Social Media is becoming a weird dog... do people actually think they are accomplishing anything? Mind you a few are... i can think of one offhand. Now that is an incredibly negative thought that i just had... one that is surly to gall others should i decide to share it, and of course that said i didn't count myself as the one who is accomplishing anything. To be honest, i am very pleased with my insignificance... it's good stuff. Why comment then? Why fucking not, if it's just for kicks, complaints, and something else that might start with a "k" sound, if i wasn't too lazy to finish the sentence with some alliteration. Why get it right?
You start getting boxed in after a while... i believe that to be the general mathematics of the relationship of the being and the medium as they evolve over time in a synergistic relationship.
That was a pretty good sentence until the word "synergistic" popped up... that is a punch in the head for the author. OK i gave myself a stinger over the right eye... it's all good now.
Now don't get me wrong... the relationship between a person and social media is indeed a synergistic relationship. When a person posts something on social media, social media responds, and that response will factor in the decision making process in the next thing that person posts, and social media will respond in a different way. And that person's unique world... i use the term "unique" verry verry fucking loosely, so fucking loosely in fact that i added an extra "r" too both very's. Are you allowed to apostrophe s the word very if you refer to it as a noun? So confusing... but don't worry proper language use has gone the way of the Dodo. I'll tell you one thing you don't want to do... kill slugs at night with a headlamp outside a beehive. The headlamp will stimulate the bees, an organism that is not keen on being stimulated late at night when it's "hunker down in the hive" time. Now there is a saying in hockey "sometimes you have to take a hit to make a play".
Speaking of strange events involving bee's... I was at the beekeeping supply store the other day and the person at the cash could barely write because of a hand was all swollen to the size of a guinea pig... got stung by a bee. Actually when pressed about it one sting happened about 3 days ago and the other was just yesterday. Now me, I'm thinking that perhaps a career around bee's is not in the cards for this person... from the talk, it doesn't seem to have crossed the mind. With allergies, sometimes the reaction can get worse and worse over time, so you might not want to push getting stung. I wear gloves when i go into my hive... apparently this person doesn't because they consider themself an experienced beekeeper... so i hear. I was wondering if a prayer might help, but no for the record the person does not believe in prayer... there seemed to belief in Karma, fate and Omens, although for sure there was a bit of a problem with common sense and logic.