Saturday, February 24, 2007

yep yep yep

I seem to have found a way to get Willingdon Black to use his superior writing skills to update some 21 tandem repeats/ music related items.

It was all by accident you see, that came out of frustration, and it comes down to the point of "beware of what you write in a band bio website" because you never know when a Toronto magazine is going to review your band and use that ill advised information to destroy the reputation of certain band members... What does it come down to? I guess the answer is that I don't have the slightest clue. i have never really understood anybody or anything related to the control of one's image. There was a story on the CBC about a girl agreeing to go camping with her boyfriend because she though he was going to ask her to marry him. she then goes on to explain that she doesn't want to go camping, or at least her fear was that she didn't look pretty when she was camping. that just misses me %1000 but yet i know that many people think that way. Why would you not want to go camping and once you are camping there are so many fine things to enjoy that to miss them by worrying about your appearance is totally detrimental.

I remember Darren and Beuff... they drove 16 hours up to a tree-planting camp spent one night and took off in the morning. I remember the anger in Beuff's face when he realized what tree-planting was... a little too late. it was hilarious... they had no time for savage labour from a tent camp and had no bones about leaving without ever really trying

Have your shit together in slithery statements and stick too them and never look like a real human because that is dangerous. real humans are boring fuckers that are good for gardening and contributing to the tax base. where was i going with this... perhaps i should re become a luddite.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

where is the future

There i was all ripe with a fresh idea and then this cotton pickin' blog makes me change over to a Google account... next thing you know the child is awake and coming up with some mysterious arm ailment and then something else about wanting something fresh (which would be fresh water). You have to watch these children they will have you running all kinds of fake plays.

The Vancouver Housing Blogger has signed off for a while, which in my opinion sounds like a good idea. I say that with all due respect, VHB has made his point and became the King of Blogs doing it... even though Blog is still not recognized as a word... it will be interesting to see if "New blogger has a spell check that accepts it as a word. It can't be a healthy thing to be on a tip like that for so long... just a few weeks before i had thought i must stop reading that for a while as you tend to spend more and more time waiting for the collapse.

I had long been a pusher of the idea that real estate and the people buying it have an insane relationship, telling anybody knew "this makes no sense", "who can afford this", "do they have any idea what debt can do to your life". And then people started telling me i should check out VHB's blog, One even asked me if I was VHB... which of course was silly as our writing styles differ completely. All the while of course my loft has doubled in "value", although i have never been one to start counting that "profit"... me being a natural maniac stayed focused on bringing down the mortgage. The thing is our family missed an opportunity to buy a house that we would have loved where we wanted it because we were not mentally ready, and although i do not blame any philosophy but my own i tend to think that if i wasn't sure of the crash (which i am), and rather thinking about what i need and can afford, and what i want and what i am willing to give and take then perhaps i would have a better mind to achieve it. My outlook needed a change so i though i should stay away from VHB (still managed to peak) and then a few weeks later VHB pulls a tigger and bounces off. Why not... good idea, surely VHB could get a good book deal.

21 Tandem Repeats has even written a song for VHB called "irrational exuberance" (working title)... perhaps we could get it out on the next CD although it still needs a bit of work. andy song with the line "then freako pointed out where he was wrong" is OK in my books.

oh yea the thing i really wanted to talk about has to do with this "Global Warming" theory. Now Australia is banning incandescent lights because they don't meet energy requirements... good idea. Why is it that you never hear talk of planting some more trees. there is all kinds of emission target jargon but why don't we start composting all compostables and replanting our forests that way we can work from both sides of the problem. Also why are grey water systems not mandatory for all this new construction that will turn our city into a "world class city"... are we just a pile of hammerheads flopping around in a boat?

**** note Blog is acceped as a word in the "new blogger"

I wonder if Blogaroo and Bloggi and Bloggi apparatus will make it one day?

