Sunday, February 22, 2009

a good omen

I think a bone in my wrist is broken or cracked or sprained... perhaps i will get a chance to get to the hospital in the next few days.... Why is this a good omen you might say? have no fear old sports and omen is an omen and nothing smells like a good one. You see i have been in this major creative spell the last little bit hammering out some songs with Genny Trigo as star vocalist... and when i look back on my creative history most of the great moments have me with a broken hand, or thumb or something. let's face it only a sissy would stop playing with a little broken hand.

the Van Gophers... broken thumb
Jackass has haybreath... hand in cast
Roadbed 4 track session that spawned "with a broken Hand"
now this fortuitous snap

babies are up now... so i gotta go. also being a chicken pecker on the typewriter is another "Robertson built in safety measure"... i spent their nap fixing songs and perhaps that was done on the power of a damaged hand.

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