you will miss the contrast.

It's like many humans, they are fucking idiots, buying garbage they can't afford that ends up floating in an ocean slowly leaching toxins into the planet that we need to sustain our lives. On one hand you want to go punch them all out, but on the other you will end up with a sore fist, criminal charges, and you will surly meet your match sooner rather than later... if you can't beat them do you join them? Or do you try to be the change you want to see in the world?  You probably use either excuse to suit the position you are in at the moment rather than harping on your failure, right. In so doing you alter the history of your conscience to suit the needs of your immediate... then you lose because you don't learn the lessons because you hide the facts. If i hear a leaf blower and lose my shit then I'm bat shit crazy... because as you know, you can't swing a dead squirrel without hitting some hammerhead revving a leaf blower.  All over the place people are paying others to clean their shit, and the guy getting paid can maximize profits by just blowing the dirt away from the "clean zone".  And maximizing profits is a most celebrated event in our culture.. you might even say the whole process is good for the economy, which happens to be another bell dinger. You blow the shit out onto the street take off, and the wind blows the shit back and you have a job the next week... you are buying gas and oil and earplugs and the local businesses thrive... and some jackass thinks this is bad?

I think of it like this: I can have a perspective on something and some other dumb simpleton can have an opposite position.  At this point you can fly into a rage and let it out, or you can slowly stew, or you can engage that person in an effort to enlighten them and then find out that their brain is just one big empty cave with a bunch of bad ideas backed up by incredulous misconceptions about the very nature of how things actually are.

Just have fun with life, get into it... go down with your ships but rise again in a stronger unsinkable vesicle. Of course there is no unsinkable vesicle, as we learned in 1912, but it's OK to think you are unsinkable from time to time... live life with the heart of a lover, walk tall and you shall hover (from the song "the key of 5").

So what goes on in my head goes on in my head... i would never harm anyone.. unless it was a rodent or an accidental hockey collision... anyhoo i just thought I'd try to shine a bit of light on the reality of what goes down here as there seems to be some people who are getting to know me and perhaps glance at this blog from time to time, and might not see the humor as humour but rather disturbed mental imbalance.

We are all given the beauty of life and as my history teacher Mr. Mallinson once said "everybody should have the right to choose how he or she lives their life".  I don't give a rats ass about popularity, as in my experience putting efforts into that always leads to ruin... I'm me and I'm interested, with respect to this blogi apparatus (right Mule), my truth... and i love rage heroes, so i try to be one.


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