Thursday, October 04, 2012

beer bees and politics

Double IPA, brewed with my own Zeus hops takes the sting out of the staining fiasco with regards to the deck.  Slow is good... a bigger roller that puts more on faster isn't always ideal.  I mean it's a good idea when it is spoken... kind of like a Presidential promise...  Yea that sounds good, let's do that... Oh shit that wasn't what was advertised.

Apparently the Republican candidate "won" the debate... debate of course meaning speaking in soundbite sayings while smiling.  Funny one of the soundbites i heard was "North American energy independent".  But wait a minute, didn't your party, when it had the reins, start a multi-trillion dollar war killing millions of innocent, and wounding permanently god knows how many, in the name of freedom, but also to make sure that these valuable sources of the World's Oil  are in safe hands.

Don't get me wrong energy independence is a great idea, but we live in a society that is constructed to waste energy in the name of freedom and choice.  That's why the Oil companies bought up all the streetcar lines in the cities so they could shut them down and get everybody in their cars.  And in 2012 we can hear a used car salesman tout the idea of energy independence as if he just thought of that idea himself.  It's rubbish of course, i'm sure polls have been taken of the American sheeple to find out what "buzz words" are hot... hell you could probably just monitor the internet to find that one out... in the name of security of course. 

I'm a conservative person, and when i was younger i even voted along the Conservative line... then i woke up.  The issue i went down on was free trade... you see i was thinking free trade would be great for my country (Canada) at the time... hell we had all the good cards we should be in a good position... so i voted for the Conservative jackass, who went and made a free trade deal that to me was unconscionable... they just gave away rights to Canadian water and natural resources... period.  Never in a million years did i expect that... i was thinking make a good deal for our country... but that's when  i woke up.  Conservatives don't conserve, and they don't give a shit about what is right... they use religion and fear and drive wedges between things that are different to further their corporate agenda.

I find it incredible that anybody could be passionate about a Conservative/ Republican politician... they come into power with surpluses, and leave with deficits, they are against science (unless the scientists are building war machines).  Even more insane is that, as elected officials, they agree to disagree always as a matter of principal to make the other party, or parties look bad...  the only important thing is being in power, and when you get there it is secrecy, lies and deficits.

They should actually change the meaning of the word conservative... it means nothing anymore... it's like the word gay... it doesn't mean happy anymore.  Conservative means small minded, dogmatic, for oneself... but yet good people stay on the "conservative" line ... do they just not see what is going on?

My ideals are fairly far left wing, whatever the hell that means, and i admit that the folks that run the far left wing might not have a full grasp on how to actually govern, but they just might, despite what the opposition ads may tell you.  i know this... a strong leader is not a jackass who just pushes bad ideas through despite the evidence... that is actually a weak leader, because that person is leading the people to a place where they will be worse off than they were before.

It's the classic Canada Post Union brave heart...  stand up on the floor and start yelling and screaming at people, and others think that makes you a good leader because you are willing to stand up to people, but you are actually a weak leader because you fall into the trap... work to rule is the only real option, but the people won't do that cause the want the carrot, so instead you freak out and cause a scene and think you are doing something.  I should note... those people are not always there for you... sometimes they are just there for themselves

The world is divided into us and them...somebody always trying to make you hate someone for some reason, and it is usually so that you will take your eye off reason and go with the mob mentality and punch your ticket for another round of raping that you thought read reaping... well it was close, but since you punched the ticket bend over old sport.

Last time i checked the incumbent President came into power just as some massive economic bailout plan was being unveiled... because, of course, the economy as we know it was about to FAIL.  Sounds to me like the people before did a real fucking shitty job... i did mention the war of course, or was it 2 wars... probably more than that in reality.  So we are still standing with no help what so ever from the party that was defeated after they screwed up royally... why?  If they help it might appear that the President is doing a good job so it is clearly better to oppose him at every level in an effort to help him fail, and the country with him, so that you can point your finger and lobby for yourself as a strong and natural leader.

I'd rather eat a shit sandwich.

There is no unity in humanity... distracted by what glitters, hanging on to promises that will never materialize, it's easier to hate than to love.  The bees in the hive are not looking over their stingers at what others are doing, criticizing and complaining.. if they don't do their job they are stung to death on the spot... their cones are perfect every time... we have rights and opinions and consumer impulses...

hour is up

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