Sunday, January 17, 2010

black and white

There was some discussion over the nature of blogs going heavy on the black and white text layout... very much like this old shit hole blog, so i was almost thinking of changing it but then when you open that can of worms you get windows that alert you to the fact that you need to re-format, because i guess the Internet has moved ahead and it wants to take you with it, but deep down you know that moving ahead equals more surveillance, tracking and consumer profiling... which is about as inspiring as the wait room in a vasectomy clinic.

you would think a guy like myself would be all over the vasectomy idea... being the confidence level i have in the idea that i do not want to have any more children... many other fathers in the neighbourhood have gone that route but i don't see me in that boat. I'm not a fan of the word "snip"... lets face it, it's a shitty word... four letters that have a zero positive factor. And of course the great lesson in life is to never give up all your cards in the game... not that there is really a game in the sense of a selfish person versus person angle, but rather you never really know what the future holds, and the minute you think you do you are wrong.

For example in the years ahead when fresh water becomes more and more scarce and Canada has to be invaded by foreign nations under security certificate ratification to make sure that the "earths" water for the "people" is in stable hands and not under the control of 13 term Prime Minister Harper, know for his aggressive attacks against the apathetic citizens of Canada. Being a port city, Vancouver could be one of the first places bombed and destroyed and then occupied... we might have to flee to the woods and live among the trees as rebel fighters... in a situation like this I could be called on as one of the natural leaders to donate sperm to help re-populate the rebel forces... clearly under these circumstances i would strongly regret any snipping that were to occur in my groin region.

Of course there are many other equally believable scenarios that all end in regret when the word vasectomy is used.

come to think of it... what a bad blog topic... I blame Mule... to take a page out of the Jefferson's

Damn Mule

what has mule got to do with it?

mule posted something on a network site, which got me thinking, which caused a distraction which then forced a simile and now we are visualizing testicular operations... damn Mule!

And he thought he had an eye problem!

I don't know what else to say... it could possibly be that this here blogaroo is "un-recoverable"... there is no saving it... the ships hull had been destroyed and the tiger sharks are just slowly cruising around knowing that the end is a foregone conclusion. Speaking of that last sentence... actually it's not even a proper sentence but the word "cruising" i had a hard time spelling... i was trying to throw "e" in there and then a "w". On thing i have been trying to challenge myself on is to try to spell the word right without going to the spell check that will give you the right answer... unless of course you try to spell colour or neighbourhood.

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