Thursday, January 11, 2007

What was I thinking when I came up with this idea earlier this evening... There are these social engagements and scene slithering events this weekend but I have just seen the window of my next creative attack... I need to sanctuary, if you know what I mean a demo idea sits on my phone answering machine, which is a comedy in itself... You would think that with all of the high tech gear that I have worked so hard to earn the money to purchase one wouldn't have to resort to these types of things. I remember years ago Smash offered me a mini cassette player which I should have snapped up at the time... And then you start thinking about how a certain computer maker in the effort to make things easy for the common consumer stunts powerful machines with bizarre software and input diseases.

things I want to do in the next few days: Play with Kaiya and CT, eat well, undertake the beginning of a recording project, play drums, watch leafs vs cannucks, be social

things I have to do: deliver stupid mail, do body core strengthening exercises, feed family

should I move recording to the "have to do pile" and blow off the rest?

back will go out, family will crumble, work will fill out forms

and what if I miss the engagements... Ill have to come up with some excuse for why I missed the show, although recording should be good for a musician but not all see it that way... Could become awkward. Will become awkward, I actually find the music pretty good. Maybe if I start recording take a break whip down to the club and be seen "supporting" catch some of the set race back to recording. Now would any other of the scene sucking bastards do that... Which I guess unroots one of my problems. I don't seem to give a rat's ass about being in a club being part of a scene, but yet it is a necessary element of my tax paying registered business. Possibly this could be solved by quitting my job and writing grants full time to get funding for Canada Lynx Records... Then I'll be writing grants all day? Better than writing in this stupid shithole blog.


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