Tuesday, October 30, 2012

not losing

Thinking "not losing" is more important than "winning". As a mindset to tackle life in the grand scheme of happiness. Failure has a greater scope when winning is the goal.
SR Jones ƒ -when the tea was ready
 That was one thought i was going to poke at as i find myself with an hour for blogging... and not late night blogging this time, although there still is a late night to be had down the road, so the table is still taking bets if you know what i mean.  I seem to be in bold font for some reason, i guess that's the way god wanted it to be, so lets carry on.
 Holey shit leaf blower !
Just so you know... I'm not making this stuff up... still blowing away ruining the peaceful silence i was bathing in just moments ago... back when this blog was going to try to bring a wave of positivity and good vibes to the cyberworld.  It's pouring rain and this guy is revving a leaf bower trying to blow a light scattering of leaves over to my  yard...  of course... my yard needs some for i just raked it the other day.  It's a weird idea i know... gather the leaves and choose a method of disposal.  For me I'm gonna dig them into my garden as my clay pile could use all the organic material i can give it.   I can not lose, by collecting those leaves and digging them in to the garden.
But you know...  people who house squirrels and then feed them so they can bury nuts in people's gardens and clog up  downspouts... it is these people who can make the jump to justify smelly noise machine to blow leaves where they don't belong either.  Fits the bill  "fuck those people, i want to do what i want to do and if my actions have a negative impact on those around me... fuck it".
I guess it's time to test my skills and turn this into a "not losing" scenario. Winning would be going outside and putting a few bricks through a few windows, but in the end, that is war and war is wrong.  That's kind of like not losing... not doing something that will drag you down further in an effort to win, but really only losing more.   
Love thy neighbour, no matter how bat shit crazy they are.  I'm sure it has never occurred to her all of the many levels of irritation that a leaf blower revving on a rainy day contains... She comes home, and her place looks all tidy, she is greeted by some squirrels,  pulls out a few nuts and she is in her happy place.  Perhaps a new bass amp that can rattle house foundations is in order... whoops slipping into revenge again.. well actually i can get behind the joy of some fine face melting bass anytime, so as long as that is my primary purpose i should just enjoy, since we have agreed we are sorry when our actions cause pain to our neighbours, but under no circumstances will we change our actions.  
On an unrelated point, i have heard, that the best way to hit squirrels with your car is to not speed into them right away.  If you decelerate the squirrel will relax and think it is dealing with one of those fool humans that they own... it's then when thy get comfortable you step on it.  Make sure to come off the break a second or two before you accelerate.  If the bastard looks like it is getting away shock it with your horn... this works well to startle the rodent, which may freeze it, or send it back to the other wheel base.
Who knows if that's true... sounds kind of dangerous, and safety on the road is just another fine example of giving up trying to win in an effort to not lose!
 Hot dam i just might be making some good points here.  Whoops now I'm in a world of doubt... rookie mistake, i can't believe i just did that... i came out of a roll to congratulate myself on a good roll and i lost momentum... perhaps it was time for change.
Making art as an adult is a good "don't try to win, just don't lose" concept.  I have often thought that if i were ever to speak at a music conference that would be my talk.  And then i get to the point in the talk where I'm something like "and don't whatever the hell you do pay some fee to be considered for a slot at one of those insipid god damn career building conferences..." a slight hush comes over the crowd and a dignitary raises an eyebrow, a throat clears and the lights go off a little box by the speakers podium opens up and an angry scatter of black widow spiders are released with fangs gnashing.
out of time.
Cake ready, bread rising, stew on... soon there will be many young children, making a noise i can imagine could drown out a leaf blower... but the leaf blower is gone now... fucking guy just blows it all on my yard!  breath deeply, love thy neighbour...  i am not them... It's OK to get the win every now and then :)

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