Thursday, March 01, 2007

Who gives a shit

Well the Vancouver Canucks won tonight... I was going to treat myself to a beer and a bag of potato chips at the local bar while i took in the 3rd period, only the bartender put my change into the tip jar, negating my savory salty treat. probably didn't need the calories anyway, but it would be nice to make that call on your own, if you know what i mean.

I always liked that scene in the movie resivour dogs where they guy explains where he is against tipping. His point is that a person at McDonalds doesn't get a tip then why should some other person performing a similar task. Tipping is a weird dog... some people believe that it is a mandatory thing that should error on the side of generosity. Is it rude to not leave a tip when you are treated like an asshole, and made to wait, and have your order fucked up? Is it still your responsibility to help out somebody who is "underpaid"? I have been argued savagely on this point.

I am more from the school of "get a better job if you want more you fucking hammerhead". i mean i do my job and i try to do it well, and i entertain for free, and i try to do that well, so i don't particularly feel that i owe somebody $1.75 to open a beer for me.

I believe we have a soft society that has lost the concept of "value".

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