Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another myspace rant

The only emails my "business" gets these days are friends requests from our myspace accounts. You see all pro bands and record labels use myspace as their primary contact resource... their websites are just there to collect service fee's. indeed, so i get these emails from people wanting to be my "friend", or at least my band or record label's friend, and my policy is is to just accept all as friends. Except i denied somebody the other day... i got the usual numerous requests... as you get more friends, your mathematical chances of getting scene sucking keyboard ninnies increases. Anyhoo... oh yea i denied the band that had a request and sent me a message that essentially said that they were responding to my email and that this was not spam and then i noticed a "friends request" from them.

Anyway.. the thing is every-time i go on myspace to just clear out the messages / requests it just takes forever for the pages to load. Has it finally go to big for it's own bridges? I think so... how about this... this whole green movement where all the hipsters use up energy leaving comments about each other.

Me i got the lights on... pecking away at this shithole blog whit my refrigerated drinks and a heart full of hate... half full of hate, and half full of love.

Oh apparently another "earth like planet" has been discovered in some far away place (20.5 light years). It';s probably too far away to have any commercial value to us. Actually no... just the idea that it is there could sell somebody something...

1 comment:

The Mule said...

Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space because there's bugger all down here on Earth, as Eric Idle once sang.

Could MySpace pages be less attractive, clunkier, and slower to load?


Stick with the s. hole blog, I say.