Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Fluoride in the drinking water...

So i went to the dentist today for a little of the old poke and stab at my gums.  My first trip to a non Canadian dentist...  "Oh you didn't grow up here i see"... "you must have come from a place where they put Fluoride in the water" my dentist tells me looking at my teeth for a second.  Yes this is correct.

You see the city of Portland Oregon is about to vote over a measure to put Fluoride in the drinking water.  This is clearly a divisive concept, with many calling to keep the clean water clean, and others rallying for the dental health of the poor and disadvantaged.

Funny thing i saw the other day... people with vote no to Fluoridation chemicals signs asking people to honk their car horns in support of clean water.  People driving a polluting vehicle solo in a car honking a horn because they care so much about the environment.  I always like a good irony alert.

Now as a scientist i look for the right answer... is it a good idea?  We do know that there are chemicals in the drinking water already right... like chlorine right around the same spot on the periodic table... of course if there wasn't chlorine in the water we would have to install more toilets in the city because people would have the shits due to beaver fever.

You see sometimes a little toxin can be a benefit, but in this world of misinformation and false ideas of personal choice people can get a little squirrely.  I have tried to look at both sides of the issue, and since i can't vote, as i am not a citizen, i search the truth.   I think from everything i have  read and heard, from talking to dentists and nurses who have had to put young children under anaesthetic  to have their teeth pulled, to talking to anti-fluoride advocates and reading articles i would error on the side of putting fluoride in the drinking water, as a public health service.  It's hard to see a financial advantage to doing it... it doesn't cost much, but it will probably save money in health care.  If you were a skeptic, like i am, you might think that dentists would be against it so that they could get more business, but the dentist i talked to seemed rather keen on compassionate grounds.

Remember people are against vaccinations claiming that they don't work, which is utter nonsense if you were to actually look at the history of humanity and deadly diseases.  Go tell a diabetic that an insulin shot is a waste of time and a conspiracy.   Next time you get strep throat why don't you pass on the antibiotics and do a cleanse instead?

Don't get me wrong, i realize that the people of this world have been misled about the truth of things time and time again, so why would you believe what the authorities tell you?  I totally get that.  It poses a real problem when it comes time to do the right thing... what is the right thing?

The freedom trip in this country is a wonderful source of irony.   Everybody wants to be free to call their own shots, but you can't really.  If you have a medical condition you might not be able to ever quit your job and get another one and be covered for medical insurance.  How fucking free is that?  You are chained to your position in life or risk bankruptcy.  I guess as long as you are healthy you are free to move about without a safety net in a world that is spewing toxins left right and center for the good of the economy.  But if you want to put a little dental enhancement in the water... that is an outrage.

Our kids chew fluoride pills... i think it is safe to say that the scientific data is rather conclusive that fluoride is a positive with respect to dental health.  Sure there are other studies that state otherwise but there is also pages on creation science
1. The effort to provide scientific evidence supporting the account of the creation of the universe related in the Bible.
2. Creationism.
I say to the people who start wars using religious political capitol that put depleted uranium in their bombs to fester on our earth creating everlasting toxins... next time you call for a war have the physicists  from the creation science department design your warplanes,  missiles and killing machines... but you wouldn't do that cause you know then that it's bullshit. 

did we just get on a war rant off a fluoride blog?  I guess we did... ahh but then we got into the mis-information campaign. 

I'd rather not put more chemicals into the water system for sure, but i think a little fluoride might really help some people out... but do they drink water from the tap?  Remember others are against that and like nice safe water that is trucked around in a diesel vehicle and sits in a "safe" plastic container... because they care about the environment.

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