Monday, October 26, 2009


we went to a "keep chickens in your backyard" seminar type thing at a library tonight.. it was a potluck, so i made some pasta and we went. we were kind of hoping the library would be open, but of course it is Monday... we don't have the funding to open library's on Monday... but we have the money to buy tv ad space to promote Canada's economic recovery plan.

There was a table full of "serious" chicken policy discussers and the 5 of us... no place for a 5 year old and two 2 year old's, and the library is closed. We are in a meeting room by the library, for the record. They are doing the thing where everybody around the table gives their life history and what they hope to get out of their Chicken seminar... then CT takers the stage... she talks i do some minor organizing and then the group turns to me, and CT tells them that i like the idea but don't want to do the work, but she wants to do the work. Jesus Christ now I'm fresh to a room getting my bearings and the crowd of discussion loving earth and animal lovers are looking at me like some lazy fartass. Mind you i did tell CT and the neighbour that i wasn't really into doing a lot of work on the Chicken raising front... for very good reason of course. the obvious logical thing would be caring for animals is a big job and a serious commitment which an honest rational person would understand and commit to or not.

when i told the ladies... my wife and the neighbour that "I like the idea but am not really committed to the work" it was kind of a nice way of saying "what are you crazy, you think I'm getting involved in a labour intensive project with you two loons"

I think last year i was asked about 4 times to see if me and a few people could move a large tree, as if it was something that could be done in a few minutes... in the end i did some tree pruning which assured me Villain status for a long fucking time to the point where ultimatums of me not touching trees on our property have been suggested, which of course has been a bad thing for the Pine tree that took a hit in the snowstorm last year and disparately needs a prune before it splits and tears a long line of bark off the main stem. The point is it's not done and apparently I'm not allowed to do it so the point is if we can't take care of a tree together how the fuck can we take care of chickens. As you get older you have got to know what you can and can't do... I'll take care of the kids, do the compost, run the vegetable garden, make the dinner , clean the kitchen, do minor maintenance, play hockey, stretch, try to keep pace on the album per year release through the last decade, change 2 sets of diapers... but i ain't scooping chicken shit from a pen in my neighbours yard... sorry.

Don't get me wrong they are great ladies and i love them but sometimes you have to call your shots.

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