Did Mule Hughes score?
Notice how his eyes depict a fake... or did the ball deflect off of SR's pads?

Peter Lolley, ace photographer, took these on the weekend... i am steaming asparagus right now... i remember my father's asparagus patch and how it met demise due to my sporting events as a child... and then i was reminded. i grew up in a yard where you could hit a home run into the garden and be rounding 3rd base by the time you heard "Heey Maaaark... watch my garden... why don't you go play in the park, or better yet ther back stoop needs to be painted how would you like to do that!".
an here i am in Vancouver 2007 most people can't afford a 200 square foot box.. perhaps another example on how the decline of childhood should guartantee a stranger society.
road hockey ever other weekend in east Vancouver... don't miss.
Amazing how good camera equiptment is... like i mean those balls were being rifled... i guess however that what you are seeing is a rebound from a scintilating save, so, it makes sence.
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