Tuesday, February 20, 2007

where is the future

There i was all ripe with a fresh idea and then this cotton pickin' blog makes me change over to a Google account... next thing you know the child is awake and coming up with some mysterious arm ailment and then something else about wanting something fresh (which would be fresh water). You have to watch these children they will have you running all kinds of fake plays.

The Vancouver Housing Blogger has signed off for a while, which in my opinion sounds like a good idea. I say that with all due respect, VHB has made his point and became the King of Blogs doing it... even though Blog is still not recognized as a word... it will be interesting to see if "New blogger has a spell check that accepts it as a word. It can't be a healthy thing to be on a tip like that for so long... just a few weeks before i had thought i must stop reading that for a while as you tend to spend more and more time waiting for the collapse.

I had long been a pusher of the idea that real estate and the people buying it have an insane relationship, telling anybody knew "this makes no sense", "who can afford this", "do they have any idea what debt can do to your life". And then people started telling me i should check out VHB's blog, One even asked me if I was VHB... which of course was silly as our writing styles differ completely. All the while of course my loft has doubled in "value", although i have never been one to start counting that "profit"... me being a natural maniac stayed focused on bringing down the mortgage. The thing is our family missed an opportunity to buy a house that we would have loved where we wanted it because we were not mentally ready, and although i do not blame any philosophy but my own i tend to think that if i wasn't sure of the crash (which i am), and rather thinking about what i need and can afford, and what i want and what i am willing to give and take then perhaps i would have a better mind to achieve it. My outlook needed a change so i though i should stay away from VHB (still managed to peak) and then a few weeks later VHB pulls a tigger and bounces off. Why not... good idea, surely VHB could get a good book deal.

21 Tandem Repeats has even written a song for VHB called "irrational exuberance" (working title)... perhaps we could get it out on the next CD although it still needs a bit of work. andy song with the line "then freako pointed out where he was wrong" is OK in my books.

oh yea the thing i really wanted to talk about has to do with this "Global Warming" theory. Now Australia is banning incandescent lights because they don't meet energy requirements... good idea. Why is it that you never hear talk of planting some more trees. there is all kinds of emission target jargon but why don't we start composting all compostables and replanting our forests that way we can work from both sides of the problem. Also why are grey water systems not mandatory for all this new construction that will turn our city into a "world class city"... are we just a pile of hammerheads flopping around in a boat?

**** note Blog is acceped as a word in the "new blogger"

I wonder if Blogaroo and Bloggi and Bloggi apparatus will make it one day?

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