Wednesday, January 25, 2012

you guys read instructions?

You guys meaning anybody who happens to read this gibberish, for title clarification purposes of course. Me I just can't seem to read instructions, or take them for that matter... life is just a vast pool of mistakes and forks that didn't need to happen. Don't get me wrong, in the grand scheme of things my ship is sailing fine and in what appears to be the right direction... but if someone were to say... "sailor Robertson loosen the jib on your boat" ( I guess we are doing a sailing analogy here). I might find the jib see it all taught and start tugging on it angrily wondering why this rats nest of rope won't work with me... in reality it would be a cow hitch / lark's head / whatever you want to call it knot, but i wouldn't know that and in a split second snap decision i might just cut the damn rope thinking for a second that i smartly solved the problem. The euphoria would never even peak before being taken over by that familiar mind boggling "what the fucking-hell is wrong with me" Robertson regret.

Luckily i can roll with punches better than most and i might be like... "OK boys, we are not going to have too much control for a little while, and if the good news is if a sudden storm comes upon us we don't have to worry about having a taught jib.

In my world it's odd how a Blackberry wine making error turns into a sailing lesson... I mean there is totally a process one can read about, be prepared, and then do it... Or you can just start winging it knowing that the simple chemistry of all that sugar and the yeast is sure to make a potent batch of giggle juice no matter how hard one needs to wince to gulp it down your gullet.

Ohh it ain't that bad just a little heavy on the peptic enzyme, and the acid balance agent. The enzyme I'm not too worried about, when the job is done the job is done... that's the thing about enzymes. If union workers were enzymes there would be no problems... they would just do their jobs while the company reaped the profits. I kind of see me as the company, and I'm OK with those enzymes slaving away for free helping make my product. It is the overdose of the acid balance agent, that from a pure chemistry perspective has to be bad... Lets put it this way boys "i feel confident we won't have an acidic blackberry wine"... the real question is "what will a basic wine taste like and what will it do to ones stomach".

Tums are basic, so is Pepito bismal... hot damn i might be on to something... S Robertson's Hammer-time alkaline wine. Have today's stresses got you down? Are you feeling stressed about the state of the world economy? Rising oil prices? Shopping uncertainty? Are these stresses culminated in abdominal discomfort?

Maybe you should try S Robertson's Hammer-time alkaline wine. A natural organic and good old fashioned King hell time. Not only will gulping back a few litres (i mean gallons) of Robertson's clinically proven juice, take the edge off a hard day but Robertson's (TM) chemically balanced wine actually works to reverse the negative PH balance associated with high stress ulcer patients.

Ahh look here we have an email from the account of Dr. C Tognoon... and authorized email account i might add. "S Robertson's alkaline Hammer-time wine is clearly the best medicine available"

there you have it folks

Another fine Canada Lynx Product.

I should probably just stop now.

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