Friday, March 23, 2012

It's kind of odd

When i start an old blogaroo, i don't know what the hell I'm going to chicken peck about... i think most people would have a plan. I'm OK with not having as plan... we need fluid boundaries, like a good jam that just finds a pocket nobody was expecting and stays there and explores the options. Either that or flips like a large mouthed bass in a canoe a few minutes after thinking "yea I'm eating that frog".


So I was going up Mt. Tabor and i ran into a few neighbours... multiple sets and the word on the street was that it was cold up there and i was under dressed. I scoffed off that nonsense pointing out i had a sweater and a Scarb jacket... not to mention a Man orange long sleeve shirt... but you know the Americans always trying to be helpful, concerned i might get up there and change my tune. It kind of got to the point where i had to say "listen here, I'm Canadian and your sissy Yankee Chinook can't chill me"... things grew serious. I then pointed out that i have 4 inch sideburns, perhaps rather obvious, and that those sideburns would direct the wind like an experienced air traffic controller might guide a jumbo 757 to its approved path... more confusion... my point about my handle bar moustache hovering like a couple of imperial guards protecting my neck region never even really got made before i had to let them know this was my attempt at humour, or humor for that matter. Then we were Yucking it up... the old me would have parted and had that interaction coat our future relationship like a bad fungus.

In the end there was no cold... I'm from the old school, if it's cold walk faster, if it's still cold start air drumming... still cold air drum metal circus beats... still cold do it with leg kicks. In a consumer society we rely on gadgets too often... gadgets allow flawed minds to create excuses to fail to see what is right. Yes... this gadget will solve your problem... i didn't know i had one...

Then again i don't have a cell phone. 1) too cheap, 2) can't really work the damn things, 3) always break down when i need them, 4) don't want to be contacted when I'm on a mission.

My problem with the cell phone culture is the fact that people now have an excuse to be flaky on plans. I'll be there in Wednesday @ 7:20PM... well man give me your cell number and I'll call you at around 7 and see where I'm at... me I'm like, well I'll be there... I don't need to check in @ 7 because at that time i will be in transit, and to pay a company to dose myself with radiation to give somebody an out seems insane. If you can't make it, don't be there, i don't need to be on a phone hearing an excuse that is going to enrage me. I do see that i am one of "those" people that will never really be understood on issues like this.

Example: I don't watch T.V. , well i did watch "Hockey Night in Canada" until it stopped broadcasting an analogue signal... you can stream it now, provided you live in Canada. Not watching TV was a conscious decision... My wife felt the same way... one of our core values. This has been going on for over a decade, close to two actually, but yet every time I phone home, some family member asks me if i have seen a certain show, to which i reply "I don't watch TV", to which they reply "oh well you should because this show is really good"... maybe it is, but the point is i have consciously decided to live free of television programming, which is the key problem for me, and the docile sloth mentality of the average TV consumer. But it's like every fucking time somebody telling me what show i am missing... it's like it never registered in the first place and we just go back and have the same conversation over and over again... me calling watching TV bullshit, and them urging me to get with the program... I don't go over to vegetarians houses and cook up pans of bacon and say things like "you should try this it's really good", even though i do believe bacon is really good... i mean i know it's a shit food... bad fat, ridiculous sodium content... but i like the taste. Actually i did go to a vegetarian party one time and cook up a pile of sausages, but it was really funny, and i only did it once.

It's a human problem, when you don't do something that everybody does you become a weirdo, but the truth is i have probably replaced time wasting hours on television with time wasting hours on this blasted Internet... what do i think? I think if you have a purpose the Internet is great, if your are looking for purpose the Internet is a black hole. i have been both persons on many a nights, hear my hit song "internetting on chatroulette" by SR Jones for comedy if you want... it is what it is. The waitress at the bar down the street doesn't like that saying, neither did one of my former band mates. To me "it is what it is" means you are still in the process of observing. I find too often people try to define things before they know what the hell they are talking about, but perhaps they are just trying to shot those watching that they have things under control. We like control for some reason, perhaps it's ownership of the situation we strive for.

just another fork in the road, bed time in the city of fallen heroes

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