Thursday, November 24, 2011

the good old News...

They shouldn't even call it News anymore, should call it Irony's.

Apparently Arctic ice levels are at the lowest in 1,450 years, and permafrost melting in the North is affecting building stability and is expected to COST a lot of money. In another Bizarre article there was a poll asking how much money you would be willing to pay to save a polar bear with the title "Is saving each polar bear worth 400K". Like considering we got ourselves into this mess by always going for the fast buck, to hell with the consequences, and we are actually lead by a democratically elected person who spent a good part of his life arguing on behalf of industry that global warming was indeed a kooky left wing conspiracy that had no truth at all, and that the same said person is busy replacing scientists with human resource folk who know how to push the buttons the people who are paying them want them to push, it just seems a little ironic to me.

I think we are due for a press release from our very own Alfred E Newman imitation specialist Finance Minister... Might he say "everything is looking green in my yard, so for the hungry people out there... let them eat cake". There was a story about Canadian wages plummeting... that's what happens when you replace higher paying jobs with lower paying jobs so companies can post more profits... where does that money go again? I'm not an economist, but it seems like if you put money in your people... i mean consumers... then they will feel the lure to spend that money... but i guess if you can just yank it away without doing the loop you can stash it somewhere. In the News people are fighting B.C Hydro's smart meter program because they are worried about health issues and privacy... as they post there statuses on facebook with wireless devices. I'm not saying it's not bad for you, but nobody is mentioning the company will save money because they won't have to pay people to read meters... more employed consumers sent to the curb for more corporate profits... the picture is all wrong.

There is a manners debate going on in the House of Commons, apparently they promised to be civil a while back but as usual promise broken. I don't know how anybody growing up could ever look at politics and have any hope that politicians who raised millions to get elected would every be able to do anything other than pony to their cause and their cause only and to hell with what the research says.

Hey Canada is having "Black Friday" a time where retailers lower their prices and insane frenzied consumers trample each other to get there first. But i liked our custom of having Christmas dinner and then going down to a store to wait by the front door all night on a cold rainy night to get first crack at the 50 dollar Sanyo dvd player.

Check this one Unbelievable! These are signs you might have a debt problem? What is the 13th... large bearded man from loan shark agency comes to your house and breaks your legs? Are there people reading that thinking... OMG! that's me I do all that! LOL do i have a problem :-( ?

When i was a kid i was led to believe adults should know the way. Now i think everybody should smoke pot and kids should sit as court judges cause they have a real true sense of right and wrong, not hindered by relationships and handshakes.

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