Saturday, October 01, 2011

Injection site

What i don't understand is how anybody could be against IN SITE... let me try here, for real... you are against drug use so therefore you shut your brain off, draw a line in the sand and oppose against all logic, something that is good for all members of society, proven beyond a rock solid proof.

Do we just assume, probably correctly, that the mass populous is just a collection of grunting ignoramuses keen to jump on a talking point that they clearly don't understand... perhaps there is something else... what do they want? Clearly Kingpin dude will want to change the supreme court folks who ruled with reason over political insanity.

By no means am I pro intravenous drug use... until of course I'm in my late years and i start shitting my pants and i decide to go out on a cloud rather than suffer further... but that's another story in itself... don't worry I'll save your precious health care dollars plenty.. there will be more for you. My point being, i think it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that a junkie will do what a junkie needs to do regardless of what any well meaning law was apparently meant to do. Now do you want those junkie's with unmonitored diseases breaking into places leaving needles behind in the shadows of society, or do you want a hand there to check in and see what's going on? In our security crazed society, i see only one logical answer... but perhaps it's not security we are after.

The same fools defend the Tar sands claiming environmental impacts are overstated... OK I say spend your money cleaning up one of those trailing ponds and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can return a freshwater lake system back to a freshwater lake system, and we can talk, but that ain't going to happen... that's why you have cannons firing blanks 24/7 to scare wildlife away from the pond because you know it is lethal to land there. And if you have a half a brain in your head you will realize that when Water becomes more precious than Oil we will be wearing the goat horns and the money will be all gone, and then we will just move forward forever with this new reality of what we once had and now longer have because, well hey short term economic gains trump sanity.

It's bullshit, it's time this world was run by scientists rather than lunatics and money mongers.

Oddly enough i have been feeling a little lost lately i was actually thinking of turning to religion to help become grounded... the routing and practice and social aspect of religion.. which religion... i think i would have to go Rastafarian or Buddhism. No way i could do Christianity... too popular= too many fucking idiots... among other poignant problems.

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