Thursday, February 08, 2007

Bone wisdom

Willingdon Black, a fine man and a stellar guitarist makes the fool error of admitting in print that he can't hear the ghastly acoustic guitar buzzing that plagues a certain release.

I myself spent the night at a hammerhead convention... Ah you know me always focusing on the negative.

Recall my greatest life decision occurred with the help of focusing on the negative. Focusing on the positive is for sheep hearders... They tell the sheep " this is great, there are plenty of blades of grass to munch on this cold, steep shaded moutain side". That a boy be a team player.

fuck that shit man, when something is wrong it should be addressed as wrong and aggressively stomped out of existence.

I met a lot of folks tonight who are ready to tour next month on albums that are not yet mixed... That's like a young me, back when I believed in myself, er , I mean, I felt like an elder. And that was a good thing. I spent the night giving advise... Don't whatever you do waste your life like I have done... Nobody wants to hear your shitty shit, show some breasts... Indeed

apparently there is a person starting a Canada Post stress Blog

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