Friday, June 05, 2015

Open stage

So i played open stage tonight... it was a good reminder to never do that again... will i heed my advice? Time is the hunter and it will show the truth.  Perhaps i met a person that i might play music with... time will tell.

What did i learn from this open stage? The Cavilers can't score in overtime, and the catcher from the Tampa Rays wears a hockey goalie mask.  Everything else i had already learned but needed to remind myself.  Nobody gives a shit about about any artistic creation you may have made... and in the end it's all just memories.... right Mule. 

It's unfortunate that music making has been turned into this 15 minutes of time to sell beers.  But that is the game, if you don't like it leave it, like i did years ago.  I needed to go back like salmon who spawns.  It's more like a  biological imperative... you have songs and you think you want to play them but in the end you are just a disturbance to the chaos that is happening in the bar.  Whatever, I am more of a scientist checking out the moment rather than a songwriter trying to create a big break.

One thing i know for sure is that it is the storybook parade tomorrow for the elementary school.  A chance to cheer the kids on in their costumes and everything will be OK.   If the storybook parade was an open stage then nobody would go home with a sense of importance because nobody gives a darn about anything that they they are doing... it's the beauty of elementary school... you get cheered on for having cat whiskers and walking down a road.

This is good don't get me wrong, i can get behind cat whiskers, as long as they are not in my garden taking s shit. 

I'm not a "this animal is cute" kind if guy... if the animal is a pain in the ass i hate it...  it's a big picture kind of thing.

Obviously not everybody see's it this way, as i have seen from being on social media, but i can live with that. 

There is a book out now called "your band sucks" by john fine... Smash sent me the link and Mule will soon review it... i haven't read it but it sounds like a book i am trying to write although i would shy away from the negative.   My attack is more on the idea of the struggle of being in a band rather than attack the idea of somebodies band sucking.  There is lot's of fodder there and as somebody who is less inclined to attack the notion of a band sucking but rather question the parameters of what a band is expected to do, I'll stick to my guns.

Imagine the idea of me hanging in a bar for 3 hours to play for 15 minutes to a crowd that has no interest in listening... and i did it to myself.

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