Fuse lit bombs
It was a dream where we set off to firebomb a friends house (something I did for real from time to time). But this was going to be the mother of all firebombs and the whole town was in on it... And of course when we got there nobody had any matches or lighters and everybody blamed me.
Kind of like a dream where you can't run when you need to. The song was originally titled "Uncle Jerry A'Hearn" in honour of Jerry, my tree-planting boss turned friend, and the words were all there and so I phoned him and left it on his answering machine to record it but it got lost and I could never recapture what I thought I had that day so years later I had the dream and put the song together.
I remember Carl Fatman asked Lily Frost if she ever wrote any of her songs in her dreams... She laughed at him pointing out that she wasn't in a dream writing but rather has written about dreams. She is a winner that girl.
Anyhoo i hope that answers the question.
Possibly we should have ask SR a question blogaroos?
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