And the times they are a changin'
Is that the wright punctuation for Changing... what is right or does it matter what you are actually saying. Do you speak with enough authority to dodge the laws of the language.
How many people i know who are on myspace right now and the reason i know they are there and it was all just an accident... perhaps i should check the Canada Lynx records email... perhaps some business offer awaits my prompt attention... wo got a few pages of "Friends requests" and "Somebody has made a comment about you" emails. WAIT HOLD ON !!!
2 things
The exclamation mark will make the number 1 if the caps lock is on
And 2, Back in my day a comment about somebody was used as a vehicle for comedy and they weren't meant to hear it... perhaps that is why i have been mistaken as an immature jackass for the better part of my life.
where was i
Oh yea... i was going to do apiece about that NY Times article the Mule pointed out on Difficult music it was going to be a comedy piece on how the successful blogger/ musician interacts with his readers, and the old S Robertson special about to go into a tirade on how he happened to go on myspace and thought he would look at his profile and notice that everybody he knows is on myspace right now at 10:30 on a fine Monday night. INSANITY Put down you computer keyboards and go and learn a trade you fucking scene sucking ninnies.
Sure i am hamming it up a bit and i might not sucker punch all of those who are on the list as surly they could see that i two was online. Perhaps a planet of the apes like "where we all end up online"... never-mind i haven't even seen the movie
I almost want to post a picture of my house with the fence and then go into fence building wisdom, but perhaps i am too paranoid that a thief will end up monitoring my Myspace activity ant then breaking in to my house, getting by the alarm, and our guard dog "Fangs" to rob me after studying my behavior.
I still have to make Younger a poster