Monday, September 03, 2012

Ground control to major Robertson

I was playing Space odyssey by David Bowie on my banjo on the porch tonight, so i went with this title... probably best to title something after you have written it to get a better summary but that's not the way we roll around here.

One of my daughters suckered me into a talk about the solar system, which sort of started when i almost bumped over the Venus flytrap giving her ice water so she could sleep (totally bogus of course), so i opened the window to get moonlight to guide my way, and she asked about the dark side of the moon.  A critical moment, do we go into a lesson on Pink Floyd, perhaps break out the vinyl, or do we go into a lesson on the basic layout of the solar system.  A perfect example of one of those forks in the road of life... you can go either way, just commit to it.  In honour of my father i stuck to the solar system model which needed spotlights and rotating objects... Dad was a schoolteacher and missed rock and roll completely knowing only that band names carved into school desks in the 70's must be completely unacceptable.  Think like this... to carve into a school desk is just absolutely unacceptable, so if something inspires a carving into a school desk, then it too is completely unacceptable.

Ironic that Pink Floyd would go on later to release the Wall with the iconic song "another brick in the wall", which had the lyric "hey teacher, leave them kids alone"... the poor grammar in "them kids" and the idea of a telling a teacher to not bother the students was just too much for my father to digest.  We don't need no education... well it certainly sounds like you do, that's terrible" he would say.  It was a small victory for me at the dinner table... a cannon shot at the strict authoritarian discipline style that at times alienated me.  Truth be told i had never listened to Pink Floyd but the fact that my father was reciting lyrics, probably from a staffroom discussion, scored one for the home team.

I'm all for learning, cause learning is fun... i was a great ornithologist when i was in grade 5 cause i loved to do it, but i almost failed grade 5, due to some bizarre school intimidation factor i have had to live with my whole life.  I know my parents loved me and meant to do well, it's just that i was from a different stock, and i seemed to take the fear based intimidation motivation as a sign of pure doom, rather than a rally call to buckle down.

Don't fear learning, learning is what the mind wants to do, in my opinion you don't need fear just opportunity to let those questions percolate.   When i was a kid i couldn't sleep at night trying to answer the question "when did time begin"... it's a real mind fuck of a question... i would think well if time started then then what was before it?  If it is continuous  there really isn't an answer... but i never went to the comfort of a deity where this is this and that is that and just recite and don't question anything.

And when the sun swallows the earth after the humans have killed it for the love of money, time will still go on, and what's after that... it doesn't end.  Infinity, not just a brand of car, but the idea of something without a limit... good selling feature for a car by the way.  Because a car will take you where you need to go... good not to put a limit on that feature in the showroom.

Where the hell was I... hot damn, i went on a diversion that landed me in a car dealership... let me guess, some dude is running a leaf blower on the sidewalk outside the car dealership, just to complete the nightmare.

I'm now confused, what is the answer, and how did we get here? Damn questions and the lack of answers.  Maybe i should read the bible, and present my take of it, even though a few good women have warned me against the idea telling me it is a boring load of crap, and that my interpretation of it would just inspire more hate mail, and perhaps death threats.  You see i was going to start a new blog... me reading the bible and giving my take on what i got from it... who know maybe i might find reason, but I'm told i won't.  Can you read the bible and get reason, or do you need to have the reason pointed out to you?  That was my question that sparked the idea... Apparently my perceived interpretation should ruffle the feathers of the converted... surly there must be something, but i am told by others it will be a "no dice" situation.  Given how my beliefs are so stark in contrast to those who live by the Bible's verse, there might be something there, but at the same time perhaps i am the chosen one who can interpret this one properly to bring world peace... it is possible i am the chosen one, and just don't know it yet... like a fine lottery, me being the chosen one to bringing truth to mankind.  At this moment in time i am actually serious about this... what if i could read the bible, being somebody who had no previous inclinations to what it actually entails, could I actually bring an unbiased view of what the message is?

Time is the hunter, and it will show the truth... another song lyric from a song that has yet to be recorded... it might never make the cut, but i just used it anyway... who needs a song when you have a late night blog.

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