Saturday, April 07, 2007

what would Mr. T say...

I believe it would be something like " I pity the fools that missed that A Ghost to Kill again show". And i do for so may reasons... i was thinking of trying to describe mule loving it... the way the back of his head nodded and the silhouette of his glasses and smiling face were loving every minute... but then there was Smash who was full on rocking out in front of Cory Curtis. Me, i have a stiff neck myself today from the aggressive rocking that the music made me oblige. I mentioned to Alvaro Rojas after the show that I'm going to need to come to rehearsals to get into shape for a show like that, to which he replied that there won't be one for a few months because Sam Cartwright is going out on tour for a while... well hot damn i pitied the fools that missed that show even more. Luckily for me Dustin Rilcof made it to the show which will save me trying to explain it's greatness over the saturday workout... not that i wouldn't mind trying but i really think it was one of those you had to be there moments.

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