So I get a new computer ( I have been running on this one for 6 years and i need to get the supper show on podcast and make the Canada Lynx Records DVD featuring all 5 episodes of the Carl Fatman show as well as the Music Videos).
The computer is great. It sets itself up and actually will suck wireless internet from the local "Artists" so that it is an immediately functional ball stomper.
I figure i should use my own internet so i plug in and run into ye old telus online Quick regestration center and find out that there are not enough slots to easy regestrer my computer and then my session gets timed out repeatedly after 5 seconds. So I can't even use MY FUCKING INTERNET ACCOUNT. Fortunately my pro computer automatically searches for free wireless and I am left to see telus as a sloth that needs to be shot out of that tree and fed to a savage pack of pirranah.
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