I was biking home from the Mount Pleasant Pool earlier tonight when I heard a man ask another man when the best time to Chainsaw would be. CT noted the conversation as well, and being a woman who likes her relaxing peace and quiet we had a laugh
Reminds me of the summer of 1990 when I was working for a Landscaping company called Norm Breen Landscaping. I had collected some excess interlock bricks and screenings from a job and put a small interlock walkway from the front stairs to the driveway at my parents house. I lived at my parents house (and worked in Toronto) and my parents stayed at their cottage for the summer.
Then one Friday we had rented a Tamper at work. A Tamper is an incredibly loud gas powered earth pounding machine.
In those days I took the 1 ton truck home because it was getting vandalized in the industrial park outside the shop so it was up to me to get the tamper back to the rental shop on Saturday morning. Well to make a long story short we got into the beers after work on Friday so I figured "may as well tamp before I go to bed".
So there I am tamping up a storm noticing how the tamper makes nice soft turns on the brick feeling the powerful vibrations in my arms when I heard a sharp noise behind me.
It was Mr. Harris the neighborhood watchdog in his pajamas sleeping cap. He was mad and he had the look one could describe as dumbfounded. As I shut the tamper off to hear what he had to say I immediately noticed an eerie silence. It was that silence that happens late at night and when it is broken with a gas powered tamper... Let's just say that it could be troubling.
I tried to explain that I had to do it tonight but then I even lost my position that I had any business running a tamper in our "family" neighborhood at this hour so I asked him where you get those sleeping caps. He asked me to stop and told me that the sleeping cap was a family heirloom and then disappeared.
Back in those days I could actually lift one of those tampers onto the truck by myself... But that's always a fool move unless a hernia is what you desire.
Later I told my mom about what happened. She got a little smile on her face "Oh yea I bet you Harris would be out in a second". She then stopped look off in a daze and you could see her visualizing our neighbor zooming over to put a stop to me. My father on the other hand did not take it too well... He is of the position that he is always in the right to tell people to keep the noise down so having large noises coming from his house at ungodly hours destroys his position.
I figured I had to tell them cause I damn well knew that Harris would let then know as soon as he saw them.
No don't get me wrong I actually didn't mind Harris... It's good to have an overzealous neighbor always investigating everything unusual.
I actually mean that.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
More anger
Bad allergies...
cotton pickin' congestion = very little sleep.
Allergic to?
could it be car exhaust that seems to be everywhere in this once pretty clean air city?
Or is it a psychosomatic response to computer problems and telecommunications fiascos?
Pollen and dust from all of those pretty front yards I walk through delivering mail and all those new construction sites is the most likely candidate.
I feel like is should start a new life somewhere else. Vancouver is beginning to spook me... All these Olympic cost overruns I can just feel it.
I remember going to vote for the "do we want the Olympics" referendum... And I think it was Sweden who's citizens voted against having it and I was feeling that this was our turn to stick it to the fatbacks... I remember voting at city hall and thinking we are going to gong this guaranteed disaster.
It was another classic case of "me" thinking "we" as a citizen of the planet earth and being served a cold dish of reality. I believe 67% voted in favor of having the Olympics which really isn't that big when you think about it. When I got 67% on my Chemistry exam in university I wasn't exactly elated.
I just can't believe that in 2003 (was that when it was.. Once again I am a bit foggy on detail) a human being could be fooled into thinking having the Olympics is a good thing. It is coming out now that security, which the Olympic committee bugeted 115 million for "security" might be a low figure considering Athens spent over a Billion on "security". In that news article it stated "it brings speculation on the credibility of Olympic estimates".
Which was my point when I went to vote... I don't trust those greedy swine bastards for a moment when they say the Olympics will be good for our "world class city". Sure real estate agents and developers and construction workers are writing their own ticket right now but what happens after the 2 week party when all the construction workers are out of work and the unemployment rate takes off around the same time the bills come due.
For about a week I was considering running for mayor on the platform to foil the Olympic bid. I was thinking that if I could get in on some debates I could at least make some points. I would have been shut out and in the end I got a job working the election which paid me about $150 and forbid me from running. You got to get what you can while you can.
cotton pickin' congestion = very little sleep.
Allergic to?
could it be car exhaust that seems to be everywhere in this once pretty clean air city?
Or is it a psychosomatic response to computer problems and telecommunications fiascos?
Pollen and dust from all of those pretty front yards I walk through delivering mail and all those new construction sites is the most likely candidate.
I feel like is should start a new life somewhere else. Vancouver is beginning to spook me... All these Olympic cost overruns I can just feel it.
I remember going to vote for the "do we want the Olympics" referendum... And I think it was Sweden who's citizens voted against having it and I was feeling that this was our turn to stick it to the fatbacks... I remember voting at city hall and thinking we are going to gong this guaranteed disaster.
It was another classic case of "me" thinking "we" as a citizen of the planet earth and being served a cold dish of reality. I believe 67% voted in favor of having the Olympics which really isn't that big when you think about it. When I got 67% on my Chemistry exam in university I wasn't exactly elated.
I just can't believe that in 2003 (was that when it was.. Once again I am a bit foggy on detail) a human being could be fooled into thinking having the Olympics is a good thing. It is coming out now that security, which the Olympic committee bugeted 115 million for "security" might be a low figure considering Athens spent over a Billion on "security". In that news article it stated "it brings speculation on the credibility of Olympic estimates".
Which was my point when I went to vote... I don't trust those greedy swine bastards for a moment when they say the Olympics will be good for our "world class city". Sure real estate agents and developers and construction workers are writing their own ticket right now but what happens after the 2 week party when all the construction workers are out of work and the unemployment rate takes off around the same time the bills come due.
For about a week I was considering running for mayor on the platform to foil the Olympic bid. I was thinking that if I could get in on some debates I could at least make some points. I would have been shut out and in the end I got a job working the election which paid me about $150 and forbid me from running. You got to get what you can while you can.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
This is what a big piece of shit Telus is

So I get a new computer ( I have been running on this one for 6 years and i need to get the supper show on podcast and make the Canada Lynx Records DVD featuring all 5 episodes of the Carl Fatman show as well as the Music Videos).
The computer is great. It sets itself up and actually will suck wireless internet from the local "Artists" so that it is an immediately functional ball stomper.
I figure i should use my own internet so i plug in and run into ye old telus online Quick regestration center and find out that there are not enough slots to easy regestrer my computer and then my session gets timed out repeatedly after 5 seconds. So I can't even use MY FUCKING INTERNET ACCOUNT. Fortunately my pro computer automatically searches for free wireless and I am left to see telus as a sloth that needs to be shot out of that tree and fed to a savage pack of pirranah.
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