Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Robertson logic

So i bought some fire hot sauce the other day and I'm hitting my food with it like a badman.  As a result i have been punching the air and drinking lots of water.  The key is in the water... i don't drink enough of it even though i try to tell myself to do more, so i have done what Robertson logic would allow and come up with this masterful plan.  CT was a bit more negative on the whole issue, claiming i am going to change my stomach pH and run into a whole other mess of problems... but i like my chances.

For those just joining the journey, i would like to point out the nature of "Robertson Logic"... take one segment of life and over analyze it... then work up a mighty paranoia with regard to the issue... then take up a secondary habit that will help lead you in a direction to lessen the paranoia of the initial infraction.

One time, Dad, who is and always will remain the most health conscious person i have ever known, was fixing the tub, and so he had the shower door in the hallway one night, and i guess he got up to use the washroom and slammed his toe into the shower door on the way to the can.  My sister happened to be a "candy stripier" (person who volunteers in the hospital to pad a resume for future medical school consideration), and was working the next day... the same day Dad went to the hospital to have his foot X-Rayed that found a hairline fracture in his toe.  But the killer was that Dad was smoking in the waiting room (you could do that back then) and when my sister saw him he replied "I'm smoking to calm my nerves".  You see Dad has always been very nervous with regard to health related issues, and pain tolerance was not his strong suit, so in that situation, he managed to talk himself into his greatest bad idea Smoking!  Because apparently it calms peoples nerves... I'm not saying it doesn't... it does all kinds of things, many of them are most excellent, and some of them are totally unacceptable.  When you are an extremest it's hard to ride the middle ground.

Me, I'm a hitting the hot sauce for good or ill.  I like the idea of over doing things, it's funny and comedy is king in a world full of idiot voters who would gladly vote for their own death penalty if somebody on a TV add called it a rose.

When Robertson logic becomes absolute, which it is by it's definition you can accomplish some significant things.  It comes in handy in long term lifestyle grooves.. it's a handy force to have against consumer impulses, passing fads and it's good for saving money. I used Robertson logic to avoid taking taxi's for years and years saving me money and of course earning interest on the money i saved.  I would always walk home... good exercise and a chance to sober up before hitting the bed.

Robertson logic can harm you in other ways... you can miss a lot of experiences in life by staying true to some slight tangent in the grand scheme of things.  Often times you are misunderstood because people see an action and think the action is a reaction rather than a reflex as determined under the laws of "Robertson logic".

Mom had some classic Robertson logic the other day... as per usual there was a theft paranoia where she was sure somebody came into her room and stole a bracelet she had, but then when we went over the scenario we noticed that she was wearing the bracelet when she thought the crime had occurred, but she didn't miss a beat... the only question was...  How did they steal it off her wrist without her knowing?  So fixated on the paranoia that any other solution is irrelevant.

One time dad developed a system for vacuuming rugs.  You vacuum the rug then you flip it over and vacuum the bottom side and the bristles that beat the rug knock a fine dust on the floor so you sweep that up and then you flip the rug, and vacuum it again, and then you flip it again and vacuum the back side, and then... you get more fine dust... now you are getting serious.  Around the 9th flipping you need to remind Dad that he is probably personally breathing in a lot of harmful fine dust, and then one of 2 things will happen.  1) we will spend the rest of the day in dust masks vacuuming the rug or 2) we will stop and go outside... once outside you could easily lobby for a nice long healthy walk.

It's the way we roll.

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