Sunday, January 17, 2010

So there i was out and about meeting and greeting the people of the world, sharing stories and good cheer... perhaps even for a moment coming off like some easy going fun loving average Hammerhead. The wife of the man trusting in me to be a rational and sane person to bounce their "difference of opinion" off of me. Apparently the wife thinks it prudent to throw out the man's Kennwood cassette deck and life collection of tapes because of course they are so like "yesterday". For a moment i was thinking of agreeing with her and offering to come and remove the deck that could serve as an emergency backup to my backup tape deck... but then i came to my senses and openly questioned the said woman's sanity in a colourful manor which really didn't go over to well... it probably didn't help that the Husband's eyes literally bulged out of his head in agreement with my sentiment.

women are insane... take it from me, i live with 4 of the weasels.

case in point: take the old Man and Woman sharing a toilet scenario... all you ever hear is this bullshit about the man leaving the seat up... what, like the woman is so dumb she would actually sit down on a toilet seat with out looking and if for some reason she plunges into the toilet it is somehow the man's fault? Totally insane of course, but you know the real thing here... when women piss in a toilet they get piss on the underside of the toilet seat which the man then has to touch when lifting the seat so that he doesn't end up getting piss on the toilet seat. But the men never say anything they just clean it an carry on to the next task... natural team players.

How many men out there have gone to take a piss and got a finger full of piss concentrate, cleaned up and went downstaris to have to then defend their right for their stuff to not be under the constant threat of becoming deemed obsolete.

I guess that's why they make those "horse shoe" toilet seats

The other real problem here is that we have lost our focus in the modern era... it's all about newer better buy more and not about really enjoying what you have, which of course you can't do because you are so busy "competing" to just exist that there is no time (or the time get's lost on wasteful procedures) to enjoy the things you love.

I was talking to another couple an older retired couple and they mentioned that their life quality has increased ten fold since they retired. As he said "people ask me don't you get bored not having to go to work and have a purpose"... this guy and his wife have a few good purposes... great people.

When you look at the raw facts it looks unlikely that i will one day be able to retire and have my own personal space where i can set up all of my stuff and enjoy it as it was meant to be enjoyed... but at the same time you have to "dare to dream".

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