Goat has always been a favourite word of mine, used in so many phrases like... "could you pass me another curie goat roti", or "What the fuck is GOAT doing out there on the ice in the dying minutes of a tie game".
Later when Goat was very unhappy about his name, even though he weighed 110 lbs and couldn't skate and had a very suspect understanding of the game of hockey despite the fact that he fancied himself a huge fan of the game... you get the picture, he was the goat. Anyway it was late one night an he was lobbying to have his nickname changed, which is a very dangerous game when you are dealing with a smart team of 2 vicious assholes. his point was that he was a finicky eater so he should be called the CAT... because after all Cats are known to be finicky eaters.
i remember it like this:
Goat- "so i should be called CAT"
RDB- "cat... kit kat"
SR- "Rowntree"
RDB- "Lowney"
Everybody loved the Lowney Goat handle and it stuck like none other.
It was a CBC story that gave me the inspiration for the words to the song
Disappear... can't find the story now but the idea was that when the alpha predator (the wolf) is gone from a region you see an explosion in the deer population and then all the deer eat all of the sapling trees so trees essentially stop growing and then there are no trees which then puts stress on the songbird population.
The latest story i am kind of loving is this here one about
GOATS. you can tell by the comments that it is a bit too much for some of the more "cultured" individuals of our fine society. I really think that these are the kinds of solutions we need... the only real problem is the goat shit but seeing as my neighbour's dog makes a habit of shitting on my lawn it would be better to have something that would taste good putting on the pounds eating the weeds. Another problem might be the temptation to Cougars. the Cougars would be lured into town for some easy prey and any confrontation between a wild animal and a Man's property always ends up in the loss column for the wild animal.
But this idea of using nature... i believe it is called
Symbiosis to help us live better and free of noxious chemicals or gas powered noise machines is a good one. Like that crazy idea of using trees to absorb the sun's energy and hence cooling the earth, or that old fashioned concept of letting insects live so they can pollinate the plants that give us masters food.
Disappear from the original SUPERSIMIAN release.