Saturday, February 12, 2011

random point night in the blogosphere

Can we just drop the fucking puck when a game is set to start rather than always indulging into some extra long, extra lame ceremony celebrating some fucking thing. Also i don't need to see 5 minutes of Don Cherry walking into a crowd of cheering fans. Don't get me wrong, i like Don Cherry am willing to forgive his bizarre slips in the past few years... but really, as a society are we that obsessed with celebrity that we need to witness a celebrity greeting overzealous fans ad nausium? As a hockey fan, the amount of hockey a fan is exposed to becomes less and less... it's facts like that that we need to start boning in on. Oddly enough one of tonight's ceremonies was to celebrate that a year ago the Vancouver Olympics started... and what was the best thing about Olympic Hockey? Fast efficient games (need that venue for the next game), no advertising, no TV time outs. Clearly they missed the boat, but that would cost money... tell the fans that an extra delay is a bonus for their inflated ticket prices.

lets get off hockey

Politics- It has bothered me for some time that our system of democracy basically has a party in power and another party spending all of their energy trying to make the other party look bad so they can get their chance in the trough. For the record i am not a Harper fan at all and would consider strategic voting to keep him from majority power... which interestingly would make a case for a coalition government. The comedy being the argument against coalition government is that the people get a government that they didn't vote for... but if you voted to not have Harper leading your government then you are all roses. Anyhoo that was not my point to start out... my goal was to present an idea on how society could be better... and then i remembered we are being led by a very smart man who argued strongly against the idea of climate change on behalf of big business, was exasperated when his country didn't join a war for oil, argued for transparency in government but has shown none, and of course recorded record deficits playing the "nobody could have foreseen" card even though he was auguring from the pocket of the business that caused disaster.

Now i feel hate... but i was thinking about politics and society and i was thinking we need to move to a 20 year plan. It was the US model and a quote by Republican folk who vowed to opposed everything Democratic President Obama worked for in an effort to gain back power in 2012... and i thought that is just totally fucked. If you can now openly say to a news channel that that is your plan and it is par for the course then we really are all fucked.

Same game in Canada, your energy making the other party a villain because the goal is to retain power and push your agenda.

I think we need to decide what is important, have a plan and then implement it. All efforts need to be focused on anti corruption, and education to get the ball rolling. I was thinking we need to elect a number of intellegent individuals with various skills to put together a plan to make our country what it needs to be for the future. The question becomes how do you nominate the intelligent, observant, caring members of society and prune away the members of society that sit there in a suit on behalf of business and preach honesty. I would think a group of professors from various fields nominated by non business individuals would be our best shot although it's a hard one. We would need society working together as one, and that is against out nature... we seem to be a divisive society that works on hate and revenge... never together for the common good. But with the 20 year plan we make the plan and then implement it... and if done right the 20 year old's have been educated as non consumers, throw away packaging has been made illegal and society might roll as it needs to. But then there will always be a pack of jackells there to hyjack the process.

20 year plan- how do you make it work?

You need the right people to run it, and how do you get that to happen?

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