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Dance

If your imagination is broken I give you my beautiful dances

Kaiya Magnolia Robertson (age 3)

Might have to use that one. If I was only a poet jackass rather than a simple rhythm jackass. I have been called a wordsmith by a few people in my time, perhaps their imagination was broken... Or perhaps I need a hooker to teach me how to take a compliment (The Tragically Hip).

Where is this gibberish going, and why shouldn't one blog about work?

Making enemies was never the smart way to succeed... Just suck it up and keep taking it and maybe one day it will be your turn on the soft end of the whip. But not to likely because there are 2 types out there Whipers and Whipees... I guess there are also apple eaters and peach lovers.

I was spinning my wheels today just like yesterday
The new orange was a fools paradise
because when you miss the boat
you need to swim
but there are sharks
and they are better in the water than you could ever be
so don't train in the swimming pool
go learn to make a million
any you can buy a boat
and pay a sailor
and go fishing if you want

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Create New Post

I was over at Mule Hughe's house the other week... It was the usual uber social event with Willingdon Black entertaining the crowd with imitations from television shows from a long time ago. Knowing that these guys are Blog fellows I asked them if they has switched their blogs over to the "New" goggle blogger. There was a series of curses from the couch, known originally as a chesterfield in Canada, or a Sopha in the U.S.A. apparently these computer things can cause aggravation to other people as well. I always figure if something works don't whatever you do fuck with it, especially if it is some thing that reads ones and zeros.

the cost of progress can be brutal when you think about it... You could do what you needed to... Now you can do more once you negotiate the 2 month set up and recover from the mild stroke.

Like global warming which is reluctantly being recognized as fact. It is a true cost of industrial progress, and it's ability to be ignored for the past few decades is the cost of our economic progress. And the fact that were are going to hear all kinds of new useless terms to quantify this beast by politicians vying for your vote will be sure to stoke the rage in the Robertson home.

The other day I was in the car driving and I came across Cambie street... They are preparing Vancouver for the Olympics in 2010 to be a world class city... So there I was inching along and I guess I must have said something as Kaiya, who was in her seat in the back said "why you say that!". Apparently she is not a fan of road rage.

Perhaps I need a metal band

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Bone wisdom

Willingdon Black, a fine man and a stellar guitarist makes the fool error of admitting in print that he can't hear the ghastly acoustic guitar buzzing that plagues a certain release.

I myself spent the night at a hammerhead convention... Ah you know me always focusing on the negative.

Recall my greatest life decision occurred with the help of focusing on the negative. Focusing on the positive is for sheep hearders... They tell the sheep " this is great, there are plenty of blades of grass to munch on this cold, steep shaded moutain side". That a boy be a team player.

fuck that shit man, when something is wrong it should be addressed as wrong and aggressively stomped out of existence.

I met a lot of folks tonight who are ready to tour next month on albums that are not yet mixed... That's like a young me, back when I believed in myself, er , I mean, I felt like an elder. And that was a good thing. I spent the night giving advise... Don't whatever you do waste your life like I have done... Nobody wants to hear your shitty shit, show some breasts... Indeed

apparently there is a person starting a Canada Post stress Blog

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Game

Is the game of life to win?

perhaps it is... is it rather the definition of the word "win"?

Can everybody be a winner? I believe not... a nice model and a fine philosophical conversation could be had over the concept

21 Tandem Repeats

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Time to post

a band called the green makers... That was the idea I had the other day driving down Clarke near Kelly Boy's place... Yea I was full of them yesterday there were other ideas as well but I just forgot them for some reason.

Oh yea I was thinking of BLOG, and the idea and the words.

Blogaroo- a post in a blog
Blogi- a post with comments
Blogi Apparatus- a series of posts with comments pertaining to the same topic

21 Tandem Repeats

just wanted to test my ability to put a link in... I just updated the 21tr site and put some links in there and they worked for a bit and now they don't. Of all the things I was thinking one of the more important is to get link action into this blog...

i will write later...