Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dashboard Blogger

 Dashboard Blogger-  I like that term... Dashboard, historical a board of wood or leather in front of a carriage, to keep out mud.

 If one was a mind wandering fool one might come up with a scenario where dashboard blogger is some code word, for a spy plan, or something like that... actually i am loosing my inspiration for this line of thought real quickly.  Why go on then?  It comes down to the base exercise my man... if you are on the computer there is a very good chance you are accomplishing nothing of any real importance... you might even think that you are "working'.  That what adults tell kids right... i have to do some work on the computer... but young dashboard blogger knows differently... perhaps it is a team of two, Randy Dash and Carl Board Blogger.  Randy Dash known to some as "Dandy Randy Dash" for his stealth puck moving skills in the offensive zone.  But how did Carl Board Blogger get such an unfortunate name?   Well his last name was actually Blouger, but his drunk half wit uncle sent the forms into the countries birth registration center, the only problem being that he was over at Stan's Bar and Grill all afternoon watching a football game and his "u" was pretty sloppy, with the top kind of closed off and the line extending down below and curving .   And of course the city clerk was overworked and typed in the name as Blogger, thought nothing of it.  Of course once you are in the records, on the books these things tend to stick.  But how do you get a middle name that is "Board"... well "Moonbeam" was taken, so lets not worry about it.

  Things don't always have to make sense on the internet, and that won't stop some moron from posting it on social media and then arguing with other hammerheads over it's validity.   Perhaps dashboard blogger is just a screen name for some knucklehead bot, or web robot as Wikipedia might describe it.  Ah the problem with comments... i suggest a new law.  Every computer device should be hooked up to an electronic shock devise that by law should be attached to the users sensitive genital parts, and then every time the user makes a stupid comment Blammo... they get a shock.  I guess the real problem with that is that 5 seconds after the law is enacted the world would suffer a massive power outage to the likes that have never been seen before.   Remember stupid is the new smart, this happened years ago and is marked in popular culture in a great number of ways.  The glorification of the idiot in some ways could have been a Punk-esque  form of rebellion against the idea of forced proper-ness and the utter failure of smart talking suits tanking mankind in an utter shameless fashion.

  It's hard to say, every one is a lair and the rest are consumers... except for dashboard blogger, the only hope left for Mankind.  Able to leave smart and relevant comments that reek of compassion and understanding and can magically inspire all commenters to see the greater good and come together to form a more balanced and caring society.  Dashboard Blogger weaving threads into strong ropes to rescue the lost and confused souls on the wonderful Internet.  

  In his spare time he is a potato farmer who makes a mean potato chip in the oven but threw his shoulder out waving a damn towel at the hypersensitive smoke alarm one night.    After a couple of T3's he had an idea... a raw potato restaurant!  It was a smash it... Selling plates of pickled salted potato slivers and a tall glass of alkaline water, dashboard blogger was killing it.  Powered mostly with his ability to write scientific sounding articles on the health virtues of raw potatoes and alkaline water, coupled with his ability to influence comment threads with his super power the franchise takes off.

Apparently you can eat raw potatoes, but one of the things is that the uncooked starch in the potato is not as easily digested in your digestive tract.  What happens next is that that starch gets fermented in your large intestine... this can be uncomfortable however there is a positive side in that the fermentation of resistant starches increases the production of butyrate, a fatty acid that is associated with favorable effects on diseases in the colon.

The things you come across when you try to keep some totally bizarre line of thought accurate.  Perhaps there is a song in there.

